Saturday, January 18, 2014

Are You Rapture Ready? Part III

The Bible clearly reveals that Christians are going to be severely persecuted across the world in the very last days directly preceding the return of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 24:9)

And the Bible also reveals that the dreaded ruler of a coming one-world government, who will be the Antichrist, will put many Christians to death during this time. (Daniel 7:21, Revelation 13:7)

And so, therein lies the problem with those who believe that the Rapture is going to occur just prior to the advent of the Antichrist.

If the Rapture does indeed occur just before the Antichrist appears and assumes control of a world government, then who's he going to persecute? All the Christians would be gone from the world.

Will they be those who belong to the cults and denominations such as the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches? Those pseudo-Christians will likely embrace the Antichrist and join up with his counterfeit global religious system. (Revelation 17)

In fact, they'll believe him to be Jesus Christ when he appears because he'll possess the ability to perform supernatural signs and wonders. (Matthew 24:24, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10, Revelation 13)

Those who promote the pre-tribulation Rapture have an answer to the question of who's going to be persecuted during the seven-year tribulation period--they'll be "tribulation saints."

What is a "tribulation saint?" According to the pre-trib proponents, a tribulation saint will be someone who will become a Christian after the Rapture takes place because they'll recognize that the Bible foretold of this event.

Does the Bible reveal the existence of tribulation saints on earth during the seven-year tribulation period? No, it doesn't. Then why do pre-trib proponents claim they'll exist? Because they need to provide an explanation for those Christians who are going to be persecuted by the Antichrist.

Furthermore, there probably won't be any bibles to read during this horrible time on earth. They'll likely all be confiscated and destroyed. And all websites that offer the bible online will probably be banned from the internet.

And so, anyone who wanted to research the Rapture or read the four gospels wouldn't be able to unless they found an old bible. And they'll probably be arrested and incarcerated if they're caught in possession of a bible.

Also, if the Rapture indeed occurs just before the advent of the Antichrist, then there couldn't be any tribulation saints because the Holy Spirit would be gone. The Bible clearly explains that no one can become a true Christian without the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 8:9)

Why do so many people believe in a pre-tribulation Rapture? Because it gives them the hope that they'll escape the horrible persecution that Christians are going to suffer throughout the world under the Antichrist.

But that's a false hope. Throughout the history of the church, Christians have suffered for their faith in Christ, beginning with the early church in Jerusalem under the rabbis; then later under the Romans to this day when Christians are being slaughtered by Muslims and Hindus in the eastern world and persecuted by godless humanists in the west.

There is no such thing as a pre-tribulation Rapture. In our final installment, we'll use the scriptures to pinpoint the time period when this event will occur.

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