Monday, November 10, 2014

Iran and 2016

While the nation of Iran has been a troublemaker in the world since 1979 when the Ayatollah Khomeini and his supporters overthrew the Shah, its rise to power is prophetic.

Iran's rise was foretold nearly 2,600 years ago by the Hebrew prophet Daniel. The prophet received a vision from God concerning the end times and the rise of a powerful entity that was symbolized as a two-horned ram. (Daniel 8)

In his vision, Daniel saw the ram obliterate all of its opposition until a shaggy, single-horned goat that traveled a great distance across the earth confronted and destroyed the ram.

What do the ram and the goat represent? An angel of the Lord explained to Daniel that the ram represented the kings of Media and Persia while the goat represented the king of Greece. The angel explained that these two kingdoms would terrorize the world for a period of time until the king of Greece attacked and destroyed them.

Many biblical scholars believe that Daniel's prophecy was fulfilled in 331 B.C. when Alexander the Great invaded and conquered Persia. However, the prophecy couldn't have been fulfilled then because the angel told Daniel that "the vision concerns the appointed time of the end." (Daniel 8:19)

When Alexander invaded Persia, Jesus Christ had yet to appear on earth, so Daniel's prophecy wasn't fulfilled then. It still hasn't been fulfilled, but its fulfillment is near.

Many scholars are puzzled by one of the players in this upcoming confrontation. They recognize that Media is now part of Iraq-Iran and Persia is now Iran. But Greece? Isn't modern Greece a weak nation with no military to speak of? How could Greece lead a successful invasion of Iran?

This calls for wisdom. Greece was the most prominent gentile nation on earth in the ancient times. In fact, the term Greek was often used as a reference to the gentiles, something the apostle Paul did in his epistles. (1 Corinthians 1:22, Galatians 3:28, Colossians 3:11)

Therefore, the nation of Greece in Daniel's vision is symbolic for another gentile nation. What nation could that be? Daniel saw the allegorical goat come from the west, "crossing the whole earth without touching the ground." (Daniel 8:5) 

The literal nation of Greece exists to the northwest of Iran. The nation described by Daniel in his vision comes from a distant western location. And in the vision, this nation crosses the earth without touching the ground.

That sounds like an aerial invasion of jet fighters. They will have to come from a powerful nation that possesses a potent military. That certainly doesn't sound like the invasion will come from Greece, does it?

So what is the identity of the nation that will destroy Iran and its nuclear facilities? That nation is the United States that remains the world's greatest military superpower for the time being.

Certainly, this invasion will never take place under the abominable and inept Obama administration. That's why it has to take place under a different administration that recognizes just how dangerous a nuclear Iran is to Israel and the rest of the world.

That's why the upcoming 2016 presidential election in America is extremely important. Certainly, the forces of evil led by Satan want to elect another Barack Obama who will attempt to appease the enemies of Israel and the free world.

If Americans elect another Obama, then Iran will likely attempt nuclear attacks against Israel, Europe and the United States.

But biblical prophecy tells us that Iran's days are numbered. Unfortunately, so are America's. Daniel also recorded that after the allegorical goat destroys the ram, it will be cut off. (Daniel 8:8)  That means that the U.S. is going to fall from its superpower status to be replaced by four new kingdoms.

Why is America going to collapse as a world power? Stay tuned.

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