Monday, December 30, 2013

Homosexuality and Christianity

Phil Robertson, the embattled star of the popular A&E series, Duck Dynasty, has been accused of invoking hate-speech against homosexuals because he had the audacity to condemn the gay lifestyle.

Actually, all Robertson did was quote 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 that says this: "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Apparently, fornicators, idol worshipers, financial shysters, con artists, thieves and alcoholics weren't the least bit insulted by Robertson's use of a scripture penned by the apostle Paul 2,000 years ago that condemned their lifestyles. But gays and lesbians were extremely insulted by it.

They were so insulted by Robertson's use of that scripture that they demanded A&E throw Robertson off the show even though very few of them--if any--watch the show.

And A&E meekly complied until the cable TV network received an avalanche of complaints from people who actually do watch the show and like Robertson and his southern folksy family. A&E reluctantly reinstated Robertson to the show because the network faced the loss of millions of viewers which translated into tons of lost advertising revenue.

It's become a tragic day in America when a person such as Phil Robertson can be persecuted for merely sharing his biblical views publicly concerning the gay lifestyle.

Robertson didn't resort to slurs as some are in the habit of doing who disapprove of the gay lifestyle. He merely quoted a biblical passage which he has a constitutional right to do under the First Amendment. And for that, he was soundly condemned and nearly banned permanently from television.

For the record, homosexuality is merely one of a host of behaviors categorized in the Bible as sinful. In fact, more scripture is devoted to condemning such sins as idolatry, fornication, greed and adultery than to homosexuality.

And yet, for some reason, Christians who embrace a biblical worldview concerning homosexuality are condemned as bigots and haters.

What's the reason for that? The reason is simple: America has a large minority of godless secularists who hate fundamental Christianity and want to completely eradicate it from the landscape. And what better way to accomplish that than to exploit a group of people by making them victims of a faith that declares their lifestyle as sinful.

Once a group has gained victim status, then any criticism of its lifestyle and practices is deemed bigotry. That's how you silence your enemies. You marginalize them by turning them into ugly, freakish bigots.

I'm not going to get into an argument whether homosexuals can be "straightened" out. Many gays have gone straight and many others have tried, only to return to the gay lifestyle.

I will say this: Those who willingly practice the homosexual lifestyle--like those who steal, murder, commit adultery, molest children, practice the occult and worship false gods--will not inherit the kingdom of God, no matter how often they attend church or profess Jesus Christ as Lord.

The antidote to the power of sin can be found in the greater power of Jesus Christ. And it isn't shameful to be overcome by sin and its many manifestations.

It's only shameful when one refuses to turn the power of sin over to Christ.    

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