Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Agenda Behind the Agenda

Occasionally, I'm asked why I don't write more often about homosexuality and its increasing acceptance into society as a normal lifestyle. Criticizing the homosexual lifestyle is an act of futility because unless you're aware of what's really driving the LGBT Movement, you're just wasting your time.

Why is that? Doesn't the Bible condemn homosexuality? Yes it does. However, the Bible also condemns a host of other behaviors besides homosexuality, so merely focusing on the gay lifestyle is a zero-sum game.

The Bible also condemns idolatry, fornication, greed, witchcraft, murder etc. Let the apostle Paul explain it: "Do you not know that evildoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral (fornicators) nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)

Secondly, gay activists are fond of provoking Christians into condemning their lifestyle so they can portray them as ignorant bigots and raging racists. The solution to the provocation is to convey Christ's love for everyone and not allow yourself to be drawn into useless arguments. As Paul wrote, there are a litany of sins that will condemn you in eternity unless you repent of them in the name of Christ.

I alluded to a hidden agenda behind the LGBT Movement. What's that agenda? The LGBT Movement is one of the front agendas for the global environmental movement that seeks to radically lower the earth's population numbers. Radical environmentalists claim that the earth's population is producing an overabundance of carbon dioxide, resulting in global warming-climate change that threatens the planet.

But that doesn't make any sense. How could the gay rights-homosexual agenda possibly be related to the environmental movement? Because gays can't procreate unless they choose surrogates. Therefore, the more people who can be enticed into the gay lifestyle means less children being born into the world.

And in order to attract more people into the gay lifestyle, all opposition to that lifestyle must be eliminated. Who have historically been the most vociferous opponents of homosexuality? Fundamental Christians.

Therefore, gay activists have targeted fundamentalists for extreme abuse because the Bible condemns the homosexual lifestyle. Gay activists want to silence all opposition to their lifestyle by encouraging legislators to pass laws that would make it a hate crime to criticize the homosexual lifestyle.

Doesn't Islam condemn homosexuality? Yes it does. Aren't gays persecuted throughout the Muslim world? Yes they are. In fact, homosexuality can bring the death penalty in nations such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan and Yemen.

So why haven't the big gay enforcers gone after the Muslim world for its intolerance of homosexuality? Because Muslims tend to fight back against their adversaries. And with a vengeance.

Certainly, the gay agenda is just one of several means that globalists are using to discourage population growth. And make no mistake about it; promoting and expanding the gay agenda is critical to the globalist agenda of reducing the world's population numbers.

If you don't believe that, then look at the money that's being donated to LGBT organizations to promote the gay lifestyle. In 2013 LGBT groups received $129,112,119 in grant money from 331 corporations, compared to 2004 when these groups received $48,772,174.

The largest contributors to LGBT groups in 2013 included the Arcus Foundation ($16.8 million); Ford Foundation ($15.3 million) and the Gill Foundation ($8.2 million). Forty percent of that funding was allocated to promote gay civil rights and 24 percent was allocated to indoctrinate children and adolescents into the gay lifestyle.

Several years ago, gay strategists decided to hitch their wagon to the Civil Rights Movement to portray homosexuals in the same light as blacks who suffered under Jim Crow. Though that was ludicrous and it angered many blacks who saw through that canard, it worked. Gay activists successfully convinced the world that gays were a victim class that needed to be protected by the law from marauding bible-believing goons.

If the Christian church in the western world wants to regain the influence over the culture that it lost many years ago because it stopped contending for the faith, then it needs to wake up and understand what's really going on. There's an old proverb that teaches that in order to kill the snake, you have to cut off its head.

The head of the snake isn't radical homosexuality; it's an international movement orchestrated and funded by powerful globalists that's utilizing many different means--including legitimizing the homosexual lifestyle--to move the world toward a global government that would possess the absolute power to decide who lives and who doesn't on planet earth.

The way to defeat that movement is to expose it. But how do you expose it? By following the money from organizations such as the UN, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Ford Foundation and the Club of Rome to the various LGBT groups for the purpose of promoting the gay lifestyle.

That's how you expose it. But getting into arguments and debates about the Bible's condemnation about homosexuality won't get it done. You have to kill the snake. And you have to understand who the snake is.

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