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Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama |
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is scheduled to deliver a critical speech this week (March 3) before a joint session of Congress. He'll use his speech to outline the threat that a nuclear Iran poses not only to his nation, but to the entire world.
It's no secret that the Obama Administration doesn't want Bibi to deliver that speech. The administration has been sharply critical of Netanyahu ever since he had the audacity to accept an invitation from House Speaker John Boehner to speak to Congress without first getting Obama's approval.
Of course, Obama would never have approved Bibi's appearance. He doesn't want the leader of the only democratic nation in the Middle East to tell the Congress and the world that the Iranian mullahs have absolutely no intention of honoring a recent agreement they made with the P5+1 nations (The U.S., China, France, the United Kingdom, Russia and Germany) concerning their nuclear program.
The agreement is a terrible one that requires the Islamic nation to limit its nuclear centrifuges (6,500) for a period of 10 years before it can go full throttle and produce as many as it wants. According to the agreement, the limitations placed upon Iran's nuclear program will supposedly prevent the nation from building nuclear weapons.
Netanyahu doesn't believe the Iranians have any intention of honoring the agreement. And neither does anyone else with a functioning brain. The Iranians practice something called "al Taqiyya" that's often used in the Islamic world to deceive non-Muslims. What's al Taqiyya? It's means the lie and Muslims believe that Allah encourages them to use it against their enemies to deceive and defeat them.
The Israeli PM is very familiar with al Taqiyya, and after he read the terms of the recent agreement, he said this: "The leader (Ayatollah Ali Khamenei) of this country that is depicted by some as moderate, the Islamic State of Iran, has said in the last 48 hours: 1) that he calls for the annihilation of Israel — his words, not mine; 2) he gives nine ways and reasons of how and why Israel should be annihilated — his words, not mine...He's publicly calling for the annihilation of Israel as he is negotiating a nuclear deal with the P5+1 countries, This terrorist regime in Iran must not be allowed to become a nuclear threshold power.
Netanyahu certainly isn't the only one who recognizes the extreme danger that a nuclear Iran poses to the world. Saudi Arabia also recognizes it and the Saudis, who've given up on Obama, are making plans to purchase nukes from Pakistan in anticipation of a nuclear Iran.
Does Obama truly understand what he's dealing with concerning Iran? He surely does. But he doesn't care. He's all about himself and expanding his phony legacy. He wants his legacy to portray him as a great man of peace who ended wars and brought the world together as one. Remember that he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 even though he did absolutely nothing to deserve it.
This may sound harsh, but so be it. Barack Obama is a clown who's undeserving of the dignity of the most powerful office in the world. He's the poster-boy for a narcissistic culture that gorges on self-accolades like a starving man consumes food. And his true legacy will define him as absolutely the worst president in the history of the republic. I can't even begin to imagine anyone worse than him.
The leader of the world's greatest superpower has a responsibility to protect Israel and all the nations on earth from murderous regimes rather than to imperil their safety for the sake of his own delusional fantasies.
In his own mind, Barack Obama thinks he's a great man. And he has an army of throne sniffers to feed his ravenous ego. But he's just another puffed up politician who's setting himself up for a big fall. As Jesus Christ once said: "For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." (Matthew 23:12)
God will protect Israel, even if Obama refuses to. And woe to those who imperil Israel's safety. As the Lord said to Abraham a long time ago concerning his offspring: "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." (Genesis 12:3)
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