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The IMF: Working toward a New World Order |
Wikileaks is considered by many to be the Edward Snowden of international organizations that publishes sensitive material that governments, financial institutions, wealthy foundations and NGOs would rather not be published.
Why? Because that sensitive material contains the type of information that infuriates ordinary folks who have a difficult time believing that powerful people exist who are actually plotting to take away their wealth and destroy their nations.
And since that sounds too absurd to be believable, the elites and their political puppets usually avoid scrutiny and get a free pass from their media lackeys. What happens when folks get loose lips and spill the proverbial beans? They're dismissed as kooks who are trying to peddle conspiracy theories in order to attract attention to themselves.
No one wants to be known as a kook who peddles conspiracy theories. Especially not someone who works in the media where credibility is critical to one's success. Destroy someone's credibility and you've damaged their reputation along with their career.
But Wikileaks doesn't have to worry about protecting its reputation because it's been publishing authentic, documented material for several years. And because of that, the elites want to seize control of the internet so they can put Wikileaks and other information websites such as The Drudge Report, WorldNetDaily and Alex Jones' Info Wars out of business. Permanently.
For now though, the elites will just have to resort to damage control when Wikileaks opens the curtain on another one of their escapades. Such as? Such as the latest report that the IMF (International Monetary Fund) has been working to bankrupt European nations in order to move Europe toward a new world order.
One of the recurring concerns involving Europe's seemingly perpetual economic, financial and social crises, is that these have been largely predetermined, "scripted" and deliberate acts. This is something the former head of the Bank of England admitted one month ago when Mervyn King said that Europe's economic depression "is the result of "deliberate" policy choices made by EU elites. It is also what AIG Banque strategist Bernard Connolly said back in 2008 when laying out "What Europe Wants".What do the elites want for Europe? Zerohedge quotes from an extensive report originally written in 2008 by AIG Bank and subsequently obtained by Wikileaks:
To use global issues as excuses to extend its power:
- environmental issues: increase control over member countries; advance idea of global governance
- terrorism: use excuse for greater control over police and judicial issues; increase extent of surveillance
- global financial crisis: kill two birds (free market; Anglo-Saxon economies) with one stone (Europe-wide regulator; attempts at global financial governance)
- EMU: create a crisis to force introduction of “European economic government”
Environmental issues? That's a euphemism for Global Warming-Climate Change. Indeed, it's a manufactured crisis that's designed to produce a new world order. Terrorism? Could the massive influx of "refugees" into Europe from the Middle East and Africa, along with the massive flood of illegal immigrants from Central America into the United States be designed to cause anarchy and foment totalitarian police states?
And could the global financial crisis be designed to bankrupt wealthy nations in order to move the world toward a global financial system controlled by a financial oligarchy? Indeed, that sounds too incredible to be true. And the elites know that most people are extremely reluctant to believe such things. Rather, that's the nonsense of bitter clingers and simpletons who embrace conspiracy theories. But that's not for educated people who know better.
Well then, know and understand this: Nearly 2,600 years ago, the prophet Daniel received a vision from God concerning the rise of a powerful world government in the last days preceding the return of Jesus Christ: Daniel was given a vision of four allegorical beasts that represented powerful empires.
Concerning the final empire, here's what he described: "After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast—terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns." (Daniel 7:7)
Daniel's fourth beast symbolizes a future world government that will consist of a confederacy of 10 nation groups. Compare Daniel's vision to the vision that the apostle John received 600 years later that John recorded into the Revelation: "And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion." (Revelation 13:1-2)
Like it or not, we're headed for a one-world government. The Wikileaks report provides yet another confirmation that the ancient biblical prophecies concerning the rise of a world government in the end times is now taking place. And the Bible also reveals who will eventually assume control of that government--the dreaded Antichrist.
When we study biblical prophecy concerning the end times, and apply that to the events currently taking place in the world, we know that Christ's return is getting near. "Educated people" may dismiss the latest Wikileaks report as nonsense.
But those who know better, realize what real nonsense is. It's denial in the face of irrefutable evidence. And only a fool denies truth that's backed by evidence.
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