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Charles Darwin and Karl Marx |
Certainly, evil has existed since the beginning of time when the first couple, Adam and Eve defied God by eating fruit from a deadly tree that was located in the primordial Garden of Eden.
Though the fruit didn't make them physically ill, it permanently corrupted their souls, and that corruption has been passed on to every human being who has ever lived. That corruption, that's better known as depravity, has contaminated history with multiplied murders, crime, wars and violence. Though everyone possesses that sin nature, they also possess a conscience instilled by God to make them understand the clear difference between right and wrong.
Without a conscience, human beings would be nothing more than intelligent beasts. The human conscience serves to impart God's laws and commandments to each person so they will realize that they're held accountable by God for their behavior.
Let the apostle Paul explain it: "All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.) This will take place on the day when God judges people’s secrets through Jesus Christ, as the gospel declares." (Romans 2:12-16)
One of the manifestations of man's depraved spiritual nature is denial. Denial of what? Denial of God and His transcendent moral laws. But what's behind that denial? Rebellion and the refusal to submit to God's authority. When people embrace sin, their consciences begin condemning them. That causes guilt feelings. While that motivates some folks to repent, others refuse and they go looking for reasons to dismiss their guilt and remain in their sin.
Denial of God's existence isn't a modern phenomenon. It's existed for a long time. Nearly 3,000 years ago, King David wrote this: "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.' They (all human beings) are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good." (Psalm 14: 1) For thousands of years, people who denied God's existence were indeed considered fools. Atheism was the malady of people who were morally bankrupt and in denial.
But along came a lapsed theologian and an amateur scientist in the 19th century by the name of Charles Darwin. Darwin began to doubt God's existence after his daughter Annie died, and he sought to provide a purely natural explanation for life sans God. In 1859, he published On The Origin of Species, a purely speculative and terrible theory that dismissed God and postulated life as the product of random evolutionary forces that began in an ancient mud pond.
The odds of intelligent life originating from chemical processes in a primordial mud pond were so remote and astronomical, they were considered impossible. The late eminent scientist and astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle placed the odds of Darwinian evolution being true at one in ten to the power of 40,000. Mathematicians will tell you that anything beyond the power of 800 is mathematically impossible.
Nevertheless, Darwin's theory became music to the ears of those who hated God and desperately sought to escape moral accountability to His laws. Though Darwin's theories were as dangerous as they were bad, they became popular with atheists who finally had a life-preserver to hang onto. Darwin's theory of evolution gradually spread across the world and began to be taught as factual science in public school and college classrooms. Millions of young people, who had grown up believing in God, were now taught a terrible theory disguised as scientific truth that life had appeared naturally without God.
One of Darwin's disciples was a German philosopher named Karl Marx who was convinced that capitalism was an evil byproduct of the Judeo-Christian worldview. He believed that capitalism created economic classes of rich and poor, with the wealthy getting wealthier by ripping off the poor. He believed that capitalism created poverty that resulted in conflict between the classes. Marx believed that taking the wealth from rich people and giving it to the poor would solve crime, poverty and end class strife.
Needless to say, Marxism doesn't work, has never worked and will never work because it denies the spiritual depravity inherent in all human beings. Taking away wealth from successful people via confiscatory taxes, ruins their incentive to succeed. Giving that wealth to those who are lazy, uneducated and unmotivated ruins their incentive to escape poverty. Why get educated and work hard when you don't have to?
What do evolution and Marxism have to do with the last days? They arose because of an apathetic and morally weak Christian church that either couldn't or refused to counter these demonic ideologies. In part two, the rise of evil on the collapse of the modern church.
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