Two of the
most prominent prophetic books in the Bible concerning the end times are the
Book of Daniel that is found in the Old Testament and the Revelation that is the
Bible's final book of the New Testament.
Daniel was
a Hebrew prophet who lived about 2,600 years ago. He received several visions
from God that included the appearance of the Jewish Messiah, the invasion of
Jerusalem by the Romans and their subsequent destruction of the Jewish Temple
which occurred in 70 C.E., and events concerning the last days on
Revelation was written by the apostle John in the late 1st Century
C.E. The Revelation deals almost exclusively with the events that will occur on
earth in the end times. Written in apocalyptic language, the Revelation
announces the rise of a global government along with the appearance of a
tyrannical world leader who will be known as the Antichrist.
both Daniel and John received their prophetic visions while living in exile.
Daniel lived in exile initially under the Babylonians after Nebuchadnezzar's
invasion of Jerusalem in 586 B.C.,
and then later under the Persians who had succeeded the Babylonians.
John lived
in exile from Rome on a desolate
island known as Patmos that was located in the
Aegean Sea . John was sent there because he refused to
renounce his faith in Jesus Christ and worship
Rome' s pagan gods.
Daniel and John lived in different eras, they both received identical visions of
world events concerning the end times. Some skeptics have claimed that John's
vision is so similar to Daniel's that he probably copied the prophet's
And though
John's vision is similar to Daniel's, the apostle's vision contains information
that isn't found in Daniel's recordings. For example, John saw the rise of a
one-world religious system that was allegorized as a garishly dressed harlot
that rode atop a scarlet beast that is symbolic for the coming end time global
government. (Revelation
What did
Daniel see concerning the end time world government? He saw the rise of four
beasts that were symbolic for world empires that would rise and fall before the
end of time and the return of Jesus Christ.
the fourth beast that Daniel saw concerns the final kingdom on earth before the
return of Christ. Unlike the three other kingdoms that were regional empires,
the fourth kingdom will be a global empire. And according to Daniel, this
kingdom will be an extremely violent one.
Here's how
Daniel described the fourth kingdom: "After that, in my vision at night I looked
and there before me was a fourth beast--terrifying and frightening and very
powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed its victims and trampled underfoot
whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten
horns." (Daniel 7:7)
And here's
how John described the coming world government: "And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He
had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns and on each head a
blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those
of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion." (Revelation
described this global government as authoritative and violent. It will possess
the absolute power to destroy those it considers its enemies. And the ten horns
he described represent 10 regional kingdoms that will comprise this world
ascribed animal-like qualities to this global government. He described it as a
leopard. Why? Because the leopard is a predatory animal that strikes quickly and
can run extremely fast. The leopard symbolizes how quickly this government will
assume power and spread across the earth. The bear's feet that John described
represent the brute strength of this government and the lion's mouth represents
the absolute authority that this government will possess.
this global government will feature 10 kingdoms or nation groups, why will it
have only seven rulers? Daniel revealed that the supreme ruler of this
government will arise who will "subdue three kings." (Daniel 7:24)
Who will
this supreme ruler be? He will be the Antichrist. Why will he remove three
kings? Most likely because they will represent a threat to his authority.
Therefore, three of the remaining seven kings will each rule two
Daniel and John also revealed that this global government will persecute true
Christians and put many of them to death. (Daniel 7:25, Daniel 8:24, Revelation 13:7)
What's significant about that is the fact that this world government will be
partnered with a religious system that will purport to be Christian. But this
will be a counterfeit Christian system that true Christians will reject. And
when they do, they will be persecuted.
to John, the world headquarters of this religious system will be located in a
city surrounded by seven hills. (Revelation 17:9) There are only two
cities in the world that are surrounded by seven hills; Rio
de Janeiro that's located in
Brazil and
Rome that's located in
Italy .
Rome is the world headquarters of
the Roman Catholic Church. And so John's prophecy reveals that the Antichrist
will be both a political figure and a religious figure, something that Daniel
never revealed.
When is
this world government going to appear? It's going to take several years because
193 sovereign world nations must be convinced that it is in their best interests
to trade their individual sovereignty for the safety and financial security of a
new world order.
the United Nations and several affiliated groups including the Club of Rome, the
Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are working with
organizations such as the European Union, African Union, CARICOM, (Caribbean Community) the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization, (SCO)
ASEAN, (Association of Southeast
Asian Nations) the Arab League,
The Turkic Council and the Commonwealth of Independent States to design and
eventually implement a new world order that will consist of 10 regional kingdoms
or nation groups.
The major
stumbling blocks to the formation of a new world system are manufacturing,
trade, security, energy and currency. Obviously, some nations have a lot of
those commodities while others have little.
And so,
the greatest way to level the playing field is to drain money from wealthy
nations and redistribute it across the world to lesser nations. And that's
primarily being done through the deceitful schemes such as Climate-Change-Global
Warming that are designed to impose punitive taxes upon wealthy nations that use
a lot of fossil energy.
Warming is nothing but a hoax that is designed to bankrupt wealthy nations such
as the United
States and redistribute its wealth to other
nations via the U.N. Keep in mind that nations that are economically weak become
subject to the influence of powerful nations and global organizations such as
the U.N. The very fact that the
U.S. continues
to rack up colossal debt ($17 trillion) strongly suggests that this is planned
to destroy
politically, militarily and economically.
Are we
getting close to a world government? While we are probably at least 30 to 50
years away, it's coming. We already have a functioning World Bank, World Trade
Organization, World Health Organization and a World Court.
Daniel and John, the ancient Hebrew prophet Isaiah, who lived during the
8th Century B.C., also revealed that an end time world government is
coming. (Isaiah
Saul Mendlovitz, a member of the CFR and a director of
the World Order Models Project (WOMP)
said this concerning the inevitably of a global government:
"It is my personal belief that there
is an overwhelming surge in the direction of global polity and that a world
state is emerging. Indeed, some of the policy elite are beginning to discuss a
single world central bank and a single currency." Legitimizing Global Tyranny: Moving Towards World
Government | Global Research
unknown whether Mendlovitz believes in biblical prophecy. As a member of the
CFR, he probably doesn't. And yet by his actions, he and his comrades are
unwittingly working toward fulfilling biblical prophecy. Indeed, we are living
in prophetic times.