history, many people have attempted to discover the identity of the dreaded
Some folks
believe that he will be easily recognized because he will be a violent and evil
person. Others claim that he will be recognized for his infamous 666 mark that
they believe will be prominently displayed on his forehead.
And still
others believe that he will be some sort of half man, half beast who will
terrorize the entire world.
right? Can we learn anything about this man's identity and persona before he
Though the
Bible doesn't identify him by name, it gives us a detailed description of where
he will come from, how he'll behave and the type of power he'll possess that
will mesmerize the entire world.
First of
all, the Bible reveals that this man will be an elaborate counterfeit of Jesus
Christ. That's what the term Antichrist stands for: a substitute for Christ or a
replacement of Christ.
In fact,
Christ Himself warned us that several counterfeit Christs will appear in the
last days that will deceive the world through demonic power: "At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look,
here is the Christ!' or, 'There he is!' Do not believe it. For false Christs and
false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even
the elect--if that were possible." (Matthew
apostle Paul also warned that this counterfeit will use supernatural powers to
convince many that he is the genuine Christ when he appears: "The coming of the lawless one will be in
accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit
miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who
are perishing." (2Thessalonians 2:9-10)
And the
apostle John who recorded the Revelation while in exile from
Rome in about 90 A.D., revealed that
this counterfeit Christ will perform "great and miraculous signs, even causing
fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men." (Revelation
John also
revealed that this counterfeit will recover from a fatal wound and rise from the
dead, (Revelation 13:12 ) and he will have his own advance
prophet who will introduce him to the world. (Revelation 19:20)
rose from the dead three days after He was crucified and His appearance to the
world was announced by John the Baptist. And so, the Antichrist will deceive
many by rising from the dead after suffering a fatal wound, and he will be
revealed to the world by his own John the Baptist.
the Antichrist will not appear as a violent, mass murdering warmonger. Rather,
he will appear as a benevolent man who will convince the world that he has come
to bring peace to a world ravaged by war. (Daniel 8:23)
And he'll
be a con artist who'll possess hypnotic powers that will persuade the entire
world to follow him. According to John: "All inhabitants of the earth will worship
the beast--all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging
to the Lamb (Jesus Christ) that was slain from the creation of the world."
(Revelation 13:8)
prophecy reveals that true Christians will refuse to worship this counterfeit
because they'll know who he really is. And those who refuse to worship this man
will be persecuted because he will institute an electronic marking system that
will be essential for everyone's survival. (Revelation 13:16-17)
In order
to receive this mark, everyone will be forced to swear allegiance to him. Those
who refuse to swear allegiance to the counterfeit Christ will not be given the
mark and they will be unable to buy, sell or transact business. They will
literally have to survive on their own.
biblical prophecy reveals that this man will rise in conjunction with a global
counterfeit religious revival and he will come from the Roman Catholic Church.
(Revelation 17)
He will be
both a political and a religious figure who will be backed by satanic power. (Revelation 13:2) And after he
initially appears as a man of peace, he will begin a reign of terror across the
world that will destroy multitudes. (Daniel 8:24)
But where
will this man come from? Though many biblical scholars throughout the centuries
have predicted that he will come from
Rome , he will in fact come from
Russia . How can
we determine that?
The Bible
reveals that this man will be the ruler of a powerful nation that's described as
a northern kingdom. (Daniel 11) How
can we determine that
Russia is that
northern kingdom? Because the Bible always places
Israel at the
center of its geographical map, and
Russia is
located directly north of
Israel .
But how
does that prove that
Russia is that
northern nation? Because Daniel also revealed that this powerful northern
kingdom will do battle with a powerful southern kingdom for world supremacy in
the last days. (Daniel 11) Who would
that southern kingdom be? That southern kingdom is
China that sits
on Russia' s
southern border at two different points, separated by
Mongolia .
Russia and
China are the
emerging as the globe's newest superpowers as the
United States
declines. And Daniel also revealed that these two nations will become allies for
a period of time (Daniel 11:6)
before they become bitter enemies.
Russia and
China are allies
and they cooperate on a number of military, energy and economic projects. The
Russians possess an abundance of energy that the Chinese need such as coal,
crude oil and natural gas. And
China possesses
a lot of money that
desperately needs to rebuild her economy.
Also, the
prophet Ezekiel revealed that this northern kingdom will put together a military
alliance called Magog that will attempt to destroy Israel at some future date
before Christ destroys this kingdom and its alliance. Ezekiel revealed the name
of this kingdom as Gog, which was an ancient name for modern
Russia .
When will
the Antichrist appear? According to Daniel, he will appear perhaps several years
after a world government has been established. (Daniel 8:23) Daniel revealed that this
man will be mysterious and will seemingly come from nowhere. But his ability to
perform incredible miracles will convince the world that he is
prophecy indicates that this man will be a prominent world leader who will rise
from the dead after he's assassinated. (Revelation 13:3) John also revealed
that when this man rises from the dead, he will begin performing miracles and
the world will worship him. (Revelation
biblical prophecy reveals that this counterfeit Christ will order a new Jewish
temple to be constructed in
Jerusalem that he will eventually
enter and defile with his presence. (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, 2Thessalonians
2:4) Obviously, if there's going to be a new temple in
Jerusalem , then
Israel is going
to continue to exist as a nation.
The fact
that this man will have the power and authority to permit a new Jewish temple to
be built indicates that Islam will either be extremely weakened when the
Antichrist appears, or Islam will no longer exist.
before the Antichrist can appear, a one-world government must arise that will
consist of 10 nation groups. In conjunction with the rise of this world
government will be a global religious revival that will be demonically inspired.
And this revival will purport to be a Christian revival that will feature
counterfeit signs, wonders and miracles.
Is the
Antichrist coming? He is. Tragically, only a handful of true Christians will
recognize him for who he really is. The rest of the world will believe that he
is Jesus Christ who has returned to bring peace to the earth. That's when the
real nightmare will begin.