Wednesday, October 31, 2012

When the Lambs are Silenced

Bishop Umar Mulinde

Had Pentecostal Bishop Umar Mulinde been a Muslim who had just suffered from an acid attack by a professing Christian, you can well understand what sort of international outrage that would’ve generated.

However, Mulinde is a Christian rather than a Muslim so the international community simply looks the other way when Christians are abused and persecuted by the fundamental members of the “Religion of Peace.” Fortunately, Mulinde still has one eye and he can still preach the Gospel in his nation of Uganda despite being threatened daily by Islamists who only believe that peace will come when all the Jews and Christians on earth have been murdered in Allah’s name.

Mulinde fully intends to continue preaching the Gospel in Uganda because he serves a greater God who sent his One and Only Son Jesus Christ into the world to die for the sins of mankind. That’s the kind of courage that comes with true faith; the type of faith that Christ had in mind when he said this: “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28) Mulinde believes that and that’s why he refuses to allow Muslims to silence him through intimidation and shut him down through physical attacks.

Mulinde’s persecution isn’t an anachronism or the act of a few “radical extremist nuts” that sully the sparkling image of Islam. Mulinde’s persecution is a microcosm of what’s ahead for true Christians around the world. And in many ways, that persecution has been going on for quite some time. According to Al Jazeera, the Middle Eastern news agency, someone tossed a hand grenade into a church in Nairobi, Kenya recently that killed two young children. Children killed in Kenya church attack - Africa - Al Jazeera English Kenya is a hotbed  of Islamic fundamentalism, so it doesn’t take a proverbial rocket scientist to figure out who was likely behind that attack.

And in Egypt, several Coptic Christian families have been forced to flee their homes in the Sinai Peninsula after Muslims threatened to kill them and burn their homes. Christians 'flee Egypt town after death threats' - FRANCE 24 And not to be outdone, the atheistic Chinese government recently arrested four Christians and confiscated their bibles in the province of Northwestern Xinjang. China: House Church Raided, Four Christians Detained « Persecution News In Russia, yet another ominous sign occurred that “democracy and freedom” under President Vladimir Putin are coming to an end after a pastor named Aleksandr Kravchenko was arrested for conducting a worship service without a government permit. Pastor Fined in Russia After Holding Meeting in the Ruins of His Church « Persecution News

Biblical prophecy reveals that Christians are going to persecuted severely in the last days directly preceding the return of Christ. In fact, Christ himself warned about that in a prophecy he gave to his disciples shortly before his crucifixion: “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.” (Matthew 24:9) Indeed, Christians are hated across the world because of Jesus Christ, and they are hated for a multitude of reasons.

In the United States, Canada and in Western Europe, Christians are hated because they reject the homosexual lifestyle based upon biblical reasons. They are also hated in those areas because they rightly condemn abortion as cold-blooded murder. And Christians realize that the term “pro-choice” is merely a sophistic euphemism designed to be a substitute for murder. And so, Christians are bullied away from abortion clinics and gay parades via the threat of prosecution and incarceration even though the U.S. Constitution protects their right to free speech under the First Amendment. And Christians are mocked by their buffoonish and inept President Barack Obama as knuckle-dragging cretins who “cling to their guns and religion” in times of trouble.

In the Middle East, Africa and throughout much of Asia, Christians are viewed as soft and lazy who have allowed their faith to be corrupted by the world. America is still viewed as the most Christian nation on earth and that has become the Islamic world’s greatest recruiting tool. When the most Christian nation on earth has murdered 40 million unborn babies since 1973 and increasingly allows for gay marriage to become the law of its land, then the Taliban to al Qaeda to the Muslim Brotherhood to Hamas to Hezbollah have all the rationale they need to attack and persecute Christians as apostates. There’s a reason why the United States is denigrated as the “Great Satan” across the Muslim world; because in many ways the most Christian nation on earth acts like a great Satan.

Certainly, the real Satan doesn’t need any additional ammunition in his arsenal to persecute true Christians. True Christians are a danger to the devil because they hold the keys to eternal life through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As such, the apostle Paul recognized that the real battle that Christians face emanates in the heavenly realms rather than on earth: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12)

Those spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms are demons that are under Satan’s authority. They have one goal; to prevent the salvation of every human being on earth by silencing true believers in Christ who preach the Gospel. And they work through unrepentant sinners to achieve that goal; from fomenting violence and persecution against Christians such as Umar Mulinde to silence them to promoting intellectual fairy tales such as Darwinian evolution to deceive the world into believing that life occurred by accident without the design of a Creator God. And certainly, Satan’s demons willingly work through false religions to deceive multitudes into following counterfeit paths to salvation.

Biblical prophecy reveals that persecution of Christians is going to continue to worsen across the world until the Antichrist appears and institutes a barcode system that will identify his followers. (Revelation 13:16-17) True Christians will refuse to receive this mark because they will know who the Antichrist is when he’s revealed and they’ll know what will happen to them if they take his mark: “If anyone worships the beast (Antichrist) and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath.” (Revelation 14:9-10)

Persecution comes with being a true believer in Jesus Christ. It also provides a true test that determines whether one is a genuine believer in Christ as opposed to someone who attends a church occasionally. The apostle Paul warned that “everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2Timothy 3:12) Christ issued this caveat concerning the persecution of his true followers in the last days: “In fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God.” (John 16:2)

That time is now. Muslims believe that they are offering a service to Allah by killing Christians. Secularists believe that they are offering a service to the world by silencing Christians and stamping out their faith. If you call yourself a Christian and truly believe in what Christ did for you on Calvary’s cross, then are you ready for persecution? Because it’s coming. In many places, it’s already happening. And in Western Europe and North America, it’s just beginning. So be ready.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Is Sandy Divine Judgment?

A monster storm as seen from space

"On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken."--Luke 21:25-26

From "Words like catastrophic, historic, life-threatening and even "worse than Katrina" are all being used to describe the ferocity of oncoming Hurricane Sandy, now forecast to make landfall late Monday night or early Tuesday morning somewhere along the New Jersey coast."

If weather forecasters are correct, Hurricane Sandy is going to cause some very serious damage to America's Northeast coast before it's done. How much damage is this storm going to cause? AccuWeather meteorologist Mike Smith said this: "I expect the total damage (including loss to the U.S. economy) to be worse than Katrina."  He reports that Sandy may cause more than $100 billion in damage.

If Smith's estimate is even close to accurate, Sandy will become the most damaging hurricane in U.S. history. Keep in mind that though the Northeast coast has experienced hurricanes and powerful Nor'easters in the past, it has never experienced a storm this bad. If Sandy delivers the devastation that it's predicted to bring, this hurricane will have a negative impact on America's already weak economy that's teetering on another recession. America's financial hub is located in New York City and a damaging storm could shut down Wall Street for days causing some serious damage to both the U.S. and the world economy.

Why has the United States been experiencing with increasing frequency such devastating storms as this one in recent years? Last year, Hurricane Irene struck the Northeast coast causing an estimated $15.6 billion in damage. In 2008, Hurricane Ike caused an estimated $29.6 billion to parts of Texas and Louisiana. And in August 2005, Hurricane Katrina devastated the city of New Orleans, causing an estimated $81 billion in damage. That city still hasn't completely recovered from the effects of that monster storm.

You may recall that Katrina struck New Orleans just days after President George Bush coerced Israel into relinquishing the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians who proceeded to turn that territory into a base to launch terror and rocket attacks against the Jewish state. I believe that Katrina was God's divine judgment against the United States for forcing Israel to turn over her land to a sworn enemy. Through the ancient prophet Ezekiel, the Lord pronounced judgment upon the nations that would divide up Israel's land and give it to her enemies: "In my burning zeal I have spoken  against the rest of the nations, and against Edom, for with glee and with malice in their hearts they made my land their own possession so that they might plunder its pastureland." (Ezekiel 36:5)

Certainly, when anyone suggested that Katrina was God's divine judgment against the U.S. for strong-arming Israel into relinquishing land to the Palestinians, they were soundly condemned as ignorant, backward religious fanatics. That's a logical position that atheists and agnostics would take against those who attributed Katrina to divine judgment. But even many church leaders and ministers took the same position and condemned those who suggested that Katrina was God's punishment on America.

If Katrina was indeed divine judgment against America for her betrayal of Israel, then what is Sandy all about? Sandy's about three things: (1) America's desecration of traditional marriage through President Barack Obama's promise to repeal DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) that was signed into law by President Clinton in 1996; (2) America's increasing legalization of gay marriage; (five states that will be impacted by Sandy--Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New York and New Hampshire--have legalized gay marriage while New Jersey has a bill pending in its legislature that would legalize gay marriage if passed) and (3) America's increasing betrayal and abandonment of Israel under Obama. Obama has not only treated the Jewish state with contempt, he encouraged his State Department to leak a classified Israeli military document that revealed the Jewish state's plans to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities.

And so, as with Katrina, many will mock and ridicule those who ascribe Sandy to God's judgment upon America for her sinful behavior and cavalier attitude toward Israel. Some will blame Sandy on "Climate Change" or "Global Warming", as if devastating storms and erratic weather never occurred before in history. But those who know God's will and understand His hatred of sin and evil, will understand what this storm is all about. No, not every hurricane, tornado, blizzard, ice storm or earthquake is God's divine judgment. They are a part of life and they've been happening since the dawn of history.

But these types of storms have a special meaning. They are wake up calls from God to a world that has become desperately wicked and morally depraved. But, is anyone listening?

Friday, October 26, 2012

From First to Worst

The Ultimate Con Meister

George Washington, 1737: "I cannot tell a lie"
Barack Obama, 2012: "I cannot tell the truth"

If the United States has the good fortune to stick around for another 200 years, then without a doubt Barack Obama will be remembered not so fondly as the worst president in the republic's history. Because if anyone turns out to be worse than him, then the republic is surely doomed.

How bad is Obama? Aside from $16 trillion in national debt, high unemployment, confiscatory taxes, high gas prices, shrinking 401ks and a foreign policy that could well have been crafted by a political science student enrolled at some nothing junior college, he's not too terribly bad. He does dress well; has that charismatic smile and generally sounds intelligent when he has his trustworthy teleprompter in front of him.

However, as a politician the 44th president of the United States is not only a hack, he's a serial liar who'll say almost anything to win votes. If this was America circa 1972 or even 1980 instead of 2012, Barack Obama would be laughed off of the political stage as the charlatan and phony that he is. However, America circa 2012 isn't all that intelligent and less than two weeks off from the November 6 election, there's a very good possibility that Barack Obama may be spending four more years in the White House. And if that happens, that'll either be a tragedy, nightmare or both, depending on how you view it. 

Tragically, it seems that not that many people are concerned with Obama's brazen mendacity. He's lied about the Benghazi terrorist attack that killed four men including a U.S. ambassador and two Navy Seals. He blamed that on some crude internet video for weeks after he knew it was a terrorist attack. He's lied about not cutting the U.S. military budget. He's lied about cutting America's enormous national debt. He lied about his administration being open and transparent. He lied about not apologizing for America in his diplomatic travels abroad. He lied about his $800 billion stimulus cutting unemployment under six percent. He lied about creating jobs. He lied about defending Israel. He lied about ending racially polarizing politics and political campaigns that slime opponents and commit character assassination. And he lied about ending America's dependence on foreign oil by increasing domestic oil production.

And while his Interior Secretary Ken Salazar was denying leases to oil companies for offshore drilling, Obama directed the U.S. Import and Export Bank to issue loans to Petrobras, Brazil's largest oil company to help it develop offshore drilling in the Atlantic. Not surprisingly, one of Petrobras's largest investors just happens to be billionaire hedge fund manager George Soros who literally bought the 2008 presidential election for Obama. 

If lying was music then Barack Obama would be a symphony orchestra. The Bible condemns all liars as the spiritual offspring of Satan himself, and it was Jesus Christ who said this about those who love falsehood and hate truth: "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." (John 8:44)

America's first president, George Washington, believed in honesty and integrity at all times. As a young boy, he willingly confessed to cutting down a cherry tree after he was confronted by his father. America's 44th president would probably blame someone else for that downed tree instead of himself. In fact, in his own mind, Obama is incapable of failure because he's perfect. Whenever something goes wrong, it's never his fault.

America, you can do far better than this. A liar is not only someone who has something to hide from you, he thinks that you're too stupid to know any better when he lies to you. On November 6, you can send a message to Obama by telling him to take his dishonest act back to Chicago where he can lie all he wants for the rest of his miserable life.

Update:  According to a Fox News report, Obama now claims that he was "not personally aware" of any request for more security by his diplomats that came under siege during that terrorist attack last month on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. If you remember, Obama tried to blame that attack on an internet video.

Obama's not only a liar,  he's the most inept president in American history. He's supposed to know this stuff. Apparently, everyone in the White House knew that this was a terrorist attack on Sept. 11, and they were aware of the plea for help from those diplomats. Except Obama.  If this isn't reason enough to dispose of this wretch on November 6--and there are a myriad of reasons for throwing this guy out of power--then shame on America and shame on everyone who wants four more years of this kind of stuff.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

Rev. Jeremiah Wright

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them"--Matthew 7:15-16

Travel down almost any major inner-city street in Chicago and you'll be confronted with this detestable contradiction; churches from simple storefronts to architectural wonders that share the same real estate with gangbangers, crackheads, drunks, prostitutes, drug dealers and shiftless zombies.

If this scenery doesn't strike you as being quite odd, then you might want to have your eyes examined. Because the contrast between the two isn't just overwhelming, it's tragic. Perhaps 50 years ago, it would be unthinkable to find such evil encroaching upon good because the good influence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ would've swallowed up the bad influence of evil.

Today however, with Christianity's influence waning throughout the world, evil not only shares the same turf with many churches, it has found a comfortable home inside many churches. To wit: the combustible Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Chicago's Trinity United Church located on Chicago's South Side, directs his followers to seek sanctification not through faith in the Son of God Jesus Christ and His death on Calvary's Cross for their sins, but rather through the social justice of the Black Liberation gospel.

The Black Liberation gospel holds white America accountable for a litany of grievances against black America. It converts Christ from the ultimate gateway to heaven into just another excuse to ignore personal responsibility and blame moral failings on someone or something else. Certainly, hating someone else and creating straw men to vent your hatred against may make you feel good in the short run, but it does absolutely nothing to solve your problems in the long run.

It isn't white America's fault that blacks have high incarceration rates in jails; high dropout rates from schools and give birth to 79 percent of their children out of wedlock. It isn't white America's fault that black America is now far worse socially and economically under the disastrous big government policies of godless liberalism than it was under the oppression of Jim Crow and segregation. And certainly, no ever wants to see that kind of America again where black Americans lived under such tyranny and persecution.

But until more black Americans wake up and realize that their worst enemies are their own leaders such as Wright, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson and the contemptible Louis Farrakhan, then nothing's going to change. Real change begins by taking personal responsibility rather than blaming someone else for one's problems. Real change begins by trusting in the life-saving gospel of Jesus Christ and His ability to bring about real change from within. And real change is pursuing the holiness and moral purity that God demands in his people. The apostle Paul wrote: "Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." (Ephesians 5:1-2)

It's time for these inner-city churches to get back to the biblical gospel that demands true Christians imitate God rather than fallen men. If these churches would start doing that again, we'd see less crime, less moral depravity and a lot more success stories instead of the catastrophes that we've been witnessing all too frequently over the last 50 years.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Time to Divest from Protestant Churches

The ultimate oxymoron

Take a close look at the picture above and you'll see a good example of why the mainline Protestant churches are on life support throughout the world. The man above holds a sign that proclaims him to be a "Palestinian Methodist" who obviously wants you to believe that Israel treats his people badly.

Imagine if John Wesley, the founder of Methodism came back to the world today and witnessed what Protestant Christianity has become in the 21st Century; trite, hackneyed, compromised, ecumenical and powerless. And imagine what he'd think if he encountered that man holding his sign while standing on the steps of a church that Wesley and his brother Charles founded in the 18th Century. No, John Wesley wouldn't be a happy man.

And whether or not that "Palestinian Methodist" has a valid beef with Israel isn't the issue here. The real issue here is biblical truth which is something that many Protestant churches have been treating over the past several decades like a deadly, infectious disease. For starters, there never existed in all of history an indigenous people called Palestinians. They are in fact a mixture of several tribes and nations that have existed throughout Northern Africa and the Middle East for nearly 4,000 years. 

Secondly, the term "Palestinian" is an adaption from the ancient Philistines who were a maritime people that lived along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The Philistines weren't a Semitic tribe which means that their ancestors didn't come from Abraham who is considered the patriarch of both Jews and Arabs. That historical fact invalidates any argument that Palestinians offer to proclaim the land of Israel as their ancestral homeland that they allege was stolen from them by the Jews. In fact, before 1948 when Israel was declared a sovereign world nation once again by the United Nations, the term Palestinian was popularly applied to the Jews who lived in the land. No Arab, Bedouin, Turk, Persian, Egyptian, Assyrian etc. wanted anything to do with that designation because before May 15, 1948, a Palestinian was considered just another name for a Jew.

Then how did that land come to be known as Palestine for nearly 2,000 years? In 130 A.D. it was renamed Palestine by Roman Emperor Hadrian who declared the nation of Israel null and void after he had put down the Bar Kochba rebellion that sought Israel's independence from Rome. Hadrian was so angered by the Jewish rebellion that he not only changed the name of the nation, he also defiled the Temple Mount in Jerusalem by constructing a temple to the pagan god Jupiter. 

It was only after Israel became a sovereign nation again in 1948 that the Islamic world sought to invalidate Israel's existence by claiming that the Jewish nation had stolen land that had belonged to the "Palestinians" for over 3,000 years. The Palestinian Liberation Organization was formed specifically with one purpose; to destroy Israel from within her borders by acts of terrorism and from without by an international propaganda campaign that painted the Jews as occupiers who stole the land of an indigenous people called Palestinians and then enslaved them in squalid refugee camps.

Tragically, that propaganda campaign has worked. But only because there are willfully ignorant people throughout the world that refuse to learn history. Like every Protestant denomination, the Methodist Church exists only because of the Jewish people and the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ. I believe that John Wesley would be ashamed of the Methodist Church if he came back today. Because he knows that without the Jewish people and the nation of Israel, there would be no Jesus Christ and certainly no Methodist Church.

So, it's time for Protestant denominations such as the Methodist Church to either divest from the lies and canards that give credibility to Islamic terrorist groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda that seek to murder Jews and destroy Israel. Or, it's time for Christians to divest of their membership in these churches and find better churches that stick with the truth. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

An Appeal to Jewish Reason

"For whoever touches you (Israel) touches the apple of his (God's) eye."--Zechariah 2:8

Evidently, there's not enough business to attend to in Chicago, the de facto murder capital of the United States. So, Chicago mayor and political hustler-hack Rahm Emanuel ventured down to Florida recently to fire up his base--in this case those renegade Jews who have been making some serious noise about leaving the Democratic Party's Plantation and voting for Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney on November 6.

Emanuel, who's a faux Orthodox Jew and a faux humanitarian, pleaded with a group of Florida Jews not to commit the ultimate political sacrilege; that is to vote for a Republican candidate. For those of you who are a bit shy concerning Jewish history in the United States, American Jews have a long history with liberalism and the Democratic Party. In other words, liberalism has historically been a second religion to most American Jews who have been identified with the Democratic Party for well over a century.

While there are several reasons why many American Jews self-identify as Democrats, the greatest reason is their aversion to all things conservative and all things Christian that the Republican Party is identified with. Much of that aversion comes from the historical persecution that Jews endured from the Roman Catholic Church that once upon a time dehumanized them and separated them from "Christians" by forcing them to live in ghettos in Europe. In fact, much of the anti-Semitism that pervades the world today originated in the Roman Catholic Church going back to its beginning in the Fourth Century A.D. From its inception, the Roman Catholic Church arrogantly condemned the Jews as "Christ-killers" and claimed they were replaced as God's chosen people by the Roman Catholic Church.

It's no wonder then that the Jews came to abhor Christianity, even though Roman Catholicism has never been true Christianity. In fact, the Catholic Church persecuted many non-Catholic Christians throughout history such as the Albigenses, Waldenses and Huguenots because they refused to join the Roman Church. But most American Jews don't know or even care to know the difference between Roman Catholicism and true biblical Christianity that implores all Christians to pray for God's blessings upon the nation of Israel and for His protection of the Jews from their enemies wherever they live in the world.

However, with anti-Semitism surging across the world once again, many Jews are beginning to realize that true Christians are about the only friends they have left in the world. And, not coincidentally, many Christians are experiencing the same persecution and abuse that Jews have historically suffered for centuries. Christians are being slaughtered and driven out of the Middle East, Africa and Asia by Islamists and they are being threatened with incarceration in many nations for their biblical opposition to homosexuality, gay marriage and abortion. In America, evangelical Christians have been maligned by President Barack Obama as knuckle-dragging morons "who cling to their guns and religion" in difficult times.

But it's been Obama's harsh opposition to Israel that has many Jews riled up and seriously thinking about switching their political affiliation to the Republican Party and Romney. Unlike Obama, a pseudo-intellectual and a political con artist who will say anything to win votes, Romney has pledged to protect Israel from Iran's nuclear threat and I believe he will. Mitt Romney knows how important it is for the United States of America to stand with Israel and he will not allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon. Obama, however, will falsely claim that he has reached an agreement with Iran to lift economic sanctions against the Persian nation in exchange for their agreement to halt their enrichment of uranium.

Don't believe Obama's claim for a minute. The Iranians will play along with this canard in order to help get Obama reelected because they know that he won't defend Israel should they launch a nuclear strike against the Jewish nation. However, the Iranians realize that if Mitt Romney is elected to the presidency, he will do whatever it takes to stop their nuclear program, even if that means a military strike on Tehran's nuclear facilities. The Iranians know this and that's why they want Obama reelected.

If you're an American Jew, then I want you to seriously think about what a vote for Barack Obama on November 6 means. A vote for Obama means that you support a man who hates Israel and won't protect that nation; who won't protect the sanctity of life with his support for unbridled abortion and a man who will desecrate the sanctity of marriage with his support of same-sex marriage. A vote for Obama means that America will go over the financial cliff with its crushing debt. If America's economy collapses, then the entire world will go down with America in the worst economic collapse in modern history.

And finally, a vote for Barack Obama on November 6 means that you hate your nation and you couldn't care less about Israel's survival and the sanctity of Jewish life in that nation. If you vote for Barack Obama on November 6, you will have declared yourself an enemy of freedom, God and the nation of Israel. And woe to any Jew or anyone who votes for Barack Obama on November 6.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Why Morality Matters

"Arrogant lips are unsuited to a fool--how much worse lying lips to a ruler!"--Proverbs 17:7

Rather than an anachronism, wicked leaders are the reflection of the culture they come from. Hence, a wicked generation produces corrupt political leaders after its own kind just as a righteous generation produces good and moral leaders.

Here's an agricultural analogy that Jesus Christ used to explain that premise: "Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire." (Matthew 7:16-19)

Thus, America has been increasingly burdened with wicked leaders in recent decades because she has become Christ's proverbial bad tree that produces bad fruit. In this case, the bad fruit becomes a metaphor for the wicked leaders that have come from the bad tree. Certainly, President Barack Obama is just another wicked leader in a long line of wicked American leaders who have been dishonest, unholy, impure and arrogant. We have had presidents who were adulterers, fornicators, liars, thieves, disloyal to their nation and even pseudo-Christians who practiced the occult in violation of the faith they claimed to profess. It's well known that former President Ronald Reagan, who claimed to be a Christian and is still considered the patron saint of conservatism, sought the advice of psychics and astrologers in order to make policy decisions that affected the United States.

A wicked culture produces political leaders who see God as nothing beyond an empty culture statement that takes place on Saturdays and Sundays. And yet, it was Christ who revealed that it is God himself who bestows power on political leaders. (John 19:11) But if God bestows political power from above, then why does he bestow it upon wicked leaders? Because he gives the people the type of leaders that their wicked hearts desire. Therefore, America has been cursed with wicked leaders such as Barack Obama because America has asked for wicked leaders such as Barack Obama.

If Americans want deliverance from dishonest and wicked rulers such as Barack Obama, then they need to repent rather than seek deliverance from dead, corporate religion. The Lord gave us this antidote for deliverance from vile and wicked rulers when he spoke to King Solomon after Solomon had dedicated the Jewish Temple to Him in Jerusalem: "When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:13-14)

Repentance begins with acknowledgement of sin. America's sins are legion and they are severe. Since 1973, the United States has slaughtered over 40 million babies through its abortion industry. In recent years, an increasing number of states have legalized same sex marriage while many more have recognized "civil unions" which is a euphemism for same sex cohabitation. America's public schools openly promote homosexuality under the banner of "sex education" and America's entertainment industry glorifies murder, sadomasochism, violence and fornication. And all this is a direct result of America's abandonment of her Judeo-Christian roots in favor of a godless, secular culture that mocks God and spurns his laws and commandments.

So, America has come to a moral crossroad in her existence; Americans can either begin acknowledging and repenting of their sins, or they can ignore them and continue down the road toward God's judgment and the eventual destruction of their nation.

And so, here's a prophecy: On November 6, God will examine our hearts and determine whether we are corporately ready to repent or not. If we are willing to repent, then Barack Obama will be defeated on that day. If we aren't willing to repent, then God will honor the wicked desires of our hearts and award us with four more years of Barack Obama. Certainly, Republican candidate Mitt Romney isn't the messiah; but he's the better moral choice compared to Obama. Thus, we will indeed learn our fate on November 6. Until that day, we had better start repenting, and earnestly.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Truth or Consequences

A Nazi soldier shoots a Jewess and her child

"But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days"--2 Timothy 3

Perhaps its was a judicial blunder on July 21, 1925 that opened the door for Charles Darwin's atheistic theory of evolution to be taught as fact in America's public schools. On that date, the infamous Scopes Monkey Trial culminated in Tennessee with a science teacher named John Thomas Scopes being convicted by a jury of violating that state's Butler Act by teaching Darwin's dubious theory in a public school classroom.

Despite the jury's decision, the verdict was overturned on a technicality because Judge John T. Raulston inadvertently fined Scopes $100 for violating the Tennessee law instead of the jury. With Scopes overturned, fundamental Christians throughout the South began crusading for anti-evolution laws to be enacted by their states to prevent the moral nemesis of evolution being taught as factual science in their public schools. But their actions proved too little and too late.

Certainly at the time, the sensational trial and its verdict that was subsequently overturned on Raulston's error didn't seem to pose any risk to fundamental Christianity in America and its biblical teaching concerning creation. However, it attracted huge attention from America's growing secular population that increasingly saw biblical creationism as an outdated myth that had been disproved by Darwin with his theory, On the Origin of Species that was published in 1859. In his questionable book, Darwin argued for a natural explanation of physical life that had allegedly originated in some primordial pond millions of years in the ancient past.

Darwin claimed that God was a myth and that human life was nothing more than the end product of millions of years of biological evolution. If Darwin was right, then God, his commandments and transcendent moral laws contained in the Bible were reduced to human constructs that could be changed or eliminated by powerful governments and their leaders. Even worse, if God was indeed a myth, then no one could held morally accountable for their actions in this world and there wasn't any judgment or subsequent eternal damnation in the afterlife for those who violated God's laws. In other words, if God didn't exist then wicked men such as Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin fared no worse in death than Pope John Paul II or Mother Teresa.

Darwin's bogus theory was eventually dismantled with the advent of microbiology that revealed a vast, complex network of genetic material called DNA that was contained in the cells of every living being. That complex material couldn't possibly have evolved over millions of years because it all had to be in place together for a cell to live and function. That scientific fact destroyed Darwin's argument that claimed that an impersonal force called Natural Selection determined the survival of life. If Natural Selection is true then no life could possibly exist because an evolving cell wouldn't be fit for survival. Thus, Natural Selection destroys its own argument.

Tragically, Darwin's theory has been music to the ears of atheists who were desperate to escape moral accountability for their actions. And sadly, the growth and popularity of Darwinism is directly related to the decline of Christianity's influence in America and across the world that began in the late 19th Century. When Christians should have been ready to combat such deadly lies, they were soundly asleep while secular humanists infiltrated America's schools and culture to promote Darwin's theory. Had America's Christians heeded the apostle Jude's words to "contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints" (Jude 1:3) by keeping the faith relevant to the culture, then it's doubtful that Darwinism would've gained the foothold that it did in America and subsequently poisoned the culture.

The lesson of the Christian Church's abdication of its responsibility to protect the world from evil should never be forgotten. Mass murderers who credited Darwin with shaping their worldviews include Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong and Che Guevara. They committed their atrocities because the Christian Church lost its influence in the world. Without the fear and knowledge of God, evil men flourish. The Scopes Monkey Trial should have provided a wakeup call to the Christian Church in America in 1925. But it didn't. And that's truly a tragedy of epic proportions.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

America on November 7?

Be prepared if Obama loses

What will America look like on November 7 if President Barack Obama is defeated by Mitt Romney on November 6? If the information currently being transmitted across social networking sites such as Twitter is accurate, then be prepared for the worst. According to some of that information, various anarchist groups tied to the Marxist Occupy Wall Street Movement may be planning to partner with violent inner-city street gangs to ignite violence and mayhem across the United States.

From Michael Snyder of "Will the most divisive campaign in modern American history culminate in massive riots in our major cities?  Right now, supporters of Barack Obama and supporters of Mitt Romney are both pinning all of their hopes on a victory on November 6th.  The race for the presidency is extremely tight, and obviously the side that loses is going to be extremely disappointed when the election results are finalized.  But could this actually lead to violence?  Could we actually see rioting in communities all over America?  Well, the conditions are certainly ripe for it."

Indeed they are. Here's a sampling of some of the angry threats posted on by diehard Obama supporters“If ROMNEY GETS IN THE WHITE HOUSE …U MIGHT AS WELL KILL ME NOW …..CAUSE ITS GONNA BE A ************ RIOT !!!”

“I swear on everything I love if Romney wins ima riot. I don’t even care if its just me.”

“Need 2 come up wit a game plan if Romney win…. Riot all thru Newark”

“I Hope The USA Is Well Aware That If In The Event This Character Romney Wins The Election, The People Will Start A Country Wide Riot! #Power”

“If Romney is elected president, its gon be a riot its gon be a riot.”

“If Romney takes away food stamps 2 Chainzz in this bit IMMA START A RIOT”

Certainly, there are always disgruntled folks who are angry after their candidates lose elections. But generally, their anger subsides after a few days and life goes on. However, this is no ordinary election and America's far left is fearful that they are going to lose their influence and power in America if Obama is defeated in the upcoming election. And they don't plan to go quietly if he goes. It's beginning to appear that Obama is indeed going to lose this election and it also appears that there's going to be some serious trouble throughout America when that happens. Just how much and how severe that trouble is remains to be seen. But there will definitely be trouble if Obama is defeated.

Sadly, a lot of that trouble may occur in the inner cities where much of Obama's support comes from. And if history is any indication, the people who would choose violence to protest Obama's defeat if that occurs, would mostly harm themselves by destroying their own homes, communities and businesses.

And certainly, much of the ugly climate for all this has been created by Obama himself who has promoted class warfare through his angry rhetoric that has demonized the rich, conservatives and Christians as imperial racists while portraying minorities as victims of these people. While class warfare is an historic propaganda tool that has been used by the left since the French Revolution, it still works with ignorant folks who are easily exploited by leftist sophistry.

And so, it's time for America's Christians to begin interceding for their nation because bad times are ahead regardless of whether Barack Obama wins or loses the upcoming presidential election. And it's time for the pastors and ministers who belong to America's inner city churches to get back to the true biblical gospel that unites all men and women together in Christ, and to throw off the malignant social gospel that divides men and women and conquers their souls. The apostle Paul wrote: "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."(Galatians 3:26-28)

Amen. If we truly believe that, then we'll be more concerned with the character of the men and women we vote for rather than the color of their skin. And we won't become sore losers who resort to violence when our candidates lose elections.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Agenda for a Holocaust

 “For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again. If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.”  Matthew 24:21-22

From the mouth of Al Gore, the Al Sharpton of the global environmental movement, comes this pearl of wisdom concerning world population: “One of the things we could do about it is to change the technologies, to put out less of this pollution, to stabilize the population, and one of the principle ways of doing that is to empower and educate girls and women. You have to have ubiquitous availability of fertility management so women can choose how many children they have, the spacing of children.”

Gore gave that speech in New York City during a June 20-22, 2011 conference sponsored by an organization called Games For Change, an environmental group that has a vision to radically transform the earth into an eco-friendly paradise by lowering those nasty greenhouse gasses that environmental priests such as Gore claim threaten the very existence of the planet. And, according to these eco-awareness elites, since human beings emit the largest amount of greenhouse gas into the earth’s atmosphere by exhaling carbon dioxide…well, you get the idea.

And so the latest idea and slogan of global environmentalists that was trumpeted by Gore during his recent speech is something called “Fertility Management.” That’s code-speak for population reduction and control which sounds innocuous enough until you open the cover of this book and begin reading the contents. To the average Joe Shmoe whose extent of scientific knowledge is largely limited to his local 9 p.m. news, Fertility Management means birth control devices such as condoms, pills and cold showers. But to environmental clergymen such as Gore and his parishioners at the Games For Change, Fertility Management means the first step in a series of global steps designed to radically reduce the earth’s population before the end of the current century.

Certainly, this isn’t the first time global elites have attempted to frighten the unwashed masses away from procreating. Back in 1968, doomsayers at the United Nations tried to peddle a propaganda book written by Paul Ehrlich, titled, The Population Bomb where Ehrlich made the sensational claim that unless the earth’s population was radically reduced, the world would experience mass starvation and death in the 1970’s and 80’s. Here’s a sample of what Ehrlich wrote in his fictional masterpiece: “The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970’s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. At this date nothing can prevent a substantial increase in the world death rate.”

Ehrlich proposed radical procedures for reducing the earth’s population that would have made the Nazis proud. One of his ideas for Fertility Management advocated developing “temporary sterilants” added to drinking water to sterilize sexually-active men. He also encouraged the United States to create a new bureaucracy called the “Department of Population and Environment” that would have given the U.S. government unbridled authority to mandate birth control and restrict family size in America. Unfortunately for Ehrlich and his followers and fortunately for the United States and the civilized world, Ehrlich was dismissed as an alarmist whose apocalyptic predictions of massive death and starvation were the musings of a kook. When Ehrlich’s prognostications failed to materialize in the 1970’s and 80’s his book was relegated to the status of pulp science fiction.

Nevertheless, there were those at the United Nations who chose to remain loyal to Ehrlich despite his failed predictions so they devised a plan that proposed reducing the earth’s population from the now current estimated number of seven billion inhabitants to about 2.5 billion by the year 2100. The U.N. calls its plan Agenda 21 and this plan involves more than just a radical reduction in the earth’s population during the current century; it involves the eventual transfer of sovereignty from 192 individual nations to a one-world government. And lest anyone find that incredulous they need to realize that biblical prophecy recorded many centuries ago forewarned us of an end-time global government that would consist of 10 nation groups ruled by seven powerful leaders who would answer to a supreme leader of this world government that the Bible identifies as the Antichrist. (Daniel 7:7, Daniel 7:24, Revelation 13:1, Revelation 17:9-14)

Perhaps the word that most accurately identifies Agenda 21 is “sustainable.” In the propaganda-laden sophistry of Agenda 21, sustainable means that the earth cannot sustain seven billion-plus residents and thus some—if not many—will have to be eliminated. But how does the U.N. plan propose the elimination of five billion people from the planet before the end of the century? Through abortion, “fertility management”, the promotion of “alternative lifestyles”, (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) euthanasia, radical environmentalism, feminism and “economic solutions” that discourage large families by making children costly to raise.

Certainly, the population “experts” at the U.N. and those in affiliated organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission and George Soros’ Tides Foundation would never openly admit that they’re funding political-activist groups that are dedicated to thwarting population growth. But when you follow the money trail from the abortion, homosexual, environmental and green energy lobbies, the trail ends at the doorsteps of these globalists. Thus, the common denominator of the abortion industry, militant homosexuality, feminism, radical environmentalism and rigged economies is population control.

Still skeptical? Then consider an article written by Ben Webster (Birth Control: The Most effective way of reducing greenhouse emissions) that was published in The Times on Nov. 19, 2009. Webster, who is the Times’ Environmental Editor, quoted a U.N. Population Fund Report: “No human is genuinely carbon neutral. Therefore, everyone is part of the problem, so everyone must be part of the solution in some way. Each birth results not only in the emissions attributable to that person in his or her lifetime, but also the emissions of his or her descendants.” And then Webster peeled back the UN’s climate-curtain to reveal the proverbial wizard behind the global population reduction movement: “Fear of appearing supportive of population control has, until recently, held back any mention of ‘population’ in the climate.”

But not anymore. Since Ehrlich’s prophecy concerning massive worldwide death and starvation failed to materialize, the new global bogeyman has become “Climate Change” that was formally referred to as “Global Warming.” Why the moniker change? Because it turns out that there is no global warming since the earth’s atmosphere has been cooling for the past decade. And so, in order for globalists to keep their credibility and maintain their crusade toward a one-world government, “global warming” had to be renamed “climate change.”

Thus, all those hurricanes, F4 tornadoes, droughts and monster blizzards have now been determined to be the result of too much greenhouse gas emitted into the earth’s atmosphere. While it’s impossible to prove that the earth’s atmosphere is heating up when the meteorological statistics say otherwise, it’s also impossible to prove that snowstorms, cyclones, tornadoes, hurricanes etc. aren’t becoming deadlier and more frequent. Certainly, they’ve been occurring since the beginning of time, but who’s going to claim that they’re not becoming more destructive when meteorological record keeping was virtually nonexistent before the nineteenth century? And so, the absence of meteorological records means an avalanche (pun intended) of propaganda designed to convince the earth’s inhabitants to give up their sovereignty in favor of a mammoth global government that would have the power to regulate the environment and virtually every aspect of human life.

An organization named the American Policy Center that studies U.N. policy aspirations, had this to say about Agenda 21: “According to its authors, the objective of sustainable development is to integrate economic, social and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity. Sustainablists insist that every societal decision be based on environmental impact, focusing on three components; global land use, global education and global population control and reduction.”

According to proponents of Agenda 21, government methods for restricting population growth must involve (1) seizing private land under the guise of protecting the environment; (animal life, insects, fish, water, forestry etc.) (2) utilizing government and private educational systems to indoctrinate children into “alternative” lifestyles (LGBT sexuality) and discourage them from traditional Judeo-Christian values that encourage marriage and large families and (3) through imposed restrictions on family size; forced abortions for those who exceed their quotas of children; mandatory birth control for those who are sexually active and euthanasia for those who are no longer deemed fit or productive for society.

And while that sounds like the fascism that characterized Hitler’s Nazi Germany or can be found today in North Korea, that will be life under a one-world government if the U.N. and globalists such as George Soros and David Rockefeller get their way. Commenting on Agenda 21, the New American’s William Jasper warns: “The UN’s Agenda 21 is definitely comprehensive and global—breathtakingly so. Agenda 21 proposes a global regime that will monitor, oversee, and strictly regulate our planet’s oceans, lakes, streams, rivers, aquifers, sea beds, coastlands, wetlands, forests, jungles, grasslands, farmland, deserts, tundra and mountains. It even has a whole section on regulating and protecting the atmosphere. It proposes plans for cities, towns, villages and rural areas. It envisions a global scheme for healthcare, education, nutrition, agriculture, labor, production and consumption—in short everything; there is nothing on, in, over or under the Earth that doesn’t fall within the purview of Agenda 21.”

The complete control and massive overreach of a global government will come as the logical result of a narcissistic, lazy and under-educated population that is convinced that it is entitled to many things that were once held as privileges. And those who are determined to establish a one-world government are determined to convert privileges into “rights” because that’s how governments eradicate freedoms and seize private property. A privilege is something that must be earned based on a merit system while a “right” is something that everyone allegedly is lawfully entitled to.

Unfortunately, under massive government control, some become more entitled to certain things than others. For example, the abominable healthcare plan derisively called Obamacare was promoted as cheap affordable health care for all Americans. Many Americans enthusiastically embraced the plan because they thought they would eventually gain access to affordable and unlimited healthcare. And under that plan, some indeed will be given access to free or cheap healthcare while others deemed too old or too sick or suffering from debilitating diseases will be denied access.

Obamacare does indeed authorize those discreet bureaucratic tribunals that Sarah Palin derided as death panels that will have the power to determine who is granted healthcare and who isn’t. And this fits right in with the UN’s Agenda 21 plan for global population reduction because euthanasia is one of the processes that the plan discreetly mandates for achieving that goal. When government promotes something as a “right” and offers it free of charge, you can be sure that it comes not only with a price-tag in tax dollars, but also with the loss of sovereignty and personal freedom.

Nearly 2,600 years ago, the Hebrew prophet Daniel recorded a revelation he received concerning a global empire that would arise in the last days directly preceding the return of Jesus Christ: “After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast—terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from the former beasts, (world empires) and it had ten horns.” (Daniel 7:7)

Daniel’s prophecy reveals that this end-time world government will consist of 10 nation groups (horns) that will be a killing machine that will destroy multitudes; perhaps billions of people in its wake. Furthermore, Daniel revealed the ruler of this world government will be the Antichrist who “will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy the mighty men and the holy people. (Christians) He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. (Jesus Christ) Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.” (Daniel 8:24-25)

And furthermore, biblical prophecy reveals that true believers in Jesus Christ will be among the first to be eliminated by a world government: “He (Antichrist) was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.” (Revelation 13:7) According to prophecy, the Antichrist will order mandatory worship of him as a condition of survival and death for those who reject him: “He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.” (Revelation 13:16-17)

True Christians will be marked for death not only because they preach and uphold biblical values such as chastity, traditional marriage and the sanctity of life which are anathema to a godless world, but also because they preach faith in the life, ministry, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the only way to eternal life for all human beings. While the religion of a one-world government will present a Christian façade, it will be a false Christianity that will be based on experiential signs and wonders and the worship of the Antichrist rather than on repentance and faith in Jesus Christ’s death on Calvary’s cross for one’s sins and his resurrection from the dead.

It was Christ himself who stated: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” (John 10:10) The thief that Jesus referred to is none other than Satan himself; the murderous prince of darkness who the bible refers to as “the god of this age who has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” (2Corinthians 4:4) And the devil always masks his diabolical intentions behind noble causes such as Agenda 21 that has been promoted to the world as the solution to rid the earth of violent weather by ridding the atmosphere of greenhouse gasses that are the result of too many human beings on the planet.

And if Agenda 21’s propaganda campaign that promotes abortion, alternative lifestyles, environmentalism, fertility management, euthanasia etc. fails to radically reduce the earth’s population, then a world government will eventually arise that will possess the ultimate authority to decide who lives and who dies in the name of protecting the earth’s environment. Tribunals will likely be set up throughout the world to review the life of every person on earth. These tribunals will consider such criteria as health history, earning power and religious beliefs to determine if a person is allowed to live or die. Those who are deemed too old, too sick, uneducated or possessing “extremist” religious views at odds with the new world order will likely be marked for extermination.

If that scenario seems too farfetched to even be remotely believable then get a copy of Agenda 21 and read it. Agenda 21 isn’t some secret plan drawn up by a conspiracy group plotting the takeover of the world; it’s the blueprint for a new world order written by members of the United Nations who have included in that plan the elimination of billions of people from the planet before the end of the century in the name of “environmental stewardship.”  And so, when you hear them talk about “sustainability” and “fertility management” you’ll know exactly what they mean.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dictators and Bad Political Actors

Mila Kunis is a Hollywood actress. As such, she portrays fictional characters that are created for the films that she stars in. Not surprisingly, like many of her fellow Hollywood comrades, Kunis also happens to be a liberal who finds Christian conservatives repugnant.

Which is surprising when you consider that Kunis was born in the Ukraine in 1983 and didn't arrive in the United States until 1990 when she was seven years old. For those of you who aren't history students, the Ukraine was a communist nation that was under the authority of the old oppressive Soviet Union during Kunis's childhood years.

Kunis is also Jewish. As anyone who even possesses a rudimentary knowledge of communism knows, the Jews were treated pretty badly under communism during the Soviet Union's existence. The infamous propaganda masterpiece, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, originated in pre-Soviet Russia in the late 19th Century. That scandalous book, that accused the Jews of an international conspiracy to subvert governments and control the world's monetary system, has been used to persecute Jewish people throughout the world for over a century.

So it was surprising to hear Kunis accuse Christians recently of committing the same dastardly deeds that the communists did for over 70 years. Here's what she had to say: "The way that Republicans attack women is so offensive to me," Kunis exclaims. "And the way they talk about religion is offensive. I may not be a practicing Jew, but why we gotta talk about Jesus all the time? And it's baffling to me how a poor person in Georgia can say, 'I'm a Republican.' Why?

A poor person in Georgia can claim he or she is a Republican because poor people in Georgia and in many other places throughout the United States recognize that the Democratic Party, of which Kunis and her Hollywood compatriots are beholden to, want to diminish their economic freedom and enslave them financially by making them beholden to big government welfare entitlement programs. Remember Mila? That's what life was like under communism when the only equality anyone shared was the pain and misery of hunger and poverty.

And the reason why Christians want to talk about Jesus all the time, Mila, is because their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, commanded them to when he gave them the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) shortly before he returned to heaven. If more people listened to the gospel of that Great Commission, then we wouldn't see so much moral decay and filth overtaking America and the world like a flood of dirty sewer water. And we wouldn't have so much poverty because more people would take responsibility for themselves and stop depending on government handouts for survival.

And so, Mila Kunis needs to go back and brush up on history--especially her own--before she denigrates Christians and conservatives. And, like herself, she needs to recognize that one of the presidential candidates who hopes to be elected on November 6 is an actor just like herself. Who is he? He's Barack Obama and he plays the role of a president. Only, he hasn't been very good at it, judging by the last four years.

Fortunately, when a bad movie actor or actress stinks up a film, you don't have to watch it. But when a bad political actor stinks up the White House, you not only have to watch it, you have to suffer and endure it like a chronic nightmare.

Monday, October 8, 2012

America on the Brink

"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people."--Proverbs 14:34

So what will America look like on November 7? Will she return to the nation that has been a beacon of light and freedom to the world for over two centuries? Or will she continue down the path to Marxism and socialism that has been the undoing of many European nations?

Some prophetic doomsayers are claiming that America will be finished if she chooses to reelect Barack Obama as her president on November 6. Others claim that an Obama reelection poses no serious threat to the nation and that she'll survive no matter who's in charge. Who's right and who's wrong?

The prophetic doomsayers are certainly right because Barack Obama is an avowed Marxist who intends to fundamentally transform the United States from a free-market capitalist nation to a government-controlled centralized nation that sets wages and benefits and decides who wins and who loses. But beyond that, an Obama reelection insures that China will become the world's leading economy, probably by 2016 while America will degenerate into a bankrupt, debt-ridden nation of over-taxed, over-credentialed low wage workers who will be forced to work--if they're fortunate to even have jobs--until the day they die.

If you don't think that can happen in a nation that chooses four more years of someone who will be judged as perhaps the worst president in the republic's history, then you've probably shoved your head into a place where the sun doesn't shine and it doesn't smell very nice. America is on the brink of her most important election in her history and this election isn't about jobs and prosperity and who pays for some 31-year-old university student's contraceptives--it's about freedom.

And if we study ancient history, we can learn a lesson from the nation of Israel. When that nation feared God and honored his laws and commandments, she enjoyed unbridled freedom and prosperity. But when she turned away from God to worship pagan gods and engage in witchcraft and idolatry, she lost her freedom and prosperity. Listen to the words that the Lord spoke through the ancient prophet Haggai: "Give careful thought to your ways. You have planted much, but have harvested little. You eat, but never have enough. You drink, but never have your fill. You put on clothes, but are not warm. You earn wages, only to put them in a purse with holes in it." (Haggai 1:5-6)

The Lord explained to the prophet that the famines, droughts and poverty that were plaguing Israel during that time (Sixth Century B.C.) were a direct result of Israel's corporate apathy and indifference toward him. Israel forgot God and subsequently no longer trusted in Him nor gave thanks to Him for His blessings: "You expected much, but see, it turned out to be little. What you brought home, I blew away. Why? Because of my house, which remains a ruin, while each of you is busy with his own house. Therefore, because of you the heavens have withheld their dew and the earth its crops. I called for a drought on the fields and the mountains, on the grain, the new wine, the oil and whatever the ground produces, on men and cattle, and on the labor of your hands." (Haggai 1:9-11)

If America chooses to become a God-fearing nation once again and repents of her many sins of murder, (abortion) sexual perversion, idolatry, nihilism and debauchery, then she will begin to see deliverance on November 6. Certainly, Mitt Romney will be no messiah if he's elected to the presidency. But Barack Obama has become judgment upon a nation that has turned its back on God and thumbed its corporate nose at his laws for over 40 years. He is a wicked leader given to America by God as the punishment for her many sins.

On November 6, we'll find out whether God has decided to give America another chance. Or, we'll find out whether he has washed his hands of the United States and has cast her aside forever.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Tinpot Messiahs

After President Barack Obama was TKO'd by Mitt Romney during the recent presidential debate, ABC propaganda troll George Stephanopoulos claimed that he didn't see any knockout blows delivered by the Republican challenger. Which is quite possible if he watched the debate with his eyes closed.

However, those who watched the debate with their eyes wide open saw the 44th president of the United States get his proverbial clock cleaned by Romney. Stephanopoulos, who is to journalism what Sasquatch is to ballet, saw it differently because he purposely decided not to see what everyone else plainly saw.

And that's been the problem with Obama since the former hack junior senator from Illinois first gained national attention when he delivered the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic Convention. Obama spoke eloquently about peace and love and unity and one United States of America rather than a red and blue United States of America. It sounded so wonderful at the time but it was just a con job from another over-educated politician with a law degree. Obama learned his street con from Chicago's gangster Democratic Machine that trained the one-time pot-smoking and coke-sniffing pseudo-intellectual in the art of community organizing.

What the American public saw during the first presidential debate on Oct. 3 was the real Barack Obama; a mediocre politician who became the naked emperor without his security blanket teleprompter. What the American public had been conditioned to see in Obama by its Marxist media and entertainment industry prior to that debate was a fabricated messiah; a legend with godlike powers who descended from the heavens in 2008 to bring peace to the earth; heal its nations and lower the oceans.

But on Oct 3, the mystique vanished and America saw the real Barack Obama; a bumbling, stumbling, quivering and confused man who was demolished by the far-more experienced and polished Mitt Romney. It was painful to see, even if you despise the man which millions of Americans now do. Few people enjoy seeing someone humiliated so badly on such a large stage. Had the debate been a boxing match, the referee would've been forced to stop it.

However, there was a lesson to be learned from Obama's humiliation on Oct. 3; that men are men rather than gods and they are prone to failure no matter how gifted and intelligent they may be. In reality, Obama is nothing but a front man for an extreme left political movement controlled by the despicably wicked George Soros who seeks to transform the United States into a socialist nation. Obama was chosen by Soros because the billionaire hedge fund manager needed someone to win him an election and help him implement his socialist agenda for America. Obama helped Soros achieve that in 2008 and America's 44th president has been tenaciously shielded from scrutiny by a corrupt and mendacious media that has protected him like a priceless gem.

But no more. It's debatable whether Obama will survive to win a second term. Certainly, 32 years ago, he would've been toast after such a deplorable performance in a presidential debate. But America, circa 2012, has a significant population of clueless people that value style over substance and personality over qualifications. As such, Obama's gift of flare and charisma will continue to connect with millions of these ignorant folks. And they will likely vote to reelect him on November 6 despite America's massive $16 trillion debt, high unemployment, confiscatory taxes, high inflation, high gas prices, fading status as a world superpower and bleak future.

It was Jesus Christ who said that "the truth will set you free." (John 8:32) Unfortunately, many people today don't want to hear the truth and that's why they worship false messiahs such as Barack Obama. However, unlike Jesus Christ, false messiahs inevitably fail to deliver on their promises. In reality, if more people trusted in the true Messiah Jesus Christ for their happiness and well-being, then they wouldn't need tinpot messiahs such as Barack Obama.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Will the U.S. Become Americastan?

A Strange Combination: Islam and Secularism

"In fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God."--John 16:2

Dearborn Michigan is beginning to look a lot like one of those quaint rural towns in Yemen, Waziristan or Afghanistan these days with its burgeoning Muslim population. And far from assimilating into the mainstream American culture, Dearborn's Muslim population eagerly desires to live the way the backward yokels live in places such as Yemen, Waziristan and Afghanistan.

And if Dearborn's Muslims get their way, Shariah Law will replace U.S. Constitutional Law in that town. That's because the longstanding non-Muslim residents of Dearborn no longer see any reason to fight for their values. And if you don't believe in defending your values, then someone will eventually come along and impose their values on you. Which is what's happening in Dearborn.

Which is what has happened in many places in Western Europe where Shariah Law has replaced the laws of the native countries. Or more accurately, Shariah Law has bullied out the laws established by European nations, and very few of the natives have complained about that for fear of being separated from their heads. In various parts of France, Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom, there are these areas dubiously dubbed "No-Go Zones" which means that native non-Muslims are no longer allowed to set foot in certain territories in their own native lands.

How bad is it in Europe? From the "No-go' zones are for everyone that is not Muslim are springing up all over Europe at alarming rates. Many neighborhoods in London are now unsafe for non-Muslims to inhabit. These areas have been formed with 'ethnic cleansing' harassment tactics; forcing existing residents out of their homes by Muslim harassment. Not only are these places unsafe to live in, they're hazardous to walk into. Many women have been threatened with violence and even death for not wearing Islamic veils when simply walking in a London neighborhood. Gays have also had death threats shouted at them by Muslim preachers."

Furthermore, if you decide to proselytize the Muslims in those No-Go Zones with Christian literature, you can be charged with a hate crime. Under whose law? Under Shariah Law that has effectively replaced European law in these zones: "Many neighborhoods hang signs that say "You are entering a Sharia controlled zone: Islamic rules enforced." Christian preachers have also been accused of hate crimes for handing out Christian reading in Muslim neighborhoods. Police told these pastors to stop or they would be arrested. Several Islamic groups including Muslims against the Crusade leading the Islamic Emirates Project are openly on a mission to turn several areas of London and the UK into independent Islamic republics ruled by Sharia law."

And so, Islam continues its relentless encroachment into what's left of the western world's dying post-Christian culture. Certainly, Islam's historic method for spreading its "peaceful" message still involves suicidal zealots who self-detonate themselves on buses and trains and those crude improvised roadside bombs. But when a growing number of Americans and Western Europeans are more than willing to roll over and raise the white flag, then paradise and 72 virgins will just have to wait for the more sexually depraved members of the "Religion of Peace."

Tragically, the road to a society's destruction is paved with the multicultural intentions of ignorant fools. The more you appease Islam, the more it moves in and takes what belongs to you; your culture, your language, your laws, your religion, your dignity and ultimately your freedom. Islam's definition of multiculturalism is a one-way street; you give and it takes. If America and the western world wish to maintain their distinct identities, then they are going to have to get up off the mat, throw away the white flag and begin throwing away Islam.

Otherwise, they can watch the sun set on their dying civilizations.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Most Christian Nation on Earth?

Is America still a Christian nation?

Since the early 1950s, the "Most Christian Nation on Earth" has closed over 8,000 churches and lost over 25 million members. According to a Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life: "The proportion of the (American) population that is Protestant has declined markedly in recent decades."

To say the least. According to Pew, in just the past year the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has seen its membership drop by 5.9 percent to 4,274,855 members. If that trend continues, the Lutheran Church in America will likely be extinct by 2032. Pew also reports that the United Methodist Church saw its membership decrease by 1.22 percent over the past year while the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in America, has experienced a drop of .015 in its membership since 2011.

While the SBC's membership loss seems paltry compared to the Evangelical Lutheran Church, it nevertheless continues a downtrend in American church membership over the past 60 years. What makes that membership decline so startling is the fact that America's population in 1950 was 150,697,361 compared to 312,780,968 as of January, 2012. (U.S. Census Bureau) Tragically, while America's population has increased since 1950, its Christian population has decreased. Obviously, the biblical gospel not only hasn't been embraced by the majority of those who have joined America since 1950, it has been rejected as a relic from the distant past. 

In other words, Christianity is viewed disparagingly by a growing number of young people today as your grandfather's old-fashioned and outdated religion. What happened? Simply this--the Christian Church in America long ago stopped contending for the faith as the apostle Jude encouraged all Christians to do nearly 2,000 years ago in order to keep the faith relevant to a dark world where falsehood reigned. 

Here's the context of Jude's message: "Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints. For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord." (Jude 1:3-4)

Jude's message was also prophetic: that unless the Church stayed awake and paid close attention to what was being preached in her pulpits, deceivers would slip in under the guise of Christian ministers and begin perverting the gospel. And that's certainly happened. In the 1950s, a popular minister named Dr. Robert Schuller--he of the Crystal Cathedral located in Southern California, began teaching that all paths led to God and that Christ died for our self-esteem rather than our sins. Though Schuller was a heretic, he led many people astray by his charming and charismatic personality. And there have been many deceivers since Schuller such as Paul Yonggi Cho, Sun Myung Moon, William Branham, Paul Cain, Benny Hinn, Morris Cerullo etc.

The biblical gospel that stressed God's grace to mankind through Jesus Christ's death on the cross for all sin and his resurrection from the dead was replaced by the false gospels of self esteem, wealth, prosperity and pleasure. As a result, Christians began leaving the church in droves beginning in the 1950s. If Christ was nothing more than a means to wealth, pleasure and prosperity, then you certainly didn't need to go to a church to get that. And as the influence of the gospel waned, crime exploded across America, beginning in the late 1950s.

How do America's churches reverse this trend? Simply by getting back to the biblical gospel that the apostle Paul revealed is "the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile." (Romans 1:16) Had the Christian Church in America not forgotten that 60 years ago, then it wouldn't be so irrelevant today and facing extinction in many places.