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Bad times for a once mighty nation |
Daniel's ancient vision used Greece as a metaphor for a powerful western nation that will destroy Iran in the last days preceding the return of Jesus Christ. How do we know that the prophet wasn't speaking of the literal nation of Greece?
Because Greece is in no position militarily to confront Iran that--thanks to the Obama Administration--has become a threshold nuclear power. And unless Iran is stopped, the Islamic nation will likely use nuclear weapons against Israel and the western world.
But why did Daniel mention that Greece will be the nation that will take down Iran? Because Greece was synonymous with the gentile nations during the ancient times. In fact, the apostle Paul occasionally referred to gentiles as Greeks in his epistles.
For example, in his letter to the church in Galatia, Paul wrote this: "There is neither Jew nor Greek (Gentile), neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise." (Galatians 3:28-29)
What nation will confront and crush Iran? It will be the United States. Daniel symbolized ancient Persia (Iran) as a Ram while he symbolized "Greece" (United States) as a shaggy goat. Here's what he wrote: "Suddenly a goat with a prominent horn between its eyes came from the west, crossing the whole earth without touching the ground. It came toward the two-horned ram I had seen standing beside the canal and charged at it in great rage. I saw it attack the ram furiously, striking the ram and shattering its two horns. The ram was powerless to stand against it; the goat knocked it to the ground and trampled on it, and none could rescue the ram from its power." (Daniel 8:5-7)
We know that Daniel's prophecy is being fulfilled because Iran has become a nemesis that threatens the entire world. And we know that the United States is a nation that's fully capable of destroying Iran's nuclear facilities. While that scenario seems remote under the pacifist Obama Administration, it's going to happen, if not on Obama's watch, then on another president's watch.
But Daniel's vision also contains something else that's an omen for the U.S. Daniel revealed that after the powerful western nation crushes the Persian kingdom, it will fall from its status as a superpower. (Daniel 8:8)
Why? Certainly, there are several reasons. But the main reasons are America's increasing hostility towards Israel; her multiplied sins (abortion, same-sex marriage) and her financial debt that has grown to an astronomical $18 trillion. Unless the United States gets its financial house in order--and soon--that debt is going to destroy the nation.
And unless America gets that debt under control, she will become what Greece is today. Once a beautiful nation, Greece has become insolvent because, for too many years, she's spent more money than she takes in. That's because of Greece's liberal entitlement system that allows its government employees to work short hours and retire at 58 with a pension plan that guarantees them 14 annual checks. That's right; 14 annual checks for every 12 months. That's a fantastic deal as long as the money's there to pay it. But for Greece, the money's gone.
Adding to Greece's woes is a shrinking and overburdened work population that must increasingly pay higher taxes in order to support its burgeoning population of retirees. That's caused an increasing number of working age people to flee Greece for nations that offer better economic conditions. For young people today, Greece has become a very difficult place to live. And without young people who will marry and have families and work and pay taxes and invest in their country, a nation has no future.
Greece has become yet another example of the utter catastrophe of Marxist economic theory. Wherever Marxism has been tried, it has failed and miserably. And yet the clueless Obama Administration is convinced that Marxism can and will work in America.
It only works until the money's gone. And when nations such as China and Japan decide to stop loaning America money, the money will indeed be gone. And then America will become Greece.
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