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Terrorism? Or, Divine Judgment? |
"When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."--Luke 21:28
Much of the Book of Revelation, which is the Bible's final book, reads like Homer's Iliad and Odyssey; two literary works containing epic stories and poems that were based upon an ancient 10-year war fought between Greece and Troy that took place around 1260 B.C.
Though Homer's works were fictional accounts that were meant to convey the truths of an historical battle, the Revelation contains allegorical visions recorded by the apostle John that are meant to reveal future events that will take place on the earth just prior to the return of Jesus Christ.
John's vision was given to him by Christ in about 90 A.D. while John was in exile from Rome on Patmos , a desolate Greek island that was located in the Aegean Sea . It was there that the elderly apostle received an incredible vision of the last days on earth that included cataclysmic events such as natural disasters, nuclear destruction, violent wars, the advent of a global government, a world religion, an electronic financial system and the appearance of the Antichrist.
John's vision was so allegorical and apocalyptic that many biblical scholars throughout the history of Christianity claimed that the Revelation never should have been included in the Bible. And for over 1800 years, the Bible's final book made very little sense to much of the world.
But with the dawn of the 20th century came the age of technology and John's vision began to make a lot of sense. With technological inventions such as television, satellites, high-speed computers and iphones, people could communicate instantly with almost anyone, anywhere in the world. With the advent of jet airplanes, people could travel to almost any destination on earth in less than a day. And the new technology produced barcodes and computer chips that gave the world the ability to track packages, vehicles, animals and even human beings all over the earth.
And so, though John's infamous mark of the beast (Revelation 13:16 -17) made little sense to the world for over 18 centuries, it began to make perfect sense in the 20th century. And though John's allegorical vision of a world government that featured seven heads and 10 horns (Revelation 13:1) made little sense to the world for many centuries, it began to make perfect sense in the 20th century with the advent of the League of Nations and its successor the United Nations.
Though the United Nations is an oxymoron, it signifies that the world is eventually headed toward the dreaded global government that John witnessed in his vision. That vision was also seen by the ancient prophet Daniel (Daniel 7:23 -24) over 600 years before John recorded the Revelation.
However, unlike Daniel's vision, John saw a partner alongside the coming global government; a powerful world religion. That religion is the Roman Catholic Church that is the modern extension of the ancient Roman Empire . Return of Mystery Babylon Though the Catholic Church seems to be a dying institution throughout the world, she is going to experience a revival, largely ignited by Marian apparitions and other supernatural phenomena that are going to occur in the future. The Counterfeit Revival: Part II
In the immediate future, a world government is coming that is going to radically reshape the world's political landscape. Currently, there are 193 sovereign nations in the world that are eventually going to be organized into 10 nation groups based upon their geography. Each group will have a ruler who will answer to a supreme world ruler.
At some point after this global realignment occurs, this global ruler, who will be the Antichrist, is going to remove three rulers (Daniel 7:24 ) which will leave seven rulers to govern his 10 nation confederacy. The Bible never reveals why he is going to remove three rulers, so we can only speculate that those who will be removed may be deposed because of disloyalty.
And so, what are the seven seal judgments witnessed by John? And what do they reveal about the rise of a global government, a one-world religion and the appearance of the dreaded Antichrist? Each seal represents a specific judgment that God has decreed for the world prior to Christ's return.
According to John, the first four seal judgments involve horsemen that will ride across the earth to execute God's judgment. The first horse, according to John is a white horse. John explained: "Its rider held a bow, and was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest." (Revelation 6:2) What does this horse represent? A horse represents a powerful animal that can travel great distances with minimal nourishment. The first horse symbolizes a conquering nation that travels to confront and defeat other nations.
The color white represents good or righteousness. The first seal judgment describes a powerful nation that will confront and destroy a nation or group of nations that pose a significant threat to the safety of other nations. While John's allegorical white horse could describe any number of nations that have defeated evil kingdoms throughout history, this horse sounds like the United States that has confronted and overthrown rogue nations and their wicked leaders since the early 20th century.
In recent times, the U.S. deposed Saddam Hussein and his government from Iraq , and also removed the Taliban from power in Afghanistan . In the near future, the U.S. will be forced to confront and destroy the Iranian government along with its clandestine nuclear weapons program before the Iranians can launch missiles aimed at Israel and Europe . America' s coming invasion of Iran is inevitable and prophetic. Prophecy Review Today: America's Prophetic Future
But America is destined to fall as a superpower soon after the U.S. disposes of Iran' s Islamic government. Why will America collapse as a superpower? Because of God's judgment upon the U.S. for its abandonment of Israel and for its increasing wickedness. With the decline of America , many nations will no longer fear the U.S. or its military prowess, and they will cast off restraint and begin oppressing other nations they see as weak and vulnerable.
That brings us to the second seal judgment and John's allegorical red horse. Red symbolizes war, violence and bloodshed. John explained: "Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword." (Revelation 6:4) When America falls, wars and rumors of wars, which Jesus Christ prophesied would be one of the signs of the last days, (Matthew 24:6-7) will begin to increase. Russia , under its ruthless President Vladimir Putin, senses America' s weakness and is going to rise up as an industrial, economic, energy and military power in the wake of America' s demise.
The Russians are spending several billion dollars to upgrade their military arsenal and they plan to introduce a new fleet of nuclear submarines that will carry long range ICBM's loaded with nuclear warheads. Russian Black Gold Though Putin claims that the military upgrades are merely for "defensive" purposes, the Russians seem to have offense in mind with the type of destructive weaponry they're developing.
Also, while much of the western world is trying to find alternative energy sources to fossil fuels such as coal and crude oil, the Russians are expanding their oil industry by developing new oil fields throughout much of the eastern world and now in parts of the western world such as South and Central America . The Russians realize that when the pipe dream of clean green energy fails to deliver on its promise to rid the world of its dependency on fossil fuels, they will be in a position to control the world through their monopoly on coal and crude oil.
And some of that money that the west spends to purchase Chinese products is helping the communist nation finance new military hardware and long-range ICBM's. Like the Russians, the Chinese claim that the new ICBM's are being designed for defensive purposes only. But only a fool would choose to believe that. ICBM's are missiles that can carry multiple nuclear warheads to distant parts of the planet and cause massive destruction.
And so, John's allegorical red horse revealed in the second seal judgment is also being realized with North Korea' s latest belligerence towards South Korea , the U.S. and Pacific Rim nations.
The third seal judgment reveals a black horse that rides across the earth. The color black symbolizes darkness, evil and despair. John wrote: "Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, (four angels that surround God's heavenly throne) saying, 'A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine.'" (Revelation 6:5-6)
What does the third seal judgment reveal? It reveals a very serious global economic crisis highlighted by high unemployment, food shortages and an economic depression. We've already seen this occur in western Europe where many nations have high unemployment rates and massive economic debt. This scenario has also occurred throughout the African continent and is occurring in the United States .
But John's vision entails a global economic crisis rather than regional crises. John's vision of the third seal judgment tells us that terrible famines and pestilences are also coming that will cause a global food crisis and result in astounding inflation on food products. Food products will be scarce, extremely expensive and will probably be rationed.
But what does the last part of this seal judgment mean? (and do not damage the oil and the wine) Since oil and wine are integral items used in biblical ordinances such as healing and anointing, this indicates that God's true church is going to be protected and provided for during this global crisis.
The fourth seal judgment John witnessed was a pale horse that rode across the world. John wrote: "Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth." (Revelation 6:8)
What does this horse represent? Pale represents the color of death, as anyone who has ever seen a corpse knows. The fourth seal judgment warns us that a time is coming where a fourth of the human race is going to perish--perhaps two billion people--from disease, war and famine. It's a known fact that godless humanists who belong to the United Nations and its affiliated groups believe that the earth is overpopulated and the human race needs to be significantly reduced. Agenda for a Holocaust
As such, there's a common denominator between sex education being promoted in public schools along with abortion, euthanasia, radical feminism, environmentalism and the radical homosexual agenda. That common denominator is population reduction and control. Mass Murder and Population Control Though these programs have had some effect in the western world in stabilizing and lowering population numbers, they aren't working in the eastern world.
Therefore, "westernization" schemes such as pro-democracy movements in Islamic nations are designed to topple Islamic regimes and replace them with "democratic" regimes that will promote western programs (sex education, abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, environmentalism) designed to reduce population numbers. And "immigration reforms" such as massive amnesties promoted as compassion for third world immigrants are merely fronts designed to attract immigrants to western nations to "westernize" them and influence them to stop producing large families.
But when these "programs" fail and the earth's population continues to increase, a world government is going to arise and possess the authority to order mass killings under the guise of saving the planet and its environment. Though that frightening scenario is still in the future, it's coming. And keep in mind that global crises from economic depressions to weather disasters to the threat of nuclear destruction to Global-Warming-Climate Change hysteria encourage nations to trade their individual sovereignty for the security of an international government that will be looked upon to solve these problems.
But the fourth seal judgment also reveals that massive death will also come via deadly disease and plagues that medical technology will have no answer for. From the guardian.co.uk: "Antibiotic resistant bacteria with the potential to cause untreatable infections pose a catastrophic threat to the (global) population."
Britain's Chief Medical Officer, Dame Sally Davies, gave this blunt assessment of the potential threat of new drug-resistant viruses that threaten the world: "Antimicrobial resistance is a ticking time-bomb not only for the UK but also for the world. We need to work with everyone to ensure the apocalyptic scenario of widespread antimicrobial resistance does not become a reality. This threat is as important as climate change." Chief Medical Officer Dame Sally Davies: Resistance to antibiotics risks health 'catastrophe' to rank with terrorism and climate change - Science - News - The Independent
But, according to biblical prophecy, it's going to become a reality. Multitudes are going to perish from wars, new deadly plagues and malnutrition. It is going to be a terrible time on earth unlike any time since the dawn of history. Christ himself warned of this coming destruction: "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven." (Luke 21: 10-11)
What can true Christians expect during this terrible time on earth? They will be protected by God for a time, but their faith is also going to be severely tested. They will face harsh persecution from incarceration to loss of homes, income and property and many will be put to death.
Though millions of Christians believe that they will escape this coming persecution via the Rapture, that isn't what the Bible says. They will be around to be persecuted.
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