Monday, September 1, 2014

The Leaders They Deserve

From the Email Bag, our monthly Q and A:

Question: Why do you pick on President Obama so much? Aren't Christians called to pray for their leaders?
Answer: Actually, I don't pick on Obama. We do pray for him. Unfortunately, he's such an abysmal failure that it's hard to ignore his mistakes. And his mistakes are huge. They've cost us dearly on the world stage. By pulling American troops out of Iraq, he left a void there that ISIS has quickly moved in to fill. That wasn't a surprise. Anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of that region knew what was going to happen when we left Iraq. Everyone obviously knew, except Obama. What's Obama's excuse for withdrawing our troops? He says that the U.S. can't afford to keep our troops there anymore. It's too expensive. If that's true, then why do we keep troops in South Korea and Germany? Are there any wars going on in those two nations?

Question: Do you think that Islam is eventually going to take over the world? It seems unstoppable.
Answer: No. Islam is like the classic bully that pounces on weakness. And that's why Islam is marching through the west right now because the west is morally weak and reluctant to defend its freedoms. Western leaders such as Barack Obama and David Cameron are convinced that you can appease Islamists. Just be nice to them and praise their religion and they'll leave you alone. Appeasement is the first cousin of cowardice and weakness. When Islamists sense weakness, they jump on you. You can't appease Islamists. The Russians and Chinese know that. They realize that as long as Islam is around there'll be trouble. That's why they don't want Islam and are working hard to get rid of that religion. Other emerging nations that don't want Islam include Brazil, India and South Korea. Islam is eventually going to disappear. No one wants the type of barbarism and violence that Islam inevitably brings. The emerging nations don't want Islam and we can find no prophetic references for that religion concerning the end times anywhere in the bible.

Question: When do you think that Jesus Christ is going to come back?
Answer: I can't answer that. There are still many prophetic events to be fulfilled. We still don't have a world government, although we're moving in that direction. Israel has yet to build her third Temple that the dreaded Antichrist will eventually enter and defile with his presence. And we've yet to see the prophetic counterfeit religious revival that is going to sweep across the entire world. If I had to take an educated guess, I would say that we will probably see Christ's return within 50-60 years. But that's just a guess.

Question: Since it's become apparent that Climate Change is a fraud, why is it still being promoted as scientific truth?
Answer: Because most people simply don't care about it. They're morally apathetic and intellectually lazy. To most people, it makes no difference. But it should because it's going to drive up the cost of everything from utility bills, food prices, transportation costs, automobiles etc. It's a job-killer. And it's going to take away your individual freedoms. What's behind Climate Change? The redistribution of wealth and the eventual transfer of sovereignty from individual nations to a massive world government. Let's put it this way: Climate Change is the communism of the 21st century.

Question: Can Russia be stopped? Will anyone stand up to Vladimir Putin?
Answer: Not likely. We're seeing the prophetic rise of this nemesis, just as the prophet Daniel revealed 2,600 years ago. Now, while Vladimir Putin isn't the Antichrist, he's a prototype. He has a reconstituted military and a lot of nuclear weapons at his disposal. And no one in the world has the guts to challenge him. Certainly not Obama. Thus, when the U.S. and Europe threaten Putin with economic sanctions, he merely laughs. Too many European nations have become dependent on Russian oil and natural gas. If they get on Putin's bad side, he'll threaten to turn off the spigots and do serious damage to their economies. And so, threats of economic sanctions against Russia are strictly political rhetoric that don't amount to anything.

Question: What do you consider a greater threat to freedom, Islam or Liberalism? 
Answer: They're both bad. Believe it or not, I consider liberalism a greater threat to individual freedom than Islam because it's so disingenuous and seductive. Islamists aren't coy about their desire to conquer the world for Allah and establish a global caliphate. However, liberals or progressives or whatever you want to call them have become masters of deception. They usually cloak their destructive intentions behind noble causes. For example, Climate Change is promoted as the sincere effort to protect the environment, when in reality, it's a ruse designed to redistribute wealth and move the world toward a global government. Abortion is promoted as the solution to ensure that unwanted babies aren't born into a world where they'll suffer abuse, neglect and poverty. In reality, abortion is about population reduction and the eradication of undesirable races. If you don't believe that, then study Margaret Sanger, who founded Planned Parenthood. And gun control legislation is promoted as the solution to rid our streets of violent crime. In reality, gun control legislation is about eradicating the Second Amendment and disarming law abiding citizens. If you want to see how well draconian gun control laws work, visit Chicago, a city that has some of the toughest gun control laws in the U.S. and one of the highest gun-homicide rates in the nation. And so, in my opinion, liberalism is a far greater threat to freedom than Islam.

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