Michael Savage provides some fascinating insight in his blockbuster book, Government Zero. In the book, the conservative author and commentator reveals that two of the biggest enablers of Barack Obama's unfettered illegal immigration program are Charles and David Koch.
For those of you who aren't familiar with the Koch brothers, they're ultra-wealthy industrialists who promote themselves as strong conservatives with solid Christian values. They're noted for supporting Republican presidential candidates, and funding conservative causes.
They're also despised by leftists, which isn't surprising. Leftists hate wealthy capitalists, especially those who aren't their own. But if they read Savage's book, they might develop a more favorable opinion of Charles and David Koch.
According to Savage, Charles and David provided the big financial muscle for a powerful lobbyist group named ALEC (American Legislative Executive Council) that enabled GEO Corporation to score a lucrative contract from the U.S. government last year to build "shelters" for all those illegal immigrants pouring across the southern border from Central America.
Savage describes what those "shelters" are like: They are more like resorts. Soccer fields with artificial turf; lighting, flat-screen TVs and swimming pools. Those are some shelters.
And so, who says that Barack Obama is anti-business? Especially when the government business goes to companies backed by phony conservatives? If the Koch brothers were real conservatives who opposed Obama's "transformation of America," they wouldn't be supporting companies that are making huge coin off of that transformation.
But the Koch brothers aren't real conservatives. And they probably never were. Thus, it was hardly a surprise when Charles recently hinted that the United States might be better off with Hillary Clinton in the White House next January after Obama's tenure mercifully comes to an end. Would he and David support her? "It's possible. We would have to believe her actions would be quite different than her rhetoric. Let me put it that way."
Now you can get a better understanding on why the American and international media loathe Donald Trump. He's independently wealthy and he can't be bought. He frightens people such as the Koch brothers who are on the one-world bandwagon.
Trump wants to close America's borders while the wealthy elites such as Charles and David Koch want to keep them open so the U.S. will be overrun by uneducated and unskilled third world immigrants who will bankrupt the nation and bring anarchy into the streets.
That will likely result in the loss of freedom and the institution of martial law, something that leftists and Marxists desire for America. You can't have martial law without chaos and anarchy in the streets. Trump also wants to end the exodus of American companies to China and Mexico that have cost the U.S. hundreds of thousands of jobs. You can't have martial law without huge unemployment numbers, especially among the poor.
Am I endorsing Trump for president? Absolutely not. I personally don't believe he has a chance. His own party is desperately trying to destroy him and the media are doing a daily hatchet job on him. Plus, those "protesters" who are showing up from all over the country to disrupt his rallies are nothing more than paid goons sent from activist groups that have targeted him.
Hillary Clinton may be a despicable person, but she's a globalist. She may be a terrible politician and a compulsive liar and a greedy opportunist, but she knows who's really in charge and how to play their game to get what she wants. Like Obama, she'll sell her soul for 4-8 years of fame and fortune.
And so, when Charles Koch "hints" at voting for Hillary Clinton in November, then you know the fix is in. The global elites want Hillary. They want someone in the White House who'll continue America's "transformation" that really began under George W. Bush rather than Obama. And we're marching relentlessly toward a world government.
In the late 1st century, the apostle John received an allegorical vision from God concerning the coming dreaded world government. Here's what he saw:
And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. (Revelation 13:1-2)John's beast represents the coming global government that will feature 10 nation groups ruled by seven powerful kings. They'll answer to an eighth king--a supreme ruler--who'll be the dreaded Antichrist.
Certainly, a world government is yet to come. But consider what's going on in America and around the world. And realize that a world government is not that far away.
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