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The lure of a Psychic |
"I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute himself by following them, and I will cut him off from his people."--Leviticus 20:6
Fortune-telling has become a lucrative industry in the western world with psychics, astrologers, mediums and clairvoyants now operating numerous shops throughout major cities and small towns. There was a time when this sort of industry was clandestine and restricted to private residences and the back rooms of small businesses. And those who consulted fortune-tellers to seek advice about their personal lives and futures usually kept that a secret for fear of being considered foolish, insane, stupid, gullible or all of the above.
But not any more. With the declining influence of Judeo-Christianity in the western world, occultism and its many byproducts such as fortune-telling have become immensely popular and have lost their stigma as a con racket that preys upon foolish and stupid people. What's the reason for the exploding popularity of this industry? Because many people want answers to problems and difficulties that plague their lives. And it's human nature to be curious about what lies ahead in the future and about events that occurred in the past that may be affecting the present.
And because of that curiosity, many people foolishly turn to psychics, astrologers and mediums to get answers to these questions. Unfortunately, those who seek the counsel of such people bring a curse upon themselves because God's laws recorded in the Bible expressively forbid contacting the spiritual realm for such guidance. Those laws, that were given by God to Moses, warn that those who violate these laws will pay a very heavy price in eternity unless they repent.
Here's what Moses warned the ancient Jews concerning the practice of divination and sorcery: "When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and because of these detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the Lord." (Deuteronomy 18:9-13)
Some claim that the Mosaic Law only applied to the ancient Jews and therefore doesn't apply to the modern world. But the Mosaic Law embodied God's universal laws that apply to everyone. They were recorded by Moses who taught them to the ancient Jews who were obligated to teach those laws to the entire world. The fact that they didn't and then perverted God's laws was a monumental tragedy. But the fact is that the Mosaic Law contains God's universal laws that apply to all mankind. Those laws will be applied to everyone on Judgment Day who rejected Jesus Christ as the One who paid the ultimate penalty for their sins and for everyone who violated those laws.
Why does God prohibit us from contacting the spiritual realm? Because those who are able to connect with the spiritual realm will come in contact with demons under Satan's authority that will deceive them. In what ways? By either impersonating the dead, which they are very good at, or by denying the existence of hell and promoting a universal heaven where everyone goes to regardless of the lives they lived here on earth. They also deny, distort and dismiss the deity of Christ who they lower to the level of a religious holy man. And they have enough information on people past and present that they can reveal to mediums to convince gullible people that the spiritists have the ability to predict the future.
They don't. Anything that these mediums predict that does come to pass results from the limited freedom that the demons possess to manipulate the circumstances in the lives of people who consult these occultists. For example, many years ago, a former acquaintance of mine consulted a psychic who predicted that he'd soon meet his future wife. He did and they got married. But he also brought a curse upon himself in the process.
If you've ever consulted an astrologist, medium or a psychic, even if it was done in ignorance or just for entertainment, then confess that sin right now to Jesus Christ and repent of it because until you do, you have a curse hanging over you. And don't be fooled by years of success and prosperity; Satan has a legal right to you and he will come calling for you sooner or later. And when he does, look out--it will be too late. It's time to get right with God right now.
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