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The Ouija Board |
Certainly, we've seen a significant increase in violence across the world over the past 100 years with the explosion of crime and numerous wars. In fact, more people died in wars fought in the 20th century (203 million) than in all the previous centuries combined.
But what about spiritual evil? How can that be measured? It can be measured in the growth of the occult industry that has expanded significantly since the dawn of the previous century.
While no there are no definitive statistics that underline the growth of the occult, it has become a lucrative industry for many and has gained significant credibility with the public in recent years.
Many people not only consider psychics to be at least as credible as psychiatrists and psychologists, they consider them to be more reliable for spiritual counsel than clergy. As such, they often seek help from psychics and psychiatrists before the clergy.
In the past, those who consulted with mediums and spiritists were usually considered uneducated, gullible and simple-minded. But not anymore.
According to the American Federation of Certified Psychics and Mediums Inc., in 2012, the average annual income for men who consulted psychics ranged from $40,000-$95,000 while the average annual income of women ranged from $20,000-$100,000.
Furthermore, the AFCPM estimates that on the average, men spend up to $2,000 on psychics while women spend $5,000. And furthermore, the average age of men who consult psychics is between 27-54 while the average age for women is between 21-60. Those are the age groups of people these days who are most likely to abandon Christianity.
The AFCPM also estimates that while only 300 men were willing to spend as much as $10,000 on psychics in 2011-12, a whopping 275,000 women were willing to spend that much to seek spiritual counsel from these folks.
As far as lucrative careers go, the AFCPM claims that successful psychics and mediums in the United States can earn in excess of $5 million annually. Obviously, the fortunetelling business can be very lucrative for those who obtain a large client base.
But why has the occult industry become so successful over the past several decades? Simply because the Christian Church has lost its influence over the culture. Fewer people trust the church and the Bible to provide for their spiritual and emotional needs. Thus, they are looking elsewhere for spiritual counsel. And by turning to psychics and mediums, they are turning to a dark spiritual realm ruled by Satan and his demons.
Nearly 2,000 year ago, the apostle Paul warned that 'in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons." (1 Timothy 4:1) Paul clearly revealed that in the end times, some Christians would become seduced by occultic doctrine and leave the church.
Jesus Christ also warned that "at that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people." (Matthew 24:10-11)
And in his second letter to fellow apostle Timothy, Paul wrote this: "For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths." (2 Timothy 4:3-4)
Many of these myths are being taught by demons that are communicating through psychics and mediums. What are some of these myths? One of the greatest myths the demons teach is that all religions are valid and lead to God. Another myth these unclean spirits teach is that hell doesn't exist.
Still another myth being taught is that God isn't a person but is rather a "life-force" or impersonal power, which is what the eastern religions teach.
But perhaps the greatest myth being conveyed through mediums and psychics is the falsehood that folks can make contact with deceased parents, relatives and friends. It is this belief that encourages many to turn to psychics in the hope that they'll be able to contact someone who is dead.
For example, a psychic named Julia Mary who operates in Detroit, Mi. related of a session with a woman whose dead brother allegedly made contact and encouraged his sister to divorce her husband. psychic medium michigan detroit
Renowned spiritist John Edward became a psychic after he was convinced by a medium that "highly evolved beings" dressed in white and gold were eagerly waiting to help him develop his "gift." As for the identity of these beings, Edward says this: "I have a hard time using the term angels in that realm. I don't feel comfortable doing that. One of them (spirit being) is an American Indian." Heaven, Hell and Talking With the Dead: Psychic John Edward Describes Discovering His Alleged Abilities and His Spirit 'Mafia' | TheBlaze.com
Not surprisingly, Edward's "spirit beings" describe the afterlife quite differently than the Bible does. Heaven, according Edward, is an "alternative dimension that we can access through portals, a place of communication and connection, a place of learning...a spiritual, energetic internet."
The reality is that the so-called spirit beings that Edward and other mediums are contacting are actually demons under Satan's authority that are extremely adept at impersonating the dead. They have extensive knowledge of the deceased and they use that knowledge to convince their human dupes that they are dead relatives, parents, acquaintances and friends who are now living happily in the spiritual world.
The purpose of this deceit is twofold: (1) To convince people that they can contact the dead and (2) that no eternal judgment for sin exists after physical death. Folks who attempt to contact the dead via psychics and mediums commit a grievous sin that brings them under God's judgment: "I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute himself by following them, and I will cut him off from his people." (Leviticus 20:6)
This is what Moses recorded concerning God's law that forbids everyone from practicing the occult: "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord." (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)
While many folks believe that those laws only applied to the ancient nation of Israel, they apply to everyone. And anyone who has attempted to contact the spiritual realm will not go unpunished. In fact, whether someone has consulted with a medium or merely read a horoscope, they will still come under judgment and even a curse for violating God's decrees against occultism.
Sadly, many folks--including biblically illiterate Christians--will get involved with the occult during the month of October because of the pagan celebration of Halloween. Many people will foolishly attempt to contact the dead via Tarot cards, the Ouija Board, or some other occult technique. Rather than harmless Halloween pranks, these devices are magnets for demonic spirits that can bring spiritual deception, oppression and even possession. And Christians have absolutely no excuse for dabbling in such abominations.
Remember the horror film The Exorcist? It was based upon the true story of an adolescent boy who attempted to contact his deceased grandmother via the Ouija Board. The boy, who was called Roland Doe, became possessed by a powerful demon that couldn't even be contained by chains, much like the demoniac recorded in Luke's gospel. (Luke 8:26-39)
The occult is very real and very dangerous. Halloween, along with its pagan practices is a demonic holiday that's historically been used by Satan as a recruiting tool to lure biblically ignorant people into the occult. And once they take the bait and get involved in some occult activity, they come under God's judgment. And that judgment can involve anything from sickness, disease, misfortune, death etc.
Concerning those who seek spiritual counsel, the Bible says this: "When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? To the law and the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn." (Isaiah 8:19-20)
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