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Islam: Growing quickly in America |
Where does Islam enjoy its greatest growth? In areas where a spiritual vacuum's been created because of the declining influence of Judeo-Christianity.
And those areas are Western Europe and North America. When the Christian church has been strong, those areas have withstood the onslaught of deception from false religions and pagan creeds. But when the church has been weak--as it currently is--then anything goes. And usually what goes is Christianity's influence.
What happened to the church? The church forgot that it was commissioned by Jesus Christ to call people out of the world and into God's kingdom through the gospel. Instead, the church foolishly tried reforming the world and subsequently lost its power. Sadly, there's not much difference today between the world and the church.
Nearly 2,000 years ago, the apostle Jude warned the early church to either "contend for the faith" (Jude 1:3) or risk losing the faith to deceivers and false teachers who would come in and pervert the gospel. In what way? By redefining Christianity as just one of many paths to God.
The church heeded Jude's words until about the late 18th century when ecumenicism, religiosity and liturgical rot began to destroy the church from within. The church lost its power and along with that, its faith. And once the faith began to wane, the faithful began to leave the church in droves.
In his second of two letters he wrote to the early church in Corinth, Paul warned the Corinthians never to rely on human power rather than the Holy Spirit to spread the gospel: "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
One of the pretensions that has set itself up against the knowledge of God is Islam. It's holy book the Koran contains numerous historical inaccuracies and contradictions concerning God, the creation of the physical universe, Abraham, Moses, Mary, Jesus etc. And yet despite that, Islam continues to expand and flourish in the western world.
But why? If Islam is a false religion that can easily be proven so, then why does it flourish? Because the Christian church refuses to confront Islam. And also because Islam provides a counterfeit path to redemption and heaven. Those who believe Islam will bring them eternal life will get a surprise when they enter eternity. Islam then, provides an effective weapon for the devil and his fallen angels in preventing the salvation of human beings.
Let the apostle Paul; explain it: "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6:10-12)
Like all false religions, Islam is demonically inspired and empowered. It not only serves up spiritual deception but it provides a tool for Satan to persecute Christians and Jews. And Islam only flourishes because the Christian church failed to contend for the faith and utilize the power of the Holy Spirit to demolish Islam's theology.
Islam isn't divinely inspired. It's a combination of perverted biblical stories and Arabian myths. And anyone who possesses even a rudimentary knowledge of history should be able to figure that out after they've read the Koran.
How fast is Islam growing in America? Let tellmeaboutislam.com explain it: "There are now as many as 7 million Muslims in the United States, half of them American-born. In recent years, Americans of African, European, Southeast Asian, Latin American and American Indian descent have left their parents' spiritual paths to follow Islam, a religion that includes more than 1 billion believers from nearly every country."
Here's what those new converts have embraced: Four conflicting accounts of Muhammad's reception of the Koran (Sura 2:97, 15:8, 16:102, 26:192-194, 32:5, 53:2-18, 70:4, 81:19-24), two conflicting accounts of God's creation of the physical universe (Sura 7:51, 41:9-12) and the incredible claim that Christ's mother Mary was the sister of Moses (Sura 19:28).
There are many more contradictions and historical mistakes in the Koran. And contrary to the popular belief that Islam is a colorless religion unlike Christianity that's considered the "white man's religion," Muhammad was a racist. He taught that on Judgment Day, only whites will be redeemed while blacks will be condemned to hell. (Sura 3:106-107)
Had the Christian church pointed these things out, Islam never would've gained any traction in the west. But the church failed to do so. And now, look what's happening. As the Bible clearly states, you reap what you sow. (Galatians 6:7)
One of the pretensions that has set itself up against the knowledge of God is Islam. It's holy book the Koran contains numerous historical inaccuracies and contradictions concerning God, the creation of the physical universe, Abraham, Moses, Mary, Jesus etc. And yet despite that, Islam continues to expand and flourish in the western world.
But why? If Islam is a false religion that can easily be proven so, then why does it flourish? Because the Christian church refuses to confront Islam. And also because Islam provides a counterfeit path to redemption and heaven. Those who believe Islam will bring them eternal life will get a surprise when they enter eternity. Islam then, provides an effective weapon for the devil and his fallen angels in preventing the salvation of human beings.
Let the apostle Paul; explain it: "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6:10-12)
Like all false religions, Islam is demonically inspired and empowered. It not only serves up spiritual deception but it provides a tool for Satan to persecute Christians and Jews. And Islam only flourishes because the Christian church failed to contend for the faith and utilize the power of the Holy Spirit to demolish Islam's theology.
Islam isn't divinely inspired. It's a combination of perverted biblical stories and Arabian myths. And anyone who possesses even a rudimentary knowledge of history should be able to figure that out after they've read the Koran.
How fast is Islam growing in America? Let tellmeaboutislam.com explain it: "There are now as many as 7 million Muslims in the United States, half of them American-born. In recent years, Americans of African, European, Southeast Asian, Latin American and American Indian descent have left their parents' spiritual paths to follow Islam, a religion that includes more than 1 billion believers from nearly every country."
Here's what those new converts have embraced: Four conflicting accounts of Muhammad's reception of the Koran (Sura 2:97, 15:8, 16:102, 26:192-194, 32:5, 53:2-18, 70:4, 81:19-24), two conflicting accounts of God's creation of the physical universe (Sura 7:51, 41:9-12) and the incredible claim that Christ's mother Mary was the sister of Moses (Sura 19:28).
There are many more contradictions and historical mistakes in the Koran. And contrary to the popular belief that Islam is a colorless religion unlike Christianity that's considered the "white man's religion," Muhammad was a racist. He taught that on Judgment Day, only whites will be redeemed while blacks will be condemned to hell. (Sura 3:106-107)
Had the Christian church pointed these things out, Islam never would've gained any traction in the west. But the church failed to do so. And now, look what's happening. As the Bible clearly states, you reap what you sow. (Galatians 6:7)
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