Sunday, November 17, 2013

Christianity: Barack Style

There are folks who are truly convinced that Barack Obama is a Christian. There are some who even believe that he's a Born Again Christian. And they're entitled to their opinions.

Personally, I believe that Obama's an atheist who masquerades as a Christian for political reasons. Such as?

Such as the fact that the majority of Americans still identify themselves as Christians and therefore, it's politically expedient for some politicians seeking high office to convince them that they share their religious beliefs.

That tactic isn't anything new. Adolf Hitler was a pagan and an atheist who managed to convince just enough Germans in 1933 that he was a Christian.

And so, many of them ignored Hitler's sordid past and elected him Chancellor on his dynamic personality combined with his clever use of Christian rhetoric that he often blended into his hypnotic speeches.

After he was elected, Hitler dropped the religious charade and revealed who he really was. And he even mocked those who fell for his act by saying this: "What good fortune for politicians that the people do not think."

Sound familiar? It should. Though Barack Obama is no Adolf Hitler--and thank God for that--he's a con artist on a par with Hitler. Like the Germans who willingly fell for Hitler, millions of Americans chose to ignore Obama's sordid past in 2008 and then again in 2012 by electing him president on his rhetoric and personality. As they say, you reap what you sow.

Though the majority of Obama's supporters are atheists and agnostics, Obama never would've been elected as America's 44th president without the support of Christians who embraced his canard that he was one of them.

Several years ago, Cathleen Falsani, who was employed as the religion reporter for the Chicago Sun-Times at the time, sat down with then Sen. Barack Obama in 2004 to discuss his "Christian faith."

During the interview, Obama was asked whether he considered himself to be a Born Again Christian, and he gave this answer: "Yeah, although I don’t, I retain from my childhood and my experiences growing up a suspicion of dogma. And I’m not somebody who is always comfortable with language that implies I’ve got a monopoly on the truth, or that my faith is automatically transferable to others. I’m a big believer in tolerance. I think that religion at it’s best comes with a big dose of doubt. I’m suspicious of too much certainty in the pursuit of understanding just because I think people are limited in their understanding."

A true Born Again Christian has no doubt who Jesus Christ is and why he died for them on the cross. And a true Born Again Christian understands that it's vital they not "tolerate" false religions by refusing to share (transfer) their faith with others. By Obama's own words, he fails the test of a Born Again Christian.

When he was asked if he believed that faith in Christ provides the only assurance of eternal life, Obama said this: "I find it hard to believe that my God would consign four-fifths of the world to hell. I can’t imagine that my God would allow some little Hindu kid in India who never interacts with the Christian faith to somehow burn for all eternity. That’s just not part of my religious makeup."

God will never punish those with eternal damnation who have never heard the gospel. Those people will be judged on their merits rather than on their faith. That's what the Bible clearly states. (Matthew 25:31-46)

However, those who have heard the gospel and have rejected Christ have no hope, and they will indeed "burn for all eternity." Christ clearly proclaimed: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the (Heavenly) Father except through me." (John 14:6)

Finally, when Falsani asked Obama what he thought sin was, he dropped this bombshell: "Being out of alignment with my values."

Those aren't the words of a Born Again Christian. Rather, they're the words of a slick politician who wants folks to believe that he's a Christian. He isn't. And he never was.

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