Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Prophetic Persecution

The crucifixion of a Coptic Christian

For those of you who continue to claim that Jesus Christ was nothing more than some charismatic preacher who managed to attract a group of followers, then you need to answer some questions.

Such as, how could an ordinary man whose ministry in ancient Israel amounted to just three and a half years, be so universally recognized across the world 2,000 years later? And also remember that this "ordinary" man never traveled outside of Israel unless you count the brief time he spent in Egypt as a newborn when his parents took him there to avoid Herod.  

Notoriety doesn't usually endure with ordinary men. Their memories and accomplishments may linger for a few years, but they eventually fade and are forgotten. Not so with Christ. His legacy continues to live on. Just as the ancient prophet Isaiah said it would over 700 years before Christ appeared on earth. (Isaiah 9:7)

How about this question: How could an ordinary man so accurately predict specific events that are now occurring in the end time world? Christ revealed nine specific prophetic signs that would take place in the world before his return. 

Those signs are: (1) The appearance of false messiahs; (2) the increase in wars and rumors of wars; (3) disputes and conflagrations between nations; (4) the increase in famines and earthquakes; (5) the persecution of his followers; (6) the collapse of Christianity; (7) the appearance of false prophets; (8) the explosion of crime and violence and (9) the appearance of the Antichrist. (Matthew 24:4-28)

While the Antichrist has yet to appear, only a fool would deny that the other eight signs aren't being fulfilled. For example, since the dawn of the 20th century, we've seen a significant increase in earthquakes and famines across the world.

We've also seen an explosion of violence and crime across the world. And we've seen millions of people abandon Christianity over the past 50 years. In formerly Christian Europe, many churches are virtually empty on Sundays. In the United States, approximately 8,000 churches have gone out of business since the 1950s, despite the fact that the population has more than doubled. 

And we're seeing the global persecution of Christians. Just as Christ warned would come in the last days. An ordinary man doesn't predict things like that. Concerning the prophetic persecution, Christ warned: "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me."  (Matthew 24:9)

Here are some examples of that persecution. From the Voice of the Martyrs: "Yet another Christian was murdered in Mogadishu earlier this month (April). "Sufia" was killed by a group of armed men who burst into her home and dragged her outside, shooting at neighbors who tried to rescue her. The suspects then fled, and police are still searching for them. Sufia's parents, who were present at the time of the assault, were physically unharmed but are now mourning the devastating loss of their daughter."

Here's another example: "Three Christian humanitarian workers were kidnapped (in Cameroon) on the night of April 4th after a group of armed men stormed their small parish in Tchéré. The assailants also ransacked church buildings before heading toward the nearby Nigerian border. Gilberte Bussiere, a Canadian nun who is in her mid-70s, as well as Giampaolo Marta and Gianantonio Allegri, two priests from Italy, were all involved in social development and education within the country. At last report, there was no news of the missing missionary workers. Sources suspect that the Islamic group Boko Haram may be responsible for the abductions, as the group has kidnapped other Christians and foreign nationals in the area. Cameroon's north -- which borders the countries of Nigeria, Chad and Central African Republic -- has become a base for such militants."

And there are many other examples of the persecution of end time Christians. It's even happening in the United States. American Christians are being shunned, mocked, insulted and publicly humiliated. They're losing their jobs and are even being threatened with incarceration for supporting biblical marriage and opposing abortion. That's how bad it's getting in America.

And Jesus Christ warned us 2,000 years ago that this was coming. Now it's here. That's not bad for some ordinary, itinerant preacher from Galilee, is it? 

Oh, there's also something that a follower of his named Peter predicted concerning the end times. Peter warned that scoffers would come in abundance in the last days. (2 Peter 3:3) 

And come they have.

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