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Another freedom gone |
Many folks believe that the FCC's recent decision to regulate the internet was just about creating another revenue stream for the U.S. government. Certainly, that's true. But money wasn't the government's only objective.
The U.S. government wants to regulate the internet the way it regulates public utility companies. And it wants to establish policies that will make it practically impossible for conservative websites and bloggers to expose its agendas.
Though the FCC vehemently denies this, that was the proverbial Trojan Horse in its 3-2 decision. How can we be sure that restricting free speech was one of the main goals in the FCC's decision? Because the decision was praised by Barack Obama who's become the ultimate enemy of conservatives in America. And if Obama praises something, then you know it's bad for those who embrace freedom and limited government.
Here's what he said: "Earlier today (Thursday, Feb. 26), the FCC voted to protect a free and open Internet -- the kind of Internet that allows entrepreneurs to thrive and debates over duck-sized horses and horse-sized ducks to persist. This would not have happened without the activism and engagement of millions of Americans like you. And that was a direct result of communities like reddit. (Reddit.com) So to all the redditors who participated in this movement, I have a simple message: Thank you."
Entrepreneurs certainly won't thrive under government regulations. They'll be stifled while small startup companies with marginal capital will be crushed. The internet will be controlled by giant monoliths such as Comcast, Time Warner and Cox. And these companies will be subordinate to the authority of the U.S. government.
The government will decide what folks can publish and what they can't. For example, a Christian website that attempts to publish scripture verses that are considered offensive to Muslims or gays will either be blocked from publishing the material; fined or even removed from the internet.
And certainly, anyone who attempts to expose government corruption will be thwarted and condemned. For now, the government, i.e. Obama administration, has had to rely on its media lackeys to protect it from scrutiny. But in the future, that won't be necessary if the government succeeds in regulating the internet.
It will probably take several years for that to happen. There will be the inevitable court battles that will challenge the legality of a government-regulated internet. Given the tortoise-like pace of the U.S. judicial system, these challenges could take years. But eventually, the government will win out because it always does. Unlike its challengers, it has the time and it has the money.
Though the internet has a lot of garbage, it also has a lot of serious investigative journalists who've been able to expose the type of political and financial corruption that the big white elephant newspapers and TV networks no longer cover because they've gotten too cozy with the White House and Wall Street.
Anyone who's been around long enough remembers how a small website at the time named the Drudge Report revealed the sordid sexual affair President Bill Clinton had with an intern named Monica Lewinsky during the 1990s. Though Clinton's philandering was legendary, no traditional media outlet wanted to write about it. Only Drudge did and the rest is history.
Lewinsky said this: "Thanks to the internet and a website that at the time was scarcely known outside of Washington D.C. but a website we all know today: the Drudge Report, within 24 hours I became a public figure, not just in the United States but around the entire globe. As far as major news stories were concerned this was the very first time that the traditional media was usurped by the internet."
Had the internet been under the control of the federal government in the 1990s, it's possible that the Lewinsky affair would have gone unreported and Bill Clinton would've avoided an embarrassing scandal that led to his impeachment. But that was then and this is now.
And the future promises to be even dimmer because a world government is coming that will possess the power to regulate and control everything from the internet to speech to freedom of movement to who lives and who doesn't on planet earth. The apostle John revealed this concerning the coming dreaded Antichrist and his world government: "And he was given power to make war against the saints (Christians) and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation." (Revelation 13:7)
Thus, the road to fascism--like hell--is usually paved with good intentions. A government controlled internet? That's a very bad idea.
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