Saturday, September 13, 2014

Death of a Civilization

The world according to Barack Obama: “Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL is not Islamic. No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim.”

For those who lag a bit behind in current world events, ISIL stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant. And for those who are unfamiliar with Islam, ISIL is indeed Islamic.

How? Because its members are fundamentalists who take the Quran and the Sunnah literally. That's why they're waging jihad against those they consider to be infidels, because their religion commands them to.

Obama made his dubious claim concerning ISIL during a recent speech (September 10, 2014) that outlined his alleged strategy for defeating the barbaric group. ISIL has taken over a significant part of Iraq in recent months while murdering tens of thousands of Christians, Yazidis and Muslims in the process.

When Obama claims that ISIL isn't Islamic, he's either ignorant of Islam or he's lying which is always a strong possibility. Since he grew up in Indonesia, he ought to be very familiar with Islam because that religion is the predominant faith of that nation.

What's important to understand about Obama's statement concerning ISIL is that it's representative of the left's view of Islam, religion and the world. Like Obama, the left doesn't believe in moral absolutes. As such, the left considers religion merely a fading cultural institution expressed for an hour or two on the weekends.

Thus, according to the left, those who base their worldview on their faith are dangerous. And so, in the eyes of the left, the conservative, bible-believing Christian who opposes abortion and gay marriage is morally equivalent to the ISIL jihadist who butchers unbelievers in the name of Allah.

I've stated this in the past and I'll state it again: I consider leftists or progressives more dangerous than Islamic fundamentalists.

Why? Because leftism is extremely seductive and leftists are extremely disingenuous. Leftists are experts at hiding their destructive agendas behind noble causes.

For example, though they claim that they're champions of the poor and opposed to income inequality, leftists really want to destroy free market capitalism and install a socialist economy based upon the old Soviet model. Remember how well that worked?

While leftists claim that they support free speech, they really want to outlaw any speech that doesn't conform to their atheistic worldview.

When leftists claim that they support freedom of religion, they really mean that they're okay with religion as long as it stays out of the public square and inside churches, synagogues and mosques.

And when leftists claim that Islam is really a religion of peace that's been hijacked by a few radicals and whack jobs, they're either lying or they're expressing their ignorance of that religion. Both are strong possibilities.

Islam isn't a peaceful religion. It's never been a peaceful religion. It has no tolerance for other faiths, nor secularism which Islamists consider just a euphemism for paganism.

Islam advances the greatest wherever there is weakness. And right now, the western world has become extremely weak because it's no longer guided by Judeo-Christian principles. Christianity has become obsolete in Western Europe and is rapidly declining in North America.

And Islamists are moving in for the kill. And they're being aided and abetted by leftists who hate freedom as much as they abhor Christianity. The marriage of Islamists and leftists is truly a marriage consummated in hell.

If Americans don't wake up--and soon--their nation is going to look very different in the future. Instead of churches where they sing Amazing Grace, there'll be mosques where Americans will be forced to recite the Shahada.

In the Islamic world they have this saying: "First we get rid of the Saturday people (Jews), then we get rid of the Sunday people (Christians). 

If the western world wants to survive, then it needs to counter with this: "First we must do away with leftism and then we must do away with Islam." There is either survival or destruction.

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