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Michael Moore |
If there's a model spokesman for America's Far Left, then Michael Moore is that person.
Moore is an extremely wealthy filmmaker who considers himself morally and intellectually superior to most people. Therefore, he believes that he has an unquestionable right to tell them what to do and how to live their lives. Such as in the areas of gun ownership, health care and economics.
Moore doesn't believe that the average Joe Shmoe (that would be you, me and anyone else who he looks down his nose upon) should possess firearms. Like most of his leftist brethren, Moore truly believes that doing away with all guns--not merely assault weapons--will do away with gun violence. That's been tried in Chicago for decades and it hasn't worked. Last year, Chicago led the nation in homicides with over 500, the majority of them committed by handguns, even though the city has banned handguns for many years.
Of course, while Moore and his associates want to repeal the Second Amendment and take away your right to own a gun, they have no problem surrounding themselves with heavily armed thugs who protect them from their adoring fans.
Moore is also a staunch believer in socialized medicine. He's a passionate spokesman for Obamacare and he's unabashedly praised Fidel Castro's glorious health care system in Cuba. Under socialized medicine, you have the choice to either become a vegetarian health nut if you want to survive or you can submit yourself to a health care system that will most likely fail you if you're one of the following; over 50, obese, have a preexisting condition or you're poor.
You'll notice that Moore certainly doesn't practice what he preaches in regards to health care. He looks like he's spent a considerable amount of his lifetime inside a Burger King, but since he's a very wealthy man, he can afford to pay for his own health care. While he has no problem carrying a considerable amount of weight on his corpulent frame, Moore believes that you should eat healthy, exercise and control your weight so that you don't overburden a health care system that's sure to be a success like the one down in Cuba where the mortality rate is extremely high.
Moore often demonizes capitalism, even though he's made a fortune through that economic system. But he doesn't believe that you should be able to enjoy that same economic success. Because that might deprive others of money that should rightfully go to them even though they didn't earn it. When Moore and his ilk frequently complain that capitalism purportedly allows the rich to exploit the poor, that obviously doesn't apply to them. If Moore truly cares about the plight of the poor, then he should sell his palatial vacation estate in Michigan that's worth a fortune and give the money to those who need it more than he does.
But he won't because he's a hypocrite--a modern day Pharisee who seldom practices what he preaches. During Jesus' time in ancient Israel (not Palestine) Christ often held the Pharisees up to contempt as the worst examples of those who never practiced what they preached. They were Israel's corrupt religious leaders who were in league with the Roman government, much as today's Left (the media, Hollywood, academia, etc.) is in league with the Obama Administration.
Here's what Christ said concerning those repugnant religious leaders: "The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them." (Matthew 24:2-4)
And so it is with modern day Pharisees such as Michael Moore. Don't do what he says because he doesn't do what he wants you to do. When Moore is willing to shed his corpulence and start sharing his wealth with the poor, then you can start taking him seriously. Until then, consider him to be just another big fat clown with a big fat mouth.
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