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Beware of false messiahs |
This is one of those blog postings you write when you're all caught up with everything. And so, I've decided to offer my opinions on some topics that I've been asked about recently.
On the U.S. presidential campaign: The American political process stinks at the national level. It's utterly corrupt and controlled by Big Money. I really don't care who gets elected because we always end up getting the same thing. Before Barack Obama, we had George W. Bush who put the government on steroids and blew up the national debt. Remember TARP? (Troubled Asset Relief Program) That was a Bush program. When you compare Obama to Bush, the only real difference is that Obama prefers to use proxies to fight his wars (leading from behind) while Bush used the U.S. military. The impeccable Matt Drudge (drudgereport.com) believes that barring a severe illness or death, Hillary Clinton will become the next president. That wouldn't surprise me.
On Barack Obama's legacy: When you think of Obama, you have to consider the people who made him possible. That would be David Axelrod, Tony Rezko, (former Chicago Mayor) Richard M. Daley and the corrupt Chicago Democratic Machine. As an Illinois legislator, Barack Obama was a nondescript senator. He had few accomplishments. He was essentially a zero. Suddenly, almost overnight, he became one of the most brilliant leaders in the world. How did that happen? When he ran against Bobby Rush for Congress in the 2000 Illinois Democratic Primary, the streetwise Rush destroyed Obama by portraying him as an uppity n****r and a carpetbagger (outsider) who talked down to the common people. Rush's tactics worked and he clobbered Obama in that primary. What did Obama do? He got schooled in Chicago's African-American culture by learning the language and moves of the street. Suddenly, he started talking and acting like one of the locals instead of the arrogant, Ivy League educated outsider that he had previously been. It certainly worked for him. Why did Obama run for the presidency? I refuse to believe that it was his idea. He was encouraged to run by wealthy leftists and globalists who needed a charismatic con artist to implement their globalist agenda. And Obama was that man.
On the growth of secularism in the west: Secularism is just another metaphor for leftism, liberalism, progressivism, socialism, Marxism, communism etc. Secularism has grown exponentially in the west because of the spiritual vacuum that was created beginning in the 19th century when the Christian church stopped contending for the faith. The church lost the culture and the godless left took over. The left now controls all aspects of western culture from education, the media, the entertainment industry, art and politics. As evil as the left is, they're diligent. Had the church been as diligent in contending for the faith and keeping the Gospel relevant to the world, we wouldn't have all the problems that we're seeing today.
On the difference between secularism and Judeo-Christianity: Secularism-leftism etc. is a total inversion of the Judeo-Christian worldview. While the Bible declares that all human beings are born with a sinful nature (Romans 3:23), secularism teaches that everyone is born basically good. Thus, according to the secular worldview, people do bad things when they become corrupted by the surrounding environment. That doesn't make any sense. If everyone is born virtuous, then who corrupted the environment? And why? Furthermore, leftists see tyrants such as Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Castro, al Qaeda, ISIS etc. not as villains, but rather as victims who fight back against their oppressors (conservatives, Jews, Christians, capitalists, white Europeans etc.). That's why the left embraces monstrous dictators and terror groups. And that's why Obama steadfastly refuses to call out Islamic terrorism. In his mind, the jihadists are merely fighting back against white Christian imperialism and Israel's presence ("occupation") in the Middle East.
On the future of Islam: I truly believe that Islam's days in the world are numbered. Why do I believe that? Because the emerging nations in the eastern world--China, Russia, India, South Korea--don't want Islam. They understand how dangerous Islam is. It's not a religion of peace and it's never been. It's an historically violent religion that's extremely intolerant of all other faiths. Contrary to the bull that's being spread throughout the west by leftists and Islamists, Islam hasn't been hijacked by a few "extremist radicals." The jihadists who commit mayhem and murder in the name of their religion do so in obedience to what their religion teaches, rather than in opposition to what it teaches. I've covered that at length, and anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of Islam understands that religion's violent theology.
On the future of Islam: I truly believe that Islam's days in the world are numbered. Why do I believe that? Because the emerging nations in the eastern world--China, Russia, India, South Korea--don't want Islam. They understand how dangerous Islam is. It's not a religion of peace and it's never been. It's an historically violent religion that's extremely intolerant of all other faiths. Contrary to the bull that's being spread throughout the west by leftists and Islamists, Islam hasn't been hijacked by a few "extremist radicals." The jihadists who commit mayhem and murder in the name of their religion do so in obedience to what their religion teaches, rather than in opposition to what it teaches. I've covered that at length, and anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of Islam understands that religion's violent theology.
On the worst type of sin: All sin is bad and separates us from the Holy God we were created to have fellowship with. But the worst sort of sin is sexual immorality. Why? The apostle Paul explained it: "Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." (1 Corinthians 6:18-20) Sexual sin encompasses fornication, adultery, incest, pedophilia, bestiality, homosexuality and lesbianism. Jesus Christ also explained that people who divorce and remarry for any reason other than unfaithfulness (infidelity) commit adultery. (Matthew 5:32) From my experience, bad things tend to happen to people who are sexually immoral. And if you die in that sin--even if you claim to be a Christian--you'll be condemned to hell. So take my advice and get out of that sin--immediately!
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