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Antichrist: The ultimate wolf in masquerade |
Some folks believe that people such as yours truly spend too much time talking about the Antichrist and not enough time talking about Jesus Christ.
They're folks such as Dr. Michael Brown, a Jewish believer and a biblical scholar who's brought many of his people to the Lord. Brown's a brilliant guy who holds a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures from New York University.
But even brilliant folks can be wrong. And while Brown's right that some people are obsessed with the Antichrist, he's wrong to suggest that everyone who talks about the man of perdition doesn't spend enough time talking about Christ.
Here's what Brown said recently in a column published by World Net Daily: I do not object in the least to believers discussing the identity of the Antichrist and to studying what appear to be the relevant scriptures. If it’s in the Word, it’s for us to explore and study and investigate and understand.
Let the debate continue.
But every previous generation that has focused on the Antichrist has died without seeing him, and so, to be practical, I want to devote my energies to doing whatever I can to please God and make a difference in people’s lives today, living in readiness for whatever may come my way tomorrow, Antichrist or no.
That's great. However, we're living in a time unlike any other time in history. We're living in the end times and we're getting close to the appearance of the Antichrist. We're getting close to a world government, and the Bible warns us that at some point after this government is functioning, the Antichrist will appear and assume control.
But so what? We know that's going to happen. Dr. Brown knows that's going to happen. So, why bother discussing it? Why? Because the Antichrist isn't merely going to be a tyrannical global dictator, he's going to be an elaborate counterfeit of Jesus Christ.
And he's going to deceive millions into following him. How? The apostle Paul explained it: "The coming of the lawless one (Antichrist) will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing." (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10)
Christ Himself warned: "At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Messiah!' or, 'There he is!' do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you ahead of time." (Matthew 24:23-25)
Millions of people who have absolutely no biblical knowledge or spiritual discernment are going to embrace this man when he appears. And when he arrives, he will claim to be--guess who?--Jesus Christ who's returned to end wars, heal the planet and bring peace and prosperity to the world.
That's why it's important to discuss the Antichrist. He's going to destroy millions--if not billions--of lives. And he's going to send them to hell with his deception. He will do this through his incredible supernatural powers that science will not be able to explain away. And those powers will come from Satan.
That's why many of us have been warning about the counterfeit Signs and Wonders Movement that has grown exponentially within the church over the past 50 years. That movement is based upon an erroneous interpretation of Joel 2:28-32, and claims that a great wave of miracles is going to break out across the world leading to a global revival that will culminate with the return of Jesus Christ.
The Signs and Wonders Movement has its "prophets" who claim that God has revealed to them that the "Great Revival" is getting near. Here's what a "prophet" named Ryan Lestrange claims God told him: I am calling this generation forth to move in the supernatural. Even as the church in the book of Acts went from place to place with power and demonstration, so am I calling this generation to move in power and demonstration. No longer shall the hand of man prevail; no longer shall the wisdom of man stand.
The Bible reveals no great spiritual awakening preceding the return of Christ. Rather, it speaks of a great apostasy supported by demonic miracles that will deceive many. And that deception will fool multitudes into following a counterfeit messiah who'll destroy their souls.
This is why we warn people about the Antichrist. Not because we're obsessed with him. But rather because we don't want people to be deceived by him. Because he will claim to be Jesus Christ when he appears. And he will sell that con through miracles.
There's only one true Jesus Christ. He came into the world 2,000 years ago and died for the sins of the world on the cross. And everyone who puts their faith and trust in Him will be saved. (John 3:16, Romans 10:9-12) There's no greater message than that. That's the alpha and the omega of the Gospel.
But there are counterfeits who claim to be Christ who can't save anyone. And the ultimate counterfeit is coming. It's important to point that out so people won't get fooled by him when he appears. Because he won't be your ordinary false messiah.
Is that an obsession? I think not.
Let the debate continue.
But every previous generation that has focused on the Antichrist has died without seeing him, and so, to be practical, I want to devote my energies to doing whatever I can to please God and make a difference in people’s lives today, living in readiness for whatever may come my way tomorrow, Antichrist or no.
That's great. However, we're living in a time unlike any other time in history. We're living in the end times and we're getting close to the appearance of the Antichrist. We're getting close to a world government, and the Bible warns us that at some point after this government is functioning, the Antichrist will appear and assume control.
But so what? We know that's going to happen. Dr. Brown knows that's going to happen. So, why bother discussing it? Why? Because the Antichrist isn't merely going to be a tyrannical global dictator, he's going to be an elaborate counterfeit of Jesus Christ.
And he's going to deceive millions into following him. How? The apostle Paul explained it: "The coming of the lawless one (Antichrist) will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing." (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10)
Christ Himself warned: "At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Messiah!' or, 'There he is!' do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you ahead of time." (Matthew 24:23-25)
Millions of people who have absolutely no biblical knowledge or spiritual discernment are going to embrace this man when he appears. And when he arrives, he will claim to be--guess who?--Jesus Christ who's returned to end wars, heal the planet and bring peace and prosperity to the world.
That's why it's important to discuss the Antichrist. He's going to destroy millions--if not billions--of lives. And he's going to send them to hell with his deception. He will do this through his incredible supernatural powers that science will not be able to explain away. And those powers will come from Satan.
That's why many of us have been warning about the counterfeit Signs and Wonders Movement that has grown exponentially within the church over the past 50 years. That movement is based upon an erroneous interpretation of Joel 2:28-32, and claims that a great wave of miracles is going to break out across the world leading to a global revival that will culminate with the return of Jesus Christ.
The Signs and Wonders Movement has its "prophets" who claim that God has revealed to them that the "Great Revival" is getting near. Here's what a "prophet" named Ryan Lestrange claims God told him: I am calling this generation forth to move in the supernatural. Even as the church in the book of Acts went from place to place with power and demonstration, so am I calling this generation to move in power and demonstration. No longer shall the hand of man prevail; no longer shall the wisdom of man stand.
The Bible reveals no great spiritual awakening preceding the return of Christ. Rather, it speaks of a great apostasy supported by demonic miracles that will deceive many. And that deception will fool multitudes into following a counterfeit messiah who'll destroy their souls.
This is why we warn people about the Antichrist. Not because we're obsessed with him. But rather because we don't want people to be deceived by him. Because he will claim to be Jesus Christ when he appears. And he will sell that con through miracles.
There's only one true Jesus Christ. He came into the world 2,000 years ago and died for the sins of the world on the cross. And everyone who puts their faith and trust in Him will be saved. (John 3:16, Romans 10:9-12) There's no greater message than that. That's the alpha and the omega of the Gospel.
But there are counterfeits who claim to be Christ who can't save anyone. And the ultimate counterfeit is coming. It's important to point that out so people won't get fooled by him when he appears. Because he won't be your ordinary false messiah.
Is that an obsession? I think not.
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