Sunday, March 31, 2013
The Agenda Behind the Agenda
Contrary to popular belief, I'm not anti-science. Nor am I a homophobe, xenophobe, racist, bigot or an anti-Semite.
Rather, I like to do research and establish evidence--or the lack of--when someone or an organization promotes something as true and then declares it to be "settled science", meaning that there's no room for discussion or dissent.
Such as the LBGT Movement and Gay Marriage. I believe that the LBGT Movement and its corollaries such as Gay Marriage are part of a much broader global movement that seeks to radically reduce the earth's population.
What could the LBGT Movement and Gay Marriage possibly have to do with global population control? Very simply this--homosexuals and lesbians can't procreate unless they find surrogates.
Thus, the real agenda behind the LBGT's agenda is to encourage more people to leave traditional heterosexual relationships for homosexual relationships. And that's being done by glorifying the gay lifestyle by making it attractive, hip and cool while demonizing opponents of the lifestyle as narrow-minded bigots and racists. That's why the Christian Church in the western world is under attack from LBGT's and secular progressives.
The more young people who can be enticed to give up heterosexuality for homosexuality, the less likely they will be to procreate and bring children into the world. That's the real goal behind the burgeoning LBGT Movement, though most gays and lesbians would probably scoff at that.
But examine the websites and the agendas of big, global organizations such as the United Nations and its surrogates such as the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, the Club of Rome and Games For Change and you'll see what I mean. Population reduction and control is one of their main goals along with the creation of a world government.
They frequently use the word "sustainability" to imply that the earth's growing population (currently seven billion) is responsible for "Global Warming-Climate Change" and the spread of famines, food shortages, deadly diseases etc.
And they claim that unless the world's population is reduced drastically--and soon--then massive death, disease and starvation will become rampant throughout the world. The United Nations tried to peddle that hysteria back in the late 1960s by promoting a propaganda book written by Paul Ehrlich. It was titled; The Population Bomb and it predicted that the earth would experience an apocalypse of death and destruction in the 1970s unless world nations came together to reduce their populations.
The 1970s came and went, and no such apocalypse occurred. Nevertheless, Ehrlich's hysterical doomsday predictions are still regarded by many as sacrosanct.
Biblical prophecy reveals that a world government is in fact coming that will destroy multitudes. (Daniel 8:25) This oppressive government will have the power to regulate anything and everything, and it will be ruled by the dreaded Antichrist who will decide who lives and who dies.
How vicious will this global government be? In his famous vision concerning the end, recorded 2,600 years ago, the prophet Daniel compared this world government to a violent beast: "After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast--terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left." (Daniel 7:7)
This government will be a mass-murdering machine. When abortion, radical environmentalism and the LBGT Movement fail to reduce global population, then a world government is going to arise that will. And it will accomplish that through mass murder.
And so, when you see a global government arise that will consist of 10 nation groups led by seven powerful rulers (Daniel 7:23-25, Revelation 13:1, Revelation 17:3) who will answer to a global ruler who will be the Antichrist--be wary--because the end is near.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
America's Stage 4 Moral Carcinoma
What is DOMA? It stands for Defense of Marriage Act and it was signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996. The law declares that the United States of America defines a legal marriage strictly as the union of one man and one woman.
Therefore, under DOMA, no other form of marriage is legitimately recognized and thus protected by the U.S. Constitution. But that's about to change.
It matters more why America has reached this proverbial fork in the historical road rather than how America got to that road. We know how we got to this road. We got there because America has become a post-Judeo-Christian nation.
But the reason why we got there is because America's churches have lost their influence over the land. They have become cultural white elephants that stand more as reminders of America's distant past rather than moral beacons of light in our modern debauched and depraved times.
Travel through any large city such as Chicago and you'll see what I mean. You'll notice the contradiction; churches on almost every block sharing the same turf with violent, heavily armed gang-bangers, drug dealers, prostitutes, addicts, homeless people etc.
Why have these churches lost their influence? Because they've abandoned the Bible as the guiding moral light that contains God's transcendent laws, commandments and path to salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ. These churches have substituted the Bible with the useless social gospel that replaces Christ with government. In the context of these dead, corrupt churches, Christ has been reduced to an historical figure who's no longer relevant in the modern world.
And so, it stands to reason that when the U.S. Supreme Court is now poised to change the definition of marriage that has been clearly defined for 6,000 years as the union of a man and a woman, then the Christian Church in America is dead. Not declining or waning, but flat out dead.
Rob Bell, the former pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church in Michigan, has become the spokesman for America's corrupt, apostate churches. While he claims to be an "expert" on biblical teachings concerning marriage, fidelity and homosexuality, he sounds more like a secular propagandist.
Here's what he said recently regarding gay marriage: "Yes, I am for marriage. I am for fidelity. I am for love, whether it's a man and a woman, a woman and a woman, a man and a man. I think the ship has sailed and I think that the church needs to just … this is the world that we are living in and we need to affirm people wherever they are."
Bell claims that Christ would condone gay marriage. No, he wouldn't. Concerning the Mosaic Law that condemns homosexuality, (Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13) Christ said this: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law and the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of the pen, will be any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished." (Matthew 5:17-18)
No society can survive for very long without a solid moral foundation. For over 230 years, the Judeo-Christian Bible has been America's moral backbone and foundation. But now, that foundation has eroded because America's churches--which are responsible for maintaining that foundation--have become utterly worthless and corrupt.
What follows next is moral decay, depravity and a steep decline. If America chooses to legalize gay marriage, then it will have chosen to travel down the road to its destruction. After that comes God's judgment. And if SCOTUS strikes down DOMA, America will be one step closer to its own apocalypse.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Stupid Rich Men
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Michael Bloomberg |
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg proves that you don't have to be intelligent to be wealthy.
While many people consider Bloomberg to be a very intelligent man, he's long on ideology and book knowledge and he's extremely short on practical sense.
Like most secular-progressives, Bloomberg believes in the absolute power of big government. He truly believes that government can legislate a social utopia on earth where people will beat their Glocks and Rugers into plowshares and they will cast off their super-sized sugary soft drinks for mineral water and herbal tea.
Of course, in order for that to happen, Bloomberg needs to pass strict laws that force people to behave the way he believes they should. Bloomberg's latest initiative calls for spending $12 million through his political group called Mayors Against Illegal Guns to buy advertising in 10 states where strict gun control legislation is pending.
Bloomberg's group wants to banish assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. However, the majority of gun homicides in America are committed by handguns rather than assault weapons. But since most people who grovel at the feet of expensive empty suits such as Bloomberg aren't very intelligent, they willingly believe whatever Bloomberg and his ilk tell them.
Such as doing away with guns will do away with murder and violence. In China, they've already done away with guns. So, back in December 2012, a homicidal nutcase by the name of Min Yingjun had to settle for a knife to murder 22 children at a Primary School located in the Henan province of Chenping.
Yingjun's mass murder occurred just a week before Adam Lanza massacred 20 children and six adults on December 14, at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. Lanza's murders received sensational coverage while Yingjun's massacre received scant coverage from the western media. Why? Because Lanza used a gun while Yingjun used a knife.
Murder and violence are caused by moral depravity, not by the availability of guns. The reason why progressive do-good politicians such as Michael Bloomberg target guns is because that's politically correct and it makes them look like heroes while avoiding real issues such as the declining influence of Judeo-Christian values in western society.
That's the real reason for the increase in violence, murder and depravity throughout the western world. Bloomberg and his fellow progressives can pass all the gun legislation they want, but that won't stop the violence.
Because violence and depravity begin in the human heart, not at gun shows or gun shops. And in order for the human heart to be changed from darkness to light, the Son of God Jesus Christ must be invited to sit on the throne of human hearts. As the apostle James wrote: "Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up." (James 4:7-10)
That's the real solution to end the murder and violence. A personal relationship with God through faith in His Son Jesus Christ for His death on Calvary's cross for our sins and His resurrection from the dead. That changes sinful, reprobate hearts.
Not more empty and endless political laws passed by stupid rich men such as Michael Bloomberg.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
The Son of Satan
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Kermit Gosnell's chamber of death |
I wouldn't want to be in Kermit Gosnell's shoes on Judgment Day. Because unless he repents of his many sins, he's going to face an angry God who's likely to throw him into the eternal lake of fire.
Who is Kermit Gosnell? He's a sadistic abortionist who has murdered thousands of babies over the past 30 years, including healthy newborns.
Abortion is a vile, disgusting and immoral subject. It murders unborn infants that are created in the image of a Holy God. Of all the murders that are committed on this planet, abortion is the most evil of them all. Why? Because it involves human sacrifice, not unlike the human sacrifices that the ancient pagans offered to their false gods.
The pagans often sacrificed innocent children to detestable gods such as Molech, Baal and Astarte. The modern pagans--the sexually perverse and immoral--sacrifice their unborn children to the false gods of pleasure, hedonism, nihilism, carnality and debauchery.
In the ancient times, the Lord sternly warned the ancient Israelites never to offer their children in any pagan sacrifice, or else: "Any Israelite or any alien living in Israel who gives any of his children to Molech must be put to death. The people of the community are to stone him. I will set my face against that man and I will cut him off from his people; for by giving his children to Molech, he has defiled my sanctuary and profaned my holy name." (Leviticus 20:2-3)
Gosnell not only profaned God's holy name, he did so while becoming obscenely rich. He would perform an abortion for any woman at his Philadelphia, Pa. clinic just as long as she had the cash. Adrienne Moton, a former employee of Gosnell's abortion Auschwitz described a newly born healthy boy that Gosnell murdered: "I just saw a big baby boy. He had that color, that color that a baby has,"
Moton said. "I just felt he could have had a chance. He could have
been born any day.”
Fate finally caught up with Gosnell last year when the police showed up at his clinic to investigate several drug-related complaints. What they saw inside the clinic after they arrived made them physically ill. Police discovered "bags and bottles holding aborted fetuses scattered throughout the building...there were jars with severed feet lining shelves that he (Gosnell) kept for no medical purpose."
Gosnell was arrested and charged with seven counts of first degree murder. He is currently on trial for his heinous crimes.
Of course, not only did he commit mass murder at his clinic, he obviously enjoyed murdering helpless infants in the process. According to Townhall news editor Katie Pavlich who is covering Gosnell's trial, Gosnell "apparently used to joke about the large size of some of the infants he aborted and
in one case, according to what a co-worker told the grand jury, said,
“This baby is big enough to walk around with me or walk me to the bus
And unless he repents of his despicable behavior--and soon--one of Satan's demons will eventually be walking Gosnell right into the fiery pit of hell where he belongs.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Evidence for a Real Devil
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A popular but erroneous depiction |
"He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language because he is a liar and the father of lies."--John 8:44
Back in 2009, a Barna Research poll revealed that only 60 percent of professing Christians actually believed in the devil. What about the other 40 percent? They viewed Satan not as "a living being but (as) a symbol of evil."
Who then did Jesus Christ have a conversation with just prior to launching His ministry in Israel 2,000 years ago? A symbol of evil? Symbols of evil don't talk, but the diabolical being that Christ encountered certainly knew how to talk. And he also knew how to quote and pervert scripture.
For example, here's what this so-called "symbol of evil" said to Christ: "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." (Matthew 4:3) The "symbol of evil" was aware that Christ had fasted for 40 days prior to beginning His ministry. So he knew that Christ was hungry and he tried to tempt the Jewish Messiah to violate His fast by turning some rocks into loaves of bread. Christ replied: "It is written: Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." (Matthew 4:4)
In rebuking Satan, Christ quoted a scripture from Deuteronomy 8:3. The "symbol of evil" then tried and failed twice more to entice Christ into sinning before he finally gave up and left Him.
In John's Gospel, Christ referred to Satan as a real, diabolical being rather than a symbolic figure of evil that merely represented man's rebellion against God and His transcendent laws. Christ called the devil "the father of lies". (John 8:44) And Christ also referred to Satan as the spiritual father of all unrepentant sinners in the same context that he referred to Moses as the spiritual father of the Jewish people.
The Jews don't consider Moses to be a symbolic figure of their faith who never really existed. They consider him to be a real person who God revealed His laws and 10 Commandments to. Certainly, most Jews believe that Moses existed, but few believe that Satan ever existed.
And now, fewer Christians believe in Satan's existence. Is belief of Satan's existence necessary for salvation? Certainly not. But the fact that more professing Christians no longer believe in the devil's existence underscores a very serious problem within Christendom today.
And that problem is a growing apostasy within much of the church. What is apostasy? It is the rejection of historical, proven biblical truth for heretical myths and religious experiences. The church's rejection of the Bible as the infallible word of God actually began in the 19th Century when many Christian seminaries began embracing secularism while turning away from biblical truths such as the virgin birth of Christ, his crucifixion for the sin of mankind and his resurrection from the dead.
Christendom's growing rejection of Satan, described in the Bible as a fallen angel who rebelled against God provides us with another example that many people today who profess to be Christians no longer respect the Bible as the inerrant word of God.
And that's sad. If many Christians doubt the Bible's account of Satan, then it's likely that they don't take the Bible very seriously. And that shows in the ignorance displayed by many Christians toward the historical truths concerning their own faith and in their willingness to embrace false world religions such as Islam, Roman Catholicism and Rabbinic Judaism as valid paths to God and eternal life.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Big Ministers and Glass Churches
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Pastor Jack Schaap |
"Since an overseer is entrusted with God's work, he must be blameless..."--Titus 1:7
Jack Schaap admits that he acted like a fool. And indeed, he did.
Who is Jack Schaap? Until recently, he was the pastor of the 15,000 member First Baptist Church located in Hammond, Indiana. Now, Schaap is a convict and that will be his title for the next 12 years after U.S. District Court Judge Rudy Lozano sentenced him to prison for having sex with an underage girl.
The girl originally came to Schaap for counseling a few years ago and she wound up being seduced into a sexual relationship by the popular pastor. The girl claims that Schaap even had the audacity to text her from his pulpit during church services. According to the girl, Schaap actually claimed that God himself had ordained the relationship and that it would be beneficial for her.
The relationship certainly didn't turn out to be beneficial for the pastor after First Baptist church officials learned of the affair and confronted Schaap with their suspicions. Schaap not only denied the affair, he tried to get rid of evidence such as pictures and text messages. He also fired a church employee who evidently found out about what was going on between Schaap and the 16-year-old girl.
But Schaap wasn't able to get rid of all the evidence and the truth finally caught up with him after police confronted him with that evidence along with the girl's statement. "Photographs taken at (Schaap’s home) feature the defendant grinning like a
Cheshire cat while rubbing cheeks with the victim, and, in another shot,
engaging the victim in what one witness described as a ‘very romantic
lip-lock,’" prosecutors said.
Schaap embarrassed himself, his family and he was fired from First Baptist Church after serving as its pastor for many years.
Worse yet, Jack Schaap brought shame and embarrassment to the overall Church of Jesus Christ. His behavior reinforced the worst stereotypes about Christians in the minds of those who are already highly suspicious of Christians who openly profess Jesus Christ as Lord.
Schaap's behavior made it that much harder for honest, hardworking pastors, missionaries and apostles to convince skeptical unbelievers that they need to repent of their sins and serve Jesus Christ as Lord. If pastors such as Jack Schaap, Ted Haggard, Jimmy Swaggart etc. aren't willing to obey Christ's teachings, then why should anybody?
Has Schaap repented of his sins? Sort of. He admits that the relationship was wrong. His wife and children have forgiven him which is indeed commendable.
But like many people today who get caught doing something wrong, Schaap tries to deflect responsibility. He blamed his behavior on prostate problems, stress and exhaustion.
It's no wonder why Christianity has such a terrible image throughout much of the world. When church leaders such as Jack Schaap can't even take responsibility for their own sinful behavior, then Christendom has become a modern circus act with a cast of grotesque clowns such as Jack Schaap who are laughed at by the world and taken seriously only by fools.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Atheism and Delusion
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Some famous atheists |
"The fool says in his heart, There is no God."--Psalm 14:1
Most atheists will tell you that they don't believe in God because there's absolutely no evidence to prove his existence.
Then they'll tell you that only fools choose to believe in the biblical accounts of creation, Noah's flood, Jonah's whale and talking serpents. Of course, some birds can talk and they actually make more sense these days than most politicians do along with their media mouthpieces.
Atheists will tell you that evolution explains the existence of physical life and that Charles Darwin's dubious theory that he published in 1859 (On the Origin of Species) is settled science.
In fact, Darwin's theory of evolution isn't settled science--it's nothing but science fiction. Not only has it never been observed to occur, it's chemically impossible, physically impossible, mathematically impossible and it violates both laws of thermodynamics.
Though he doubted the existence of God, the famous scientist Albert Einstein debunked Darwin's theory as scientifically impossible. Einstein explained that if the physical universe was created from a primordial explosion, or Big Bang, then the intense heat from such an explosion would have destroyed all the organic material such as enzymes and proteins that are necessary for physical life.
Furthermore, Darwin's dubious theory of Natural Selection, the alleged biological process that determines which life forms survive and which don't, would never have allowed cells to develop through an evolutionary process because they wouldn't have been fit to function and survive. In order for a cell to function, it must have all the necessary bio-chemical mechanisms intact or it can't survive.
Michael Behe, one of the world's leading microbiologists has frequently called Darwin's theory junk science that shouldn't be taught as fact because it isn't. Here's what he wrote in his famous book, Darwin's Black Box: "The cumulative evidence shows with piercing clarity that life is based on machines--machines made of molecules which are enormously complex. The complexity of life's foundation has paralyzed science's attempt to account for it. Faced with such complexity beneath simple phenomena, Darwinian theory falls silent."
Then why does evolution continue to be embraced by much of the world as factual science when it's not? Because it offers godless men the vain hope of escaping moral accountability to a Holy God for their actions. If there is no God, then no one is accountable for their actions here on earth.
And obviously, if there's no God, then there's no divine judgment after death. If evolution is true, then life has no meaning, no design and no purpose. And even the worst of human beings such as Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin fare no worse in death than Pope John Paul II or Mother Teresa.
And so, it takes a lot more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in God and His biblical account of creation. Because the evidence exists for God and His creation while no evidence exists to prove that evolution ever occurred.
As the apostle Paul wrote nearly 2,000 years ago: "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." (Romans 1:18-20)
Sunday, March 17, 2013
When Immigration was a Dirty Word
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The St. Louis in 1939 |
America's political elites want us to believe that the pending legislation that would offer citizenship to 11 million illegal (sorry, undocumented) aliens is simply about compassion and nothing more.
And anyone who thinks otherwise runs the risk of being labeled a bigot, racist or a xenophobe.
Anyone who chooses to believe America's politicians and their media puppets probably suffers from an extremely low double-digit IQ. Unfortunately, many Americans fit that description as evidenced by the recent reelection of Barack Obama to a second term in the White House.
The pending immigration legislation isn't about compassion--it's about buying votes. And both of America's political parties are desperate to buy the votes of America's burgeoning Hispanic population that is currently on track to become America's ethnic majority by 2050.
Certainly, there's nothing wrong with that. But Hispanics need to be forewarned that they shouldn't allow any political strings to be attached to their U.S. citizenship. Amnesty shouldn't come with a set of social, political and economic rules handed down by the government that tells a particular ethnic group how and where to live; how many children they can have, where they can educate their children, what kind of jobs they can do, how to think, how to worship and how to vote.
If you think that's being a bit paranoid then take a tour of any Indian reservation in the United States. Or take a tour (at your own risk) of almost any inner city neighborhood in America. Because those who allow themselves to be bought by big government invariably become hopelessly dependent upon big government for their survival.
Sadly, there was a time when America's big government political elites weren't so keen on immigration. That was in the late spring of 1939 when 937 passengers aboard the ship St. Louis that had sailed from Germany, sought asylum in Havana, Cuba. When the Cuban government refused to grant asylum, the St. Louis sailed for Florida where the passengers hoped that a more tolerant U.S. government would grant them asylum.
America refused. President Franklin D. Roosevelt refused to allow the St. Louis to dock and unload its passengers. Instead, the ship turned around and headed back to Europe from where it came.
What was so significant about the human cargo aboard the St. Louis? They were German Jews who were attempting to flee Hitler's Holocaust. When the St. Louis was forced to return to Europe, many (not all) Jews were apprehended by the Nazis upon return and they were marched off to Hitler's death camps where they perished.
No one knows for sure why Roosevelt denied the Jews asylum. Some believe that he was anti-Semitic. Others believe that he was sympathetic to the Jews and their plight, but feared losing the vote of Southern Democrats who were vehemently racist and anti-Semitic.
Whatever Roosevelt's reason was for denying the Jews a safe haven in the United States from Hitler's hell, it left a dark stain on the history of American immigration.
And that was a tragic time in America when immigration was synonymous with evil. Perhaps Jewish votes weren't worth very much in 1939.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Francis the Argentine
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Pope Francis |
"At that time, many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people."--Matthew 24:10-11
And so, another false prophecy has come and gone.
The latest prophetic sensation that recently made the rounds throughout much of Christendom centered around a 12th century prophecy alleged to have been revealed by an archbishop from Ireland named St. Malachy.
According to St. Malachy's prophecy, after the reign of Pope Celestine II (1143-1144), 112 more popes would sit on Peter's throne and then the end of the world would come. According to this prophecy, the 111th pope would resign and make way for the final pope who would be known as Petrus Romanus or Peter the Roman.
Who was the 111th pope? He was Benedict XVI. After Benedict recently announced his resignation, the Christian world--specifically Pentecostals and Charismatics--became apoplectic with the anticipation that St. Malachy's prophecy was about to be fulfilled. Many Christians truly believed that the end of the world was at hand and the return of Jesus Christ was imminent.
What added to the drama was the fact that one of the candidates for the papal throne was Cardinal Tarcisio Pietro Evasio Bertone, who was appointed by Benedict as the Chamberlain of the Holy Roman Church in 2007. Cardinal Bertone was also known by the name of Peter of Romano or Peter the Roman.
Surely, St. Malachy's prophecy was true! The prophecy that God revealed to the Irish archbishop of Armagh 900 years ago was going to be fulfilled right before our eyes! And the Christian world had called it! Hallelujah and glory to God!!
And then the College of Cardinals went and foiled St. Malachy by choosing Argentine Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio to be Benedict's successor. Bergoglio, who took the name Pope Francis, is a Jesuit scholar who quite literally flew under the radar concerning the candidates who were being considered for the Roman Papacy. He wasn't even on a list compiled by Tom Horn and Cris Putnam who co-authored a dubious book (Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here) that supported St. Malachy's prophecy.
Needless to say, after Archbishop Bergoglio was chosen as Benedict's successor, many people were disappointed. Included among those disappointed folks were some popular Christian prophecy experts who embraced St. Malachy's false prophecy and ran with it. And suffice to say, they're not looking so credible right now.
Pope Francis isn't Peter the Roman. He isn't the final pope. That pope is still to come. When he does appear, true Christians will recognize him as the Antichrist. Then the end will truly be at hand. But that is still ahead in the future.
In the mean time, true Christians had better wake up and realize that they are indeed living in prophetic times. Jesus Christ himself warned us that in the last days, many false prophets would appear throughout the world and deceive multitudes. (Matthew 24:10-11, Matthew 24:24-25)
We've seen that prophecy fulfilled in just the last three years with the failed Harold Camping prophecy that falsely predicted a 2011 rapture; the Mayan Apocalypse that didn't occur in December, 2012 and now with St. Malachy's bogus prophecy.
It's time for Christians to start paying attention to their true prophets and to stop listening to false prophets such as Harold Camping and St. Malachy. But, is anyone listening?
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Killing the Truth
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Bill O'Reilly |
Without a doubt, Bill O'Reilly is a very powerful and influential man. He's the host of The Factor on the Fox News Channel that's been one of cable TV's highest rated programs for many years.
And he's a very successful author who's written several bestsellers including Killing Lincoln and Killing Kennedy, two books that deal with the lives, politics and tragic assassinations of two popular American presidents.
O'Reilly plans to release his next book in September and it promises to be another blockbuster. It's titled; Killing Jesus and it's supposed to be about the life, ministry and subsequent crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
It may be a very good book. Bill O'Reilly writes very good books. But I suspect that his upcoming book may contain some serious flaws. Why? Because Bill O'Reilly is a staunch Roman Catholic.
Why would Bill O'Reilly's Roman Catholicism be a problem? Because the Roman Catholic Church doesn't believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible. For many centuries, the Catholic Church has taught that the Bible is an allegorical book that can't be taken literally.
For example, the Catholic Church teaches that the Book of Genesis--the Bible's first book--is a book of symbolism. Therefore, according to Rome's teaching, the biblical account of God's creation of the physical universe and all life forms in seven literal days didn't happen that way.
Then how does the Catholic Church explain the existence of life? The Roman Catholic Church teaches that life evolved over millions of years. If that's true--and it isn't--then death didn't enter the human race because of the original sin of Adam and Eve, but existed long before they appeared.
That teaching renders the biblical account of man's fall from grace a myth and turns Christ's crucifixion on Calvary's cross for the sin of mankind into a murder. Under Roman Catholic teaching, the Bible cannot be taken literally and can only be "interpreted" by an elite hierarchy of Roman Catholic scholars.
It's not a coincidence that for centuries, the Catholic Church erroneously taught that the Jews murdered Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church also claims that because the Jews "murdered" Christ, they were cursed by God and the nation of Israel was eternally cut off from His blessings. Therefore, for many centuries the Catholic Church has arrogantly claimed that she replaced Israel as God's chosen people.
That's why I'm concerned about Bill O'Reilly's upcoming book. He's already stated that he fully supports Roman Catholic teaching concerning the Bible. He's already stated that he believes not in the biblical account of creation, but rather in evolution.
If Bill O'Reilly is indeed a devout Roman Catholic, then expect his upcoming book to reflect historic Catholic teachings concerning the Jews, Jesus Christ's death on the cross and the nation of Israel.
If that's true then you can expect the worst. I hope I'm wrong. I hope that Killing Jesus turns out to be a fair and balanced account of the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
But for that to happen, Bill O'Reilly would have to base his book on the true biblical account of Jesus Christ rather than on the Roman Catholic Church's account. Because that account kills the truth.
Why would Bill O'Reilly's Roman Catholicism be a problem? Because the Roman Catholic Church doesn't believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible. For many centuries, the Catholic Church has taught that the Bible is an allegorical book that can't be taken literally.
For example, the Catholic Church teaches that the Book of Genesis--the Bible's first book--is a book of symbolism. Therefore, according to Rome's teaching, the biblical account of God's creation of the physical universe and all life forms in seven literal days didn't happen that way.
Then how does the Catholic Church explain the existence of life? The Roman Catholic Church teaches that life evolved over millions of years. If that's true--and it isn't--then death didn't enter the human race because of the original sin of Adam and Eve, but existed long before they appeared.
That teaching renders the biblical account of man's fall from grace a myth and turns Christ's crucifixion on Calvary's cross for the sin of mankind into a murder. Under Roman Catholic teaching, the Bible cannot be taken literally and can only be "interpreted" by an elite hierarchy of Roman Catholic scholars.
It's not a coincidence that for centuries, the Catholic Church erroneously taught that the Jews murdered Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church also claims that because the Jews "murdered" Christ, they were cursed by God and the nation of Israel was eternally cut off from His blessings. Therefore, for many centuries the Catholic Church has arrogantly claimed that she replaced Israel as God's chosen people.
That's why I'm concerned about Bill O'Reilly's upcoming book. He's already stated that he fully supports Roman Catholic teaching concerning the Bible. He's already stated that he believes not in the biblical account of creation, but rather in evolution.
If Bill O'Reilly is indeed a devout Roman Catholic, then expect his upcoming book to reflect historic Catholic teachings concerning the Jews, Jesus Christ's death on the cross and the nation of Israel.
If that's true then you can expect the worst. I hope I'm wrong. I hope that Killing Jesus turns out to be a fair and balanced account of the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
But for that to happen, Bill O'Reilly would have to base his book on the true biblical account of Jesus Christ rather than on the Roman Catholic Church's account. Because that account kills the truth.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Darwin and Depravity
In his second epistle to fellow apostle Timothy, the apostle Paul prophesied that the last days on earth directly preceding the return of Jesus Christ would be filled with wickedness and evil. (2 Timothy 3:1-5)
Unless Paul was extremely lucky, his prophecy is being fulfilled in the time we live in. As you can see from the chart above, crime in the United States began to increase in the late 1960s and accelerated until it finally began to level off at the beginning of our current century.
Certainly, there's a cause and effect relationship that explains the explosion of crime that began in the late 60s. That cause was America's abandonment of God and His transcendent moral laws, and the effect was chaos and anarchy.
However, the cause of America's decline as a moral, God-fearing nation didn't begin in the 1960s; it began in the 19th century when many Christian seminaries and theology schools began to question the existence of God and the validity of His revealed word in the Bible. Many liberal theologians began to embrace Charles Darwin's dubious theory of evolution that claimed without any scientific evidence that all physical life allegedly originated in a primordial mud pond several hundred million years ago.
Darwin's theory was so bad that many of his peers debunked it as sheer nonsense. For example, John Herschel, a researcher and scientist said this: "Complex adaptions cannot arise from chance variations."
And British physicist William Thompson offered this rebuttal to Darwin's claim that life evolved to its present form over several hundred million years: "The longest time for the earth to have been habitable is 200,000 years." Thompson based that figure upon heat radiation from the earth's surface and subsequent cooling.
Nevertheless, Darwin's bogus theory was music to the ears of atheists who were looking for some scientific credibility to dismiss God as a myth. When Darwin published his theory in a book titled, On the Origin of Species, (1859) atheists had finally found their messiah. Darwin had freed them from moral accountability to a Holy God. No longer were they responsible for their thoughts, actions and words. They were now free to live life any way they wanted and woe to those who objected.
Of course, Darwin's theory became the liturgy of the new humanistic religion that dismissed God and replaced Him with man. That religion found its way into elementary schools, colleges and universities all over the world. And God and His 10 Commandments were subsequently thrown out because they were considered outdated myths concocted in the minds of primitive men.
You can see the devastating effects of a world sans a Holy God. As public schools began enforcing a government manufactured wall between church and state, the Bible, 10 Commandments and prayer were banned from schools and replaced by moral relativism. If God didn't exist, then ethics and morals were strictly a matter of personal choice. Everyone was free to live their lives however they desired, just as long as they didn't "hurt" others.
Without God, the world quickly turns to depravity. Godless humanism in the 1960s gave rise to the Sexual Revolution which in turn gave rise to the holocaust of abortion as well as the explosion of STD's such as Herpes, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis and HIV-AIDS. Without God, crime exploded and divorce, out-of-wedlock births, drug and alcohol additions skyrocketed. And without God, suicides increased as many people became depressed and lost their hope in a godless universe devoid of design, purpose and reason.
And so, Paul's prophecy recorded nearly 2,000 years ago is indeed being fulfilled. Much of the modern Christian church is to blame for this. Instead of contending for the faith as the apostle Jude exhorted the early Church to do, (Jude 1:3) much of modern Christendom has settled for bread and circuses.
If the faith is no longer relevant to millions of young people who believe that they're merely the end products of random evolutionary forces, then you can blame the Christian church. Just as Nero fiddled while Rome burned, Darwin fibbed and the modern church now burns to ashes.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Forgotten and Unwanted
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Forgotten and unwanted in death |
Death is not only ugly, it's often a cruel tragedy, especially when it involves someone who nobody seems to know or even care about. For nearly two years, the body of the unidentified man pictured above has laid unclaimed in Chicago's Cook County Morgue.
As you can see, the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office decided to post his picture online, hoping that a relative, friend or acquaintance will recognize him and come in to claim his body so that he can finally be laid to rest.
Predictably, the Medical Examiner's office has taken some major heat for publishing this man's picture along with the photos of two other deceased persons whose identities are unknown. And most likely, I'll take some heat as well for publishing the photo of a dead man's face.
But I didn't publish his picture to attract attention or to get cheap thrills. I published his picture because no one should be forgotten and unwanted in death. No one should be left abandoned in a morgue for nearly two years in the midst of the rotting corpses of gang-bangers, drug addicts, homicide victims etc.
Whoever this man was, he was created in the image of a Holy God. (Genesis 1:26) He, like countless others who lay forgotten and unwanted in morgues throughout the world, was a real person who had a life and an identity before he met his end.
We don't know what he was like in life, although there are people out there who surely knew him. Maybe he was bad. Maybe he was a loser who dropped out of school at an early age; never had a decent job, got into trouble with the law and drifted in and out of prison.
Then again, maybe not. Maybe he was a successful man who had a family that still doesn't know what ever happened to him. When he was found on Chicago's Northwest Side on September 15, 2011, he had no identification on him. Perhaps his life and his memories were just a short distance away in a home, condo or apartment building.
Those who cringe at the sight of a dead man and will criticize me for posting this man's picture don't like to see death because it reminds them of their own mortality. They don't want to deal with that because in reality, they're terrified of what comes after death. If they've never confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and received God's free gift of salvation by faith in Christ's death for their sins on Calvary's cross, (John 3:16, Romans 10:9-11) then they should be concerned about their eternal fate.
But for those of you who have truly been born again by faith and know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you shouldn't be afraid of death. And when you see a man such as the one pictured above, you should be concerned that he was a human being who seems to have been long forgotten and is unwanted by anyone while he lays in death.
And that's a tragedy. If you recognize this man, then contact the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office at Because despite whatever he may have been in life, he was still a human being who was created in God's image. And he deserves better than being forgotten, unwanted and left all alone in death.
But I didn't publish his picture to attract attention or to get cheap thrills. I published his picture because no one should be forgotten and unwanted in death. No one should be left abandoned in a morgue for nearly two years in the midst of the rotting corpses of gang-bangers, drug addicts, homicide victims etc.
Whoever this man was, he was created in the image of a Holy God. (Genesis 1:26) He, like countless others who lay forgotten and unwanted in morgues throughout the world, was a real person who had a life and an identity before he met his end.
We don't know what he was like in life, although there are people out there who surely knew him. Maybe he was bad. Maybe he was a loser who dropped out of school at an early age; never had a decent job, got into trouble with the law and drifted in and out of prison.
Then again, maybe not. Maybe he was a successful man who had a family that still doesn't know what ever happened to him. When he was found on Chicago's Northwest Side on September 15, 2011, he had no identification on him. Perhaps his life and his memories were just a short distance away in a home, condo or apartment building.
Those who cringe at the sight of a dead man and will criticize me for posting this man's picture don't like to see death because it reminds them of their own mortality. They don't want to deal with that because in reality, they're terrified of what comes after death. If they've never confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and received God's free gift of salvation by faith in Christ's death for their sins on Calvary's cross, (John 3:16, Romans 10:9-11) then they should be concerned about their eternal fate.
But for those of you who have truly been born again by faith and know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you shouldn't be afraid of death. And when you see a man such as the one pictured above, you should be concerned that he was a human being who seems to have been long forgotten and is unwanted by anyone while he lays in death.
And that's a tragedy. If you recognize this man, then contact the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office at Because despite whatever he may have been in life, he was still a human being who was created in God's image. And he deserves better than being forgotten, unwanted and left all alone in death.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
The Road to Paganism
And so, logic doesn't prevail. Ironically, a modern world that congratulates itself for technological wonders such as iPhones, iPads, satellite communications and space travel continues to embrace pagan myths such as astrology and science fiction such as evolution.
More people throughout the western world consult horoscopes than they do the Bible. More people continue to embrace false prophets such as Nostradamus and St. Malachy, and false prophecies such as Mayan apocalypses than they do the Bible's proven prophets such as Isaiah, Micah and Zechariah.
For example, the ancient Hebrew prophet Isaiah, who lived during the 8th century B.C., prophesied the virgin birth of the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ (Isaiah 7:14) as well as His life, ministry, sacrifice for the sin of mankind, death by crucifixion and resurrection. (Isaiah 53)
Micah, who lived during the 6th century B.C., prophesied Christ's birthplace of Bethlehem (Micah 5:2) while Zechariah, who also lived during the 6th century B.C. prophesied that the Jews would finally recognize Jesus Christ as their messiah immediately upon His return by the nail marks that would be visible on his hands from his crucifixion. (Zechariah 13:6)
And yet Nostradamus is considered a genuine prophet by multitudes while Isaiah, Micah and Zechariah are virtually unknown throughout the world except by those who study and read the Bible.
The Bible isn't merely a book of prophecies. It also contains God's 10 Commandments along with His transcendent moral laws that Moses recorded to guide human beings toward righteousness and away from sin. And despite the fact that the Bible has a flawless prophetic track record that validates God's commandments and laws, many people now see the Bible as nothing more than an ancient relic written by ignorant men.
Without the fear of God and knowledge of His laws in their hearts, billions of people no longer believe that they're morally accountable to Him for their thoughts, actions and words. And the rise in violent crime and moral depravity throughout the world underscores that.
Nearly 2,000 years ago, the apostle Paul revealed this grim prophecy concerning the last days on earth preceding Christ's return: "But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God--having a form of godliness but denying its power." (2 Timothy 3:1-5)
Paul described a pagan world. That's our modern world. In a pagan world, evil, debauchery, narcissism, nihilism and hedonism prevail while the fear of God and knowledge of His laws are scarce. And it surely shows, doesn't it?
Monday, March 4, 2013
The Counterfeit Prosperity Gospel
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Inside a prosperity preacher's personal jet |
"For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."--1 Timothy 6:10
How well does the prosperity gospel work? If you're a working stiff who's being crushed by inflation, rising taxes, high gas prices and a shrinking paycheck as many of America's 140 million workers currently are, then it doesn't work so well.
But if you're a big time prosperity preacher such as Kenneth Copeland, then it works just fine, thank you. The picture above shows the inside of Copeland's private jet that the popular prosperity guru uses to travel to his destinations. Presumably, some of those destinations include those grandiose revival conventions where faith healers and prosperity preachers clad in Gucci and Pierre Cardin speak at to enlighten you in how to get on the golden path to the good life.
Suffice to say, there is no golden path to the good life, unless you're a con artist who has the ability convince people that by sending them money, you'll reap lavish returns. Let Copeland's wife Gloria explain how that supposedly works: "You give $1 for the gospel's sake and $100 belongs to you; give $10 and receive $1000; give $1000 and receive $100,000. I know that you can multiply, but I want you to see it in black and white and see how tremendous the hundredfold return is. Give one house and get one hundred houses back or one house worth one hundred times as much....In short, Mark 10:30 is a very good deal."
If Gloria Copeland's financial theories are true, then who needs wealth consultants and financial counselors? Unfortunately, Gloria's theories aren't true and those that send money to Copeland Ministries usually don't receive anything other than a thank you note.
Also, you might want to consider this: If Kenneth and Gloria really believe that their financial theories work, then they shouldn't be asking anyone to send them money. But their theories don't work. And that's why they need your money. And they're willing to tell you anything to get it.
Unlike modern prosperity preachers such as the Copelands, Christ and his disciples often had to travel by foot to reach their destinations. Often, those travels took several hours in cold rain or searing heat over rough terrain and rocky roads. They certainly didn't travel in air-conditioned limousines or posh Lear jets paid for by gullible followers. But they endured and advanced the gospel because they were backed by God's power and His Holy Spirit.
And many people who heard the gospel embraced it because it showed them the true path to repentance, salvation and eternal life in Christ as opposed to pie-in-the-sky financial schemes that promised them vast wealth for cash donations.
During his famous Sermon on the Mount, Christ said this concerning money: "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." (Matthew 6:24)
How do you determine what god a church leader or a ministry is serving? By their message. The true Gospel is all about God's free gift of eternal life to everyone who puts their faith in Jesus Christ and His death on Calvary's cross for their sins.
The false gospel is all about serving money instead of Christ. If you follow that gospel, you're sure to come up financially short in this life and eternally short in the life to come.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Ignorance, Idolatry and Wickedness
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Adolf Hitler and his admirers |
When we speak of wicked, despotic men, Adolf Hitler invariably becomes the ultimate measure of evil rulers and murderous dictators.
Even though worse men have existed throughout human history such as Genghis Khan, Josef Stalin and Mao Zedong, Hitler's name is always synonymous with evil. Stalin, for example, murdered at least 20 million people throughout the Soviet Union during his reign of terror as the Soviet Premier from 1922 until his death in 1953. Some historians claim that figure could be as high as 60 million.
Mao Zedong, the infamous Chairman of China's Communist Party from 1943 until 1969, is estimated to have murdered 70 million of his own people. And Khan, the founder of the Mongolian Empire in the 12th century, is estimated to have killed as many as 70 million. By comparison, Hitler murdered approximately 10 million people during the time of the Holocaust, including six million Jews.
Why is Hitler considered to be the ultimate wicked ruler, despite the fact that other evil rulers have existed who killed millions more than the fuhrer? Because Hitler's crimes were exposed to the world whereas the crimes of others weren't. Stalin and Mao committed mass murder behind the formidable Iron Curtain of Communism while Khan committed genocide in the 12th century, long before the age of electronic information, cameras, satellites, television and the world media.
But even though Hitler may have been a proverbial piker in comparison to other historic mass murderers, he was certainly typical of them. In what way? He was a classic con artist who had the gift of hypnotic speech. He had the ability to sell flood insurance to desert nomads and he knew how to captivate his audiences.
After Germany suffered a humiliating defeat in World War I, her economy tanked and went into a deep depression. Though much of that economic morass was due to huge reparations Germany was forced to pay France and Great Britain after the war, according to the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler blamed the Jews for causing Germany's defeat and ruining that nation's economy. Though no evidence existed to back up his claim, Hitler realized that anti-Semitism was a valuable tool in building the foundation for his political empire.
Many elderly Germans who are still living that survived Hitler's reign of terror claim that if they had known beforehand what Hitler was really all about before he was elected as Germany's Chancellor in 1933, they would've done everything in their power to stop him. While that sounds reasonable, that's hogwash. Hitler's bizarre ideas and plans to commit genocide against the Jews and other ethnic groups were well known long before he was elected in 1933. He revealed them in his infamous book titled, Mein Kampf (My Struggle) that was published eight years before he became Germany's Chancellor.
Hitler was no mystery man to the German people. His evil plans were well known for a long time prior to his ascendancy to political power. And yet the German people ignored his evil because he was a gifted speaker and an extremely likable person.
Does that sound familiar? It should. Despite the fact that he is a Marxist and a pathological liar with few--if any--political accomplishments, Barack Obama was elected to the U.S. presidency in 2008 and reelected in 2012. Why? Because many people who voted for him admitted that they found him extremely likable. They didn't care about his dearth of accomplishments; his murky past, his socialism and his disdain for the U.S. Constitution--they voted for him because they found him extremely charming and attractive.
When historians write America's epitaph, they will inevitably realize that America's demise began with every republic's demise--ignorance and apathy. Ignorance and apathy lead to stupidity. Stupidity leads to idolatry. And idolatry leads to the election of horrible political leaders who destroy their nations and plunge them into ruin, despair and poverty.
After that comes God's divine judgment. It's never too late to repent. But for America, time is quickly running out. As the Lord spoke to Israel through the ancient prophet Ezekiel, he speaks to modern America: "Repent! Turn away from all your offenses; then sin will not be your downfall. Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit." (Ezekiel 18:30-31)
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