Friday, February 7, 2014

Iran's Coming Doom

Note: This is a reprint of an article published on back in 2010. It's a reminder of a major biblical prophecy that's getting closer to being fulfilled.

Sometimes it pays to err on the side of caution, especially concerning the things you tend to wish for. Adolf Hitler wished terrible things upon the Soviet Union ahead of Germany's invasion in 1941 and the crazed despot got just what his evil heart desired; a miserable Russian winter that turned the great bear into the great white north that made life so miserable for Hitler that his Nazi war machine got crushed beneath the avalanche of snow thus ending the Fuhrer's dream of crowning Nuremberg the crown jewel of a Judenfrei world.

"Our dear Imam (Ayatollah Khomeini) said that the occupying regime (Israel) must be wiped off the map for great justice...I have no doubt that the new wave that has started in Palestine...will eliminate this disgraceful stain from the world." Mahmoud Ahmadinejad  

Sometimes it pays to err on the side of caution, especially concerning the things you tend to wish for. Adolf Hitler wished terrible things upon the Soviet Union ahead of Germany's invasion in 1941 and the crazed despot got just what his evil heart desired; a miserable Russian winter that turned the great bear into the great white north that made life so miserable for Hitler that his Nazi war machine got crushed beneath the avalanche of snow thus ending the Fuhrer's dream of crowning Nuremberg the crown jewel of a Judenfrei world.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has offered his own wish; that "the stain" in the midst of the Islamic world will be lanced much as a malignant tumor. And like his hero, the long-dead Nazi despot, Ahmadinejad will get his wish granted as well. Well, not quite the way he envisions it in his fertile imagination because the "stain" that he has wished extinction upon is going to stick around for a good while longer while the "stain" that he waxes fondly of is marked for destruction.

The stain that the Iranian dictator and much of the world wishes extinction upon is fondly referred to by Ahmadinejad and his liberal lefty stooges in the West as "the Zionist Entity" a.k.a. Israel and the stain that God has marked for destruction is none other than Ahmadinejad's Iran. Well, says who? An ancient Hebrew prophet by the name of Daniel said so over 2,600 years ago and since he's backed by a proven prophetical track record, there's no reason to doubt him.

Consider that this prophet accurately predicted the coming of the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ practically to the exact day nearly six centuries before Christ was born. And consider that Daniel accurately predicted Christ's death and the subsequent invasion of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Jewish Temple by the Romans as well, (Daniel 9:26) so when he foretold of Iran's destruction over 26 centuries ago, only a fool would fail to take this prophet seriously.

Predictably, the majority of the world doesn't take Daniel seriously despite the evidence since the majority of the world is either in direct denial of God through its embrace of Darwinism or in partial denial of God through its embrace of false religions such as Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism etc. Tragically, however, a growing segment of Christendom no longer takes Daniel seriously either since that growing segment has chosen to reject historical prophetic biblical evidence for anything from Roman Catholicism to Kingdom-Dominion theology where religious experiences and supernatural phenomena have replaced the biblical Gospel.

Protestant denominations such as the Presbyterian and the Episcopalian Church long ago abandoned historical biblical doctrine for "Replacement Theology", an unbiblical and anti-Semitic Roman Catholic teaching that makes the claim that the Jews were eternally damned and cutoff by God for rejecting Christ and subsequently "murdering" him on a Roman cross. Replacement Theology teaches that as a result of Israel's rejection of Christ, the Roman Catholic Church became the "new Israel" and "Christians" (Roman Catholics) became the "new" chosen people of God. Though the apostle Paul dismissed that belief as a damnable heresy 2,000 years ago in his letter to the early pre-Catholic Roman church, he was largely ignored and that lie has grown and festered like an open sore for two millennia.

And so the Presbyterian Church has threatened to divest economically from companies that do business with Israel unless they cease doing business with "the Zionist Entity." The Episcopalian Church has offered similar threats. Sadly, these were once staunch denominations that rejected Roman Catholic heresies and preached a biblical gospel. But that was then and this is now. Fortunately for Israel, neither of these denominations has much influence in the world anymore since they both have bled millions of members over the past 30 years, and any economic boycott instituted by these two churches would largely be harmless and hollow.

And fortunately, there are still enough bible-believing Christians in the world to recognize that it's not wise to mess with Israel, which the true God of the universe has labeled as precious in his sight. The ancient Hebrew prophet Zechariah explained: "For whoever touches you (Israel) touches the apple of his eye." (Zechariah 2:8) To Israel's ancient patriarch Abraham, God declared: "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." (Genesis 12:3) And concerning the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ and just what nation he would rule the world from upon his return, the prophet Isaiah wrote in the eighth century B.C.: "He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever." (Isaiah 9:7)

If Isaiah was right, and he was right about Jesus Christ being the Jewish Messiah over 700 years before Christ was born, (Isaiah 53) then both Ahmadinejad and the Vatican have a serious problem on their hands. The Iranian despot claims, according to Islam, that the Imam Mahdi (Islam's "Messiah") cannot appear until Israel is destroyed and every last Jew has been removed from the face of the earth and all others have either been forcibly converted to Islam or have been annihilated for rejecting Islam. The Bible has a proven ironclad historical record concerning prophecy as opposed to the Koran which has no prophetic track-record so when Christ returns, he, rather than the Mahdi, will rule the world and he will rule it from Israel; specifically in Jerusalem. Obviously, if Christ is to rule the world from the Jewish nation of Israel, then the Mahdi isn't going to appear.

And Christ's global rule from the Jewish nation of Israel presents a distinct problem for the Roman Catholic Church since the Vatican has historically taught that God eternally washed his hands of the Jews and Israel after the Jewish nation corporately rejected Christ as her Messiah. If Christ rules the world from a Jewish Jerusalem as opposed to a "Roman" Jerusalem, then the Roman Catholic Church will be proven wrong and exposed for what she has historically been; a counterfeit that has persecuted millions who rejected her heresies and sent untold millions to hell with her false gospel.

Ahmadinejad and the Muslim world claim that the Bible cannot be taken seriously since the Jews and later Christians perverted the scriptures in the ancient times. That's a fallacious claim since some of the earliest manuscripts that can be observed in the Book of the Shrine in Jerusalem as well as the Dead Sea Scrolls that date back to 150 B.C. and were retrieved from the Qumran caves beginning in 1946 are identical and show no evidence of being altered. Furthermore, both the Bible's Old and New Testaments were recorded by the Jews who corporately rejected Jesus Christ as the Jewish Messiah. If the Jews had truly desired to pervert the scriptures to their own advantage, they would have changed or obliterated the approximately 300 Old Testament scriptures that speak directly of Christ; some written over 1,000 years before he appeared on earth.

For example, Isaiah 53, which was written over 700 years before Christ appeared on earth speaks directly of the life, ministry, death and resurrection of the Jewish Messiah. Anyone who possesses even a rudimentary knowledge of scripture would make the immediate connection between Isaiah 53 and Christ and anyone who couldn't would be living in denial. The ancient Hebrew prophet Micah, who lived over 700 years before the birth of Christ, accurately prophesied Christ's birthplace as Bethlehem Ephrathah (Micah 5:2) and King David, who was also a prophet, revealed Christ's death by crucifixion (Psalm 22:16) nearly 1,000 years before crucifixion became a form of execution. And so, the Bible was never altered by the Jews or later by Christians to mislead the world away from Islam's god Allah as the Muslim world claims.

What was the prophecy that Daniel received concerning modern Iran? That historic prophecy, which is recorded in Daniel 8, concerns not only modern Iran and the Middle East, but the western world as well and it reveals a transfer of power from a powerful western nation to a four-nation confederacy later to be joined by a fifth nation. Daniel recorded his prophecy while he and his fellow Israelites were in captivity in Babylon during the sixth century B.C. under King Belshazzar who had succeeded his father Nebuchadnezzar as the King of Babylon.

The prophecy came to Daniel in a vision where he witnessed a powerful two-horned ram take on and destroy all of its opponents until a shaggy goat with a prominent horn between its eyes appeared from the distant west. After the goat attacked the ram in a furious rage and destroyed it, its prominent horn was broken off and replaced by four new horns that grew toward the northern, southern, eastern and western skies. Later, a fifth horn appeared in the midst of the four horns and grew toward the south, east, Israel and ultimately heaven. Daniel was puzzled by the vision until he was visited by the archangel Gabriel who then proceeded to interpret the vision for the prophet.

Gabriel explained "that the vision concerns the time of the end." (Daniel 8:17) Then the archangel went on to explain that "the two-horned ram that you saw represents the kings of Media and Persia. The shaggy goat is the king of Greece, and the large horn between his eyes is the first king. The four horns that replaced the one that was broken off represent four kingdoms that will emerge from his nation but will not have the same power." (Daniel 8:20-22)

Here's where many sincere biblical scholars have become confused throughout history because although it's easy to identify ancient Media-Persia as modern Iran, many scholars have become stumped over Gabriel's reference to the "king of Greece." And remember, since the archangel referenced Daniel's vision as a prophetic glimpse of the end times, will the literal nation of Greece rise once again to become a world power that will confront and destroy Iran? That seems unlikely since modern Greece has become a basket case that is drowning in debt with a weak and depleted military that would prove no match for Iran.

Many biblical scholars have erroneously attributed Daniel's vision to the invasion of ancient Persia in 331 B.C. by Greek Emperor Alexander the Great who brought that nation into the Greek Empire through his conquest. But that couldn't have been what Gabriel was referring to because that wasn't the time of the end. In fact, Christ's appearance on earth was still over three centuries away.

So how do we interpret Gabriel's famous reference to the "king of Greece"? In order to understand this prophecy, one must realize that the ancient prophets and scribes often used the term "Greek" to describe the gentiles, of which the Greeks were the most prominent. The apostle Paul frequently substituted the term Greek for gentiles in his letters to the early churches and that term became synonymous with the gentiles from ancient Europe. For example, in his first letter to the early church in Corinth Paul explained that while the Jews often demanded miracles as proof of God's existence, "Greeks (gentiles) look for wisdom..." (1Corinthians 1:22) And in his letter to the early church in Galatia, Paul explained that when one truly gains eternal life in Christ through faith he or she becomes a new creation in God's eyes; "There is neither Jew nor Greek, (gentile) slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Galatians 3:28)

And so, what modern nation then is the allegorical Greece that Daniel prophesied would engage and overthrow Iran which Daniel described 2,600 years ago as Media-Persia? That nation most likely is the United States which still possesses the most powerful military in the world along with advanced nuclear and tactical weapons to crush any opponent. In his vision, Daniel saw the allegorical goat arrive from the distant west to confront and destroy the ram, and this is a further confirmation that the "king of Greece" isn't literal Greece which exists just to the northwest of Iran, but rather a powerful nation from the distant west. Furthermore, in his vision Daniel witnessed the allegorical goat cross "the whole earth without touching the ground." (Daniel 8:5) Obviously, the literal nation of Greece wouldn't have to fly a great distance across the earth from the far west to confront Iran.

And furthermore, Daniel recorded that the prominent horn on the head of the goat was broken off after its conquest of the ram. Gabriel revealed that the large prominent horn represented "the first king." (Daniel 8:21) If that "first king" indeed represents the United States, then America's days as the world's reigning superpower are numbered. But what will bring America down? There are two specific reasons; (1) America's growing abandonment of Judeo-Christian morals and principles for relativism and humanistic socialism that discourages achievement and breeds contempt for success and (2) America's increasing abandonment of Israel to appease Islamic nations and curry favor with the world. Since America increasingly mirrors the world's slide into moral and spiritual depravity (abortion, sexual perversion and immorality, violence, rising crime, persecution of Christians, rampant divorce etc.) it will be the second reason-America's abandonment of Israel as one of her most trusted allies that will bring God's judgment down upon the US. But not before America confronts and ultimately defeats Iran.

However, what comes after Iran's downfall will be critically important because once America has faded as a world power, four new nations will arise to replace America on the world stage, leading to a fifth nation that will eventually produce the Antichrist. Who might those four nations be? Since we now live in a global society, those nations very likely could be China, India, South Korea and perhaps Germany. China has become an industrial giant on the back of America; the Chinese now hold nearly a trillion dollars in US bonds thanks to America's wanton spending. If that trend continues, the Chinese won't have to invade America militarily to overthrow the US; they'll simply own the United States. And close behind the Chinese are India and South Korea that are becoming global industrial giants and even Germany that has aspirations of resurrecting Nietzsche's mythical supremacist paradise of Hyperborea.

But the identity of the fifth nation that will arise from the four that succeed America will undoubtedly be Russia. And the rise of Russia as a global superpower after the collapse of the old Soviet Union 20 years ago was foretold in biblical prophecy. The ancient prophet Ezekiel, who lived during the sixth century B.C. revealed that a powerful nation to the north of Israel that he referred to as "Gog" would arise in the last days to challenge and threaten Israel's existence. Gog was a name for the ancient Caucasian tribe of Rosh from which many modern Russians are descendents of. And Russia sits directly north of Israel. The prophet Daniel also revealed that a powerful nation he referred to as the kingdom of the north (Daniel 11) would arise and reveal the dreaded Antichrist to the world. That nation, Daniel revealed, would be challenged by a powerful nation directly to its south and China sits directly to the south of Russia, bordering the bear at two different points.

But when will Daniel's prophecy finally be fulfilled? The time is getting near since the Iranians and their fanatical Mullahs are committed to destroying Israel via nuclear weapons to begin their quest of establishing a global Islamic caliphate that would seek to convert the world to Islam by force and complete Hitler's final solution of ridding the world of Jews. Indeed, the last days are here and things are about to get interesting.

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