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The stuff of conspiracy nuts? |
Today we're launching a monthly post to answer some pertinent questions that we get asked from letters and emails.
Question: You frequently write about a coming world government. How is that going to happen and when?
Answer: First of all, a world government is a very complicated thing. You're talking about 193 nations being asked and even coerced to forgo their individual sovereignty and allow themselves to be placed under the authority of an international governing body. Who's going to do that? What are the benefits? Who's going to be responsible for security? What will the borders look like? What kind of financial system will be in place? How much freedom and autonomy will people have? Who will handle the inevitable disputes between nations? What are the rules going to be? Will there be religious freedom, and how much? That isn't something that happens overnight. It takes many years. However, it's coming, just as biblical prophecy foretold thousands of years ago. (Daniel 7,8, Revelation 13, 17) Who's behind a world government? Not any one particular group but several groups that all seem to be tied in with the United Nations. Some of those groups are the Club of Rome, the Worldwide Fund for Nature, Earth System Governance Project, World Nature Organization, the Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers and the Council on Foreign Relations, just to name a few.
Question: Many people believe that the notion of a world government is the stuff of conspiracy nuts. They believe that only crackpots believe in such stuff. How do you respond to that?
Answer: Many people are in denial. They don't want to see a world government because they know what that will bring--tyranny, oppression, loss of individual freedom, mass murder, religious persecution etc. And so, they laugh it off as the fantasies of folks who read too many books written by people such as Tom Horn and Tex Marrs. But consider that in some ways--many ways--the foundation for a world government is already in place. We have a World Health Organization; (WHO) a World Bank, a World Court located in the Hague, a World Labor Organization and of course, the World Trade Organization. (WTO) And there are many more organizations. Currently, their power is restrained. For example, the U.S. Constitution takes precedence over the power of these groups. However, once that barrier is removed, then American citizens could be subject to international laws. This is why the Obama administration wants to weaken the Constitution and place America under international law. That isn't a conspiracy--anyone who's been paying attention for the last five years has seen that. Evidently, a lot of folks haven't been paying attention. To be fair, Obama isn't the first president to favor international law over the U.S. Constitution. His predecessor George W. Bush did that as well as his predecessor Bill Clinton. Is that a conspiracy? You can decide.
Question: Many people continue to insist that Barack Obama is the Antichrist. What's your opinion?
Answer: He's not the Antichrist, but he's a terrible president. Let me correct that--he's a catastrophe. Concerning the Antichrist, the Bible tells us that he will come from Russia (Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38,39) and he will rise to power through the Roman Catholic Church. (Revelation 17) Since Obama isn't from Russia and he's not a Catholic, then that eliminates him right there. I understand why Obama is reviled by so many people. He's a narcissist, megalomaniac, racist and a compulsive liar. He's also a Marxist who hates capitalism; loathes conservatives and Christians, and he has absolutely no idea what he's doing, how he's doing it and why he's doing it. He's a made-for-TV president who would make a great TV president if he was just an actor. Unfortunately, he's the real thing. There are two things you need to understand about Obama: (1) He's essentially a puppet president who was elected by the left to help them impose their agenda on the nation and (2) he really doesn't like what he's doing. As for the first thing, American leftists encouraged Obama to run for the presidency back in 2007 because they needed someone who could win them an election. They had lost the previous two elections because their candidates (Al Gore, John Kerry) were complete phonies who were out of touch with most people. When Obama appeared on the national scene in 2004 at the Democratic Convention where he gave his legendary speech, leftists believed that they'd received a gift from heaven. Obama was smart, young, cool and black--but not too black as the despicable Sen. Harry Reid would later say. Sadly, many Americans chose to ignore his past and elect him strictly on his form and style. He probably wishes now that they hadn't elected him.
Question: What is the future of Islam? Islam seems destined to take over the world. Can it be stopped?
Answer: Indeed, Islam looks unstoppable right now, doesn't it? Islamists have all but driven Christianity out of the Middle East, Northern Africa, many parts of Asia and are driving what's left of Christianity out of Western Europe. In North America, Islam has become the fastest growing religion while Christianity is dying a slow, methodical death. And so, the future sure looks bright for Islam. And yet, we can find no evidence for Islam anywhere in end-time biblical prophecy. Instead, we find that a mutant form of Christianity is going to rise in the last days in conjunction with an explosion of supernatural events. (Matthew 24, 2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation 13) What will be mutant about it? It will purport to be Christian, but it will be demonically inspired. It will be spread by supernatural phenomena that science won't be able to explain away. And we're talking about something so huge and unexpected that it will catch the world off guard. As for Islam, I believe that its days are numbered. Islam is a violent religion at its core that can't be reformed without changing the Koran. And that will never happen. What will happen is that the world nations will finally get fed up with all the fatwas, jihads, stonings, amputations, assassinations, kidnappings and terrorism and finally band together and say enough is enough.
Question: Are Russia and China really the two powerful end time kingdoms mentioned in Daniel 11?
Answer: Well, who are two of the fastest growing nations right now in the world? Is that a coincidence? Russia was supposed to be done forever after the collapse of the old Soviet Union 20 years ago. And now look at what's happening. And almost overnight, China has transformed itself from a primitive society into an economic powerhouse that's about to replace the United States as the world's largest economy. These are two nations that need each other a lot more than they need America. The Chinese have a lot of money that the Russians need and the Russians have a lot of energy that the Chinese need to fuel their growing industrial base. Obama babbles about slapping economic sanctions against Russia for its muscle into Crimea and the Ukraine. But really, those sanctions will not only have a minimal effect against Russia, they'll backfire when the Russians eventually dump their investments in the U.S. dollar. And with America's colossal $17 trillion debt, this is probably a good time to begin dumping those dollars.
Question: What is the future of Islam? Islam seems destined to take over the world. Can it be stopped?
Answer: Indeed, Islam looks unstoppable right now, doesn't it? Islamists have all but driven Christianity out of the Middle East, Northern Africa, many parts of Asia and are driving what's left of Christianity out of Western Europe. In North America, Islam has become the fastest growing religion while Christianity is dying a slow, methodical death. And so, the future sure looks bright for Islam. And yet, we can find no evidence for Islam anywhere in end-time biblical prophecy. Instead, we find that a mutant form of Christianity is going to rise in the last days in conjunction with an explosion of supernatural events. (Matthew 24, 2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation 13) What will be mutant about it? It will purport to be Christian, but it will be demonically inspired. It will be spread by supernatural phenomena that science won't be able to explain away. And we're talking about something so huge and unexpected that it will catch the world off guard. As for Islam, I believe that its days are numbered. Islam is a violent religion at its core that can't be reformed without changing the Koran. And that will never happen. What will happen is that the world nations will finally get fed up with all the fatwas, jihads, stonings, amputations, assassinations, kidnappings and terrorism and finally band together and say enough is enough.
Question: Are Russia and China really the two powerful end time kingdoms mentioned in Daniel 11?
Answer: Well, who are two of the fastest growing nations right now in the world? Is that a coincidence? Russia was supposed to be done forever after the collapse of the old Soviet Union 20 years ago. And now look at what's happening. And almost overnight, China has transformed itself from a primitive society into an economic powerhouse that's about to replace the United States as the world's largest economy. These are two nations that need each other a lot more than they need America. The Chinese have a lot of money that the Russians need and the Russians have a lot of energy that the Chinese need to fuel their growing industrial base. Obama babbles about slapping economic sanctions against Russia for its muscle into Crimea and the Ukraine. But really, those sanctions will not only have a minimal effect against Russia, they'll backfire when the Russians eventually dump their investments in the U.S. dollar. And with America's colossal $17 trillion debt, this is probably a good time to begin dumping those dollars.
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